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Thread: VI my friends

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    eunice's Avatar
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    Default VI my friends

    pic.s removed. Thanks for the responses so far!

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    Umm, I'm horrible at VI, but I'll try.

    2nd picture:
    top row, from left - INFj?, (not sure about her), ESTp?
    bottom row, from left - ENTj?, (not sure either > <)


  3. #3
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    First pic, on the rightmost - ISFj.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  4. #4
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    Thanks for the replies so far. I guess they looked kind of tired in the photos, so it is hard to VI them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    Umm, I'm horrible at VI, but I'll try.

    2nd picture:
    top row, from left - INFj?, (not sure about her), ESTp?
    bottom row, from left - ENTj?, (not sure either > <)

    You are really good at VI-ing my friends! The highlighted ones are correct.
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    First pic, on the rightmost - ISFj.
    yup, definitely.

    In reference to the 2nd photo, the girl at the bottom row on the left is one of my good friends. She is shy and easy-going, but is extraverted, considering that she always prefers extraversion in the online mbti test I recommended her. So far, she has gotten ENFj, but I don't feel that she is one. Some basic info about her:

    -Her hobbies are drawing and playing the piano, but she never considers making them as a career. She also enjoys watching TV for relaxation.
    -She majors in chemistry. She took it 'cos she felt that she has been doing science subjects for her "O" and "A" Levels and that it is a natural progression. In fact, she commented that she was surprised I major in a social sciences subject even though I have been doing pure sciences subjects in school my whole life. To her, a major must be something u have experience in it.
    -She mentioned that she is interested in having a stable career working in a laboratory, and all she seeks for is a calm and stable life and get married. She is not concerned about career advancement or high income.
    -She doesn't talk alot (but definitely more than I do ), and is a good listener. She makes value judgment only when u asked her to, or else u seldom hear about how she feels. In fact, she feels uneasy when u ask for her opinion, especially when it is a criticism.
    -she claimed that she is lazy, but she is a hard-working person and doesn't even realizes it.
    -she mentioned before that she hates writing in general be it essays, journals etc.
    -she doesn't like to exercise in general, but loves relaxing exercises such as swimming.
    -she hates to make decision and prefers to go with the decision that the majority has chosen.
    -when we go out shopping together, she seems to be a little lost in terms of her sense of direction. She prefers that I take the lead, that is which shops to go, where we should be heading etc.
    -she doesn't seems to be interested in "fanciful" dresses and tops like I do. She is more into simple, casual, classic and long-lasting clothes that do not get offbeat too quickly. She is a T-shirt and jeans girl 'cos she feels that it is appropriate for her character and possibly future career as a researcher.
    - whenever I told her my problems, her facial expression seems to be saying: "why don't you do what common sense tells u and stop interpreting things your own way?" Even when I just wanted her to listen, she would make comments about her own experience and what is considered common sense, unknowingly making me feel bad about myself.

    As for the girl (in the white spagetti top) who is next to her"
    - she is outgoing in a pleasant way, has very good social skills, and is not a shy person at all. she is always seen smiling.
    -she organizes all of the class outings or at least help out in them. She is always seen with people, and there is never once I see her alone, or even daydream. She always tries to make herself busy in something.
    -she has a number of male admirers who find that she is kind, sweet, understanding and petite.
    -she is not a very talkative person and is a very good listener. She will ask after u and she is very sincere about it and not merely asking.
    -she is athletic and very good in sports. she enjoys dancing alot and take part in it as one of her activities.
    -she is a very well-balanced, and u never see her get very cold or very emotional infront of people.
    -when a few of us attended one of her dance performances, she gets very elated to the extent that she gives every girl a hug, irregardless of whether u are a good friend or an acquiantance.
    -she is conservative and is not one who dresses sexily and flirt with someone.

    Yup, here are some descriptions of my friends. Thanks for taking the time to read such a long post and help me type my friends.

  5. #5
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    Re: "the girl at the bottom row on the left"

    Considering what you said about her, and the fact that you're good friends, ISTp all the way.

    Getting tested as one's conflictor (in MB tests at least) is not unheard of. This happened to an ISFp friend of mine.

    *edit*: Oh, and the one next to her: ENFp.

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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    As for the girl (in the white spagetti top) who is next to her
    Umm, ESFj? EXFx?

    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    In reference to the 2nd photo, the girl at the bottom row on the left is one of my good friends. She is shy and easy-going, but is extraverted, considering that she always prefers extraversion in the online mbti test I recommended her. So far, she has gotten ENFj, but I don't feel that she is one. Some basic info about her:
    Umm, XNTx

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Getting tested as one's conflictor (in MB tests at least) is not unheard of. This happened to an ISFp friend of mine.

    weird. same thing happened with an ISFp i know. she tests (and would adamantly defend) that she is ENTJ.
    6w5 sx
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Re: "the girl at the bottom row on the left"
    Considering what you said about her, and the fact that you're good friends, ISTp all the way.
    *edit*: Oh, and the one next to her: ENFp.
    Quote Originally Posted by Mea
    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    As for the girl (in the white spagetti top) who is next to her
    Umm, ESFj? EXFx?
    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    In reference to the 2nd photo, the girl at the bottom row on the left is one of my good friends. She is shy and easy-going, but is extraverted, considering that she always prefers extraversion in the online mbti test I recommended her. So far, she has gotten ENFj, but I don't feel that she is one. Some basic info about her:
    Umm, XNTx
    Hmmm, regarding "the girl at the bottom row on the left", she is not a very adventurous and an emotionally cool person. As for Mea's suggestion that she might be an XNTx, I thought it might be unlikely 'cos she doesn't seem to be someone who has a strong interest in knowledge. She doesn't like to read, unless it is an entertainment magazine. To her, she needs to read with a purpose such as studying for the exams and preparing for tutorials. I remember there's once she saw me reading some newspaper and she asked me why I was reading it. I was kind of surprised when she remarked that there is no need to read newspapers now that we had completed our "A" levels General Paper exams and that we need not take compulsory English classes in college. She doesn't even read novels and prefer to buy or rent VCDs to watch. I thought maybe she could be an ISFp?

    As for the girl who is next to her, I thought of ENFp before, but I feel that she seems to be more of a traditionalist. She is currently an Environmental Engineering major. She chose the course as she need not read journal articles and write essays (yes, all my friends and acquiantances whom I knew before college hate reading and writing..... ) as she mentioned that she dislikes writing them and is not good at it too. I. Actually, I'm not a close friend of hers, so I'm not sure how she behaves infront of her good friends and privately. However, I feel that she is not one who uses a lot of and certainly not someone who is likely to manipulate people and their feelings. Therefore, I thought of ISFj.

    Anyway, both of the girls are good friends. They are quite alike, traditonal and caring, but the girl on the right is more active in her school activity, which is dancing, whereas the girl on the left is more of a laidback person but is musically-inclined. People have commented that their personalities are quite similar in some ways.

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    OK, I can see that. What makes you think F instead of T for the ISFp?

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    What makes you think F instead of T for the ISFp?
    I guess it's her . As I had mentioned earlier, she enjoys drawing. I know it's stereotypical, but I would expect an ISTp to draw characters that are techinical, robotic, powerful, similar to those from Street Fighters or King of Fighters. In her case, she loves to draw those cute manga-like characters with anime-ish eyes, and nearly all the time she enjoys drawing females only. Therefore, I feel that she might be an ISFp instead.

    Moreover, she is not a very hands-on person and does not have any interest whatsoever in electronic goods or even repairing them. The ISTps I know are really obsessed with cars and electronic equipment to the extent that they remember the model numbers and other useless facts imo.

    Back to one of my earlier posts in this thread, I talked about our situation whenever we go shopping. It seems like she doesn't like to take charge and prefers me to lead the way as to which shops to check out first and such. Moreover, she usually likes what I wear to the extent that she'd ask me wear I buy a particular shoes and doesn't mind buying the same (or least nearly similar-looking) things as I do. It made me feel that she could be my Beneficiary--ISFp.

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    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Getting tested as one's conflictor (in MB tests at least) is not unheard of. This happened to an ISFp friend of mine.

    weird. same thing happened with an ISFp i know. she tests (and would adamantly defend) that she is ENTJ.
    Which means she's not an ISFp.

  12. #12
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Getting tested as one's conflictor (in MB tests at least) is not unheard of. This happened to an ISFp friend of mine.

    weird. same thing happened with an ISFp i know. she tests (and would adamantly defend) that she is ENTJ.
    Which means she's not an ISFp.
    Or, rather, that i don't think that doesn't mean she is not not a non-ISFp.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Getting tested as one's conflictor (in MB tests at least) is not unheard of. This happened to an ISFp friend of mine.

    weird. same thing happened with an ISFp i know. she tests (and would adamantly defend) that she is ENTJ.
    Which means she's not an ISFp.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Getting tested as one's conflictor (in MB tests at least) is not unheard of. This happened to an ISFp friend of mine.

    weird. same thing happened with an ISFp i know. she tests (and would adamantly defend) that she is ENTJ.
    Which means she's not an ISFp.
    I feel that when people are doing type test, they tend to choose the options that they prefer, but it might not be what they are. Sometimes, people feel that such and such qualities are desirable, so they choose it instead of what they actually are in person.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Getting tested as one's conflictor (in MB tests at least) is not unheard of. This happened to an ISFp friend of mine.

    weird. same thing happened with an ISFp i know. she tests (and would adamantly defend) that she is ENTJ.
    Which means she's not an ISFp.
    Or, rather, that i don't think that doesn't mean she is not not a non-ISFp.
    hah! clever, both of you!

    i think eunice is right, in this case.
    6w5 sx
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Getting tested as one's conflictor (in MB tests at least) is not unheard of. This happened to an ISFp friend of mine.

    weird. same thing happened with an ISFp i know. she tests (and would adamantly defend) that she is ENTJ.
    Which means she's not an ISFp.
    I feel that when people are doing type test, they tend to choose the options that they prefer, but it might not be what they are. Sometimes, people feel that such and such qualities are desirable, so they choose it instead of what they actually are in person.
    What I meant was, why should we assume that someone's self-typing is necessarily correct?

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