I can't speak for all INFjs, but I can tell you of myself.

I respect...

...a sense of right and wrong, and strength of character to stand by those convictions. The person I admire most is one that will do what is right even when it is not advantageous, even when it costs, even when it hurts.

...a person who knows what they're doing (i.e. competence).

...someone who is humble enough to admit when they are wrong. And, along with that idea, someone who is more willing to work on their own faults than those of others.

...people who go through suffering and adversity with dignity and grace.

...commitment to a choice or a vow. Fortitude, perseverance, loyalty to one's word.

...honesty, sincerity.

...kindness, especially when it is given in return for unkindness.

...someone who searches for truth and doesn't rest until it's found.

There's more, but that's good for now, I think.

As far as love... I love both many and very few. I wish everyone well; there's no one I really hate. I have no enemies (that I know of - not counting those who hate me simply for my demographics), and while there are a few people that I don't like to be around, it's more because they tax my patience or pull me away from where I want to be than that I think them horrible people, or anything like that. And, yet, I'm truly devoted and connected to a relatively small number of people, comprising mostly of my family. That type of love is born more from commitment and trust. I would have to be very sure of someone to let them into my "inner circle," so to speak. Either that, or very deluded and distracted.