I don't know where u get low self esteem or low confidence. I don't feel any of these things, I have spoken to a crowd on numerous times while i admit it can be intimidating i still do it.

And in regards to foresight i know exactly who i am, what i want and where i'm headed. Its the unorganised types who are hazzy about the future.

And about following rules I only follow rules if they make sense to me, if they stand up to objective critical analysis. If i believe a rule is wrong or flawed and the flak from breaking it is not too great i will break it. My INTJ friend really annoys me cause when we were playing monopoly he followed the rules to the letter, and when the rules were in doubt he went with HIS convention. When i owed a debt to another player an ESFJ and offered a 'get out of paying me the next time u land on my property' offer HE made the biggest fuss over it cause it went against the rules and I said TOO BAD it was a matter for me and the ESFJ as i owed him the debt. HE REALLY ANNOYED ME WITH HIS RULES AND HIS CONVENTIONS.

So long as I wont get prosecuted by the law or be held in disrepute with the greater public and my social circles, when out of these circles I will follow my convictions on what I know to be right or wrong based on objective ethical standards!!!! I wont have the INTJ impose on me HIS rules and HIS interpretations on ANY MATTER WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!