They have generally low self-esteeme and low self-confidence, mostly resulting from their poor ability to envision future potential.

They typically lack foresight, but they sure the heck know when something has been touched or is moved out of place.

They whine and worry about alot of stupid pointless crap and alot of them are workaholics; one of their greatest fears is starving to death. An ISTj could have money out of the wazoo and he or she could still have workaholic tendencies and worry about starvation.

Many of them believe that careing about a person or close family member means to restrict his or her person freedom, steal his or her personal valuables, and tell them how things are going to be according to the way that they understand things.

Some of them [not all of them] make a daily habit of running over people and pat themselves on the back for it afterwards while telling themselves that they did good. Then they have the nerve to consider someone who is confident and expedient a jerk-off ... I never could understand that one.

When you do something they feel is out of bounds or not according to their personal logic, they like to make statement similar to "Who taught YOU how to [something]?" or similar to "YOU need to learn how to do [something]!". I find both statements just as annoying as hell.

Alot of type descriptions say they are good administrators. Taking the ISTjs I have known they tend to make pretty crappy administrators, even though most are generally responsible and make sure things are financially secure. A buisness with an ISTj boss probably would have one hell of an employee turn-over; better to find other employment quick before the axe starts heading in your direction. I sure the heck would not work very long for a boss that is ISTj ...