I dont think you can type Falafel or this other woman based on this experience. There are too many variables and not enough information. The important thing is how she takes in information and what does she do with it. How does she interact with other people especially the ones she is very close to over a period of time. Ive met people who were unresponsive and cold to me that later became close friends of mine (Im thinking of an ESTJ in particular.)
Funny story, not neccisarily related. One ISTP said to me after we had been friends a number of years that when I first came to a particular group we associated with I did not talk to him for 6 months. I was shocked. Sometimes I forget how I meet and get to know people. they just suddenly are in my life like Ive known them all along. I asked him if he had ever said anything to me, like hi or welcome or anything. Nope. Honestly, I think I believed him to be some boring nobody. Of course I didnt tell him that.
All the extraverts were very welcoming and friendly and he just got lost in the shuffle. Even though I understood why we did not connect at first I told him it was his fault because he should have at least welcomed me and made me feel at home instead of remaining aloof. It was wicked of me but a bit true.