At least we can talk about something else besids me for a little while. Implied, the only two two I can see you as are INTJ or maybe INFJ if you were under a helluva lot of stress.

my "knack" is languages and linguistics. i do think i have the socionics intp tendency to amass a great deal of information on any subject that interests me (so long as it interests me. if it interests me, my memory kicks into high gear for some reason unbeknownst to me.)
I have to admit languages and such sound NF.

i would love to be in a scientific field (physics, biology, whatever) but my simple arithmetic is horrible and i get the numbers switched around.
Poor Se.

i can definitely "forget to eat" if i am caught up thought, as the socionics description of INTj claims.
Poor Se.

i've been called tactless and insensitive more than once in my life. perhaps the stress i've been under lately has led to a lack of gestalt reasoning and thus influenced my test scores?
An ENFP tactless and insensitve?

aha! i can relate with this very much. "exactly what do you mean by x?" always asking for clarification of meaning, regardless of the topic.

i don't like to stick out so i don't wear many trendy things, but i do have a certain taste. i've been told i have a somewhat utilitarian way of dressing, but i can appreciate good quality items (especially comfortable ones. i can't really do high heels or anything like that because it's uncomfortable, and i have to be comfortable to work or play well. not typically comfortable mentally or physically when i have to dress up.)

going without makeup or nice clothing doesn't bother me, but sometimes i feel like makeup and dressing appropriately feminine is a social "duty" in a strange way. i may do it sometimes so i don't stick out as much and appear more "normal."

i never initiate contact with people! i'll wait for them to do so. it seems like most people i know are acquaintances, and have been for as long as ten years. i also don't like to condemn people regarding their faults. i figure everyone has faults, just in different areas. and i figure some people are better at dealing with certain faults than other people.

i also want to know what makes people tick so i can work better with them. hence the fascination with typology. i like isolation, but sometimes i think i may not like it as much as my conscious mind tells me. (;
Sounds like I and most likely T.

i have a very small group of friends that have been around since highschool. very few can get along with me, but the ones who do are the ones i stick with permanently due to (normally) our like-mindedness. i've been told by several people that i'm very hard to get to know. i basically never initiate contact.
First of all, an ENFP wouldn't "choose" their friends because of a like-mindness. And second of all, you are the most reclusive ENFP I have ever heard of.

check. definite check. i have logic "jumps" quite often and in grade school i tended to lose points for not showing my work, even though i may have come up with the correct answer.
Poor Se.

i normally work best when i work from parts to whole, not whole to parts. i'm capable of working from whole to parts, but it requires some effort. is this what you mean?

this rings very true to me. sometimes external stimuli can really fuck with me. the rest of the paragraph, somewhat. good-natured teasing is often lost on me, so i don't do it. i don't like getting close to just anyone. mostly people who show whatever i deem to be a sincere and non-malevolent interest. i know well how to pick my friends, but i don't know anything about picking a good mate.

i'm different here from you. i like being friends with guys more than girls, typically, because they strike me as more easy going. the last guy i seriously dated (and they are few and far between, trust me) only dated me because he was extremely persistent with me and pursued me, somewhat sporadically and somewhat intensely, yet over a long period of time (the constancy was what i appreciated.)
Oh, God... stop right there! NO WAY is that ENFP. Read it over again.

i fluctuate between being unaware of my surroundings and hyperaware. the same goes for my attention span. hyperfocused or not focused at all. i don't know if this correlates with any specific type.
Yes it does; INTJs and INFJs.

me = what do you /want/? [Ti]/getting no [Fe]

him = basically a paraphrase of what Rocky said

Have you ever stopped to think that most of the time people "like" someone but for no specific concious reasons? They don't really know why, but they go with it anyway because they at least feel it's right.

me = confused because for whatever reason that sounds like manipulation/advertisement/etc..

him = not sure how to deal, [poor Ne]

me = start wondering if he doesn't "get it"

him = why don't you just get out there and experience the world/booze up/have a j/etc.

him = writes somewhat businessy sounding letter heavy on the [Te] about our relationship. is confused as to why "the rules" and "the agreement" aren't working.

it's not bad to be able to sort something out into a system, though. you do realize the use of that, right? (i assume you do or you wouldn't be /here/!)
ENFPs sort out into a system? Hmm?

That's enough for now.