I'm calling this "My Dual Experience So Far".

I've been very interested in this dual thing lately. Trying to keep objective about things, and now that I know an ESFj guy, it's actually pretty easy not to idealize it, but still appreciate it.

Quote Originally Posted by ayoforjager
With all of the duals, the extrovert sort of wakes up the introvert, which they both like; introverts because they need to be woken up and extroverts because they like being able to work up someone who is otherwise so quiet.
That's how it is with my ESFj aquaintance. I get really comfortable really fast around him and all my idiosyncratic mannerisms come out that most people don't get to see. I don't notice I'm doing it until other folks start looking at me weird and he starts grinning or giggling (well, in a masculine way) at me; I guess he thinks it's funny or cute or something.

I really like this "no initial spark" thing. Usually, I get stupid obsessive crushes, requited or not, and end up getting hurt. This guy, I really enjoy his company, I'd go out with him if he asked, but I'm not really head-over-heels for him (which is unusual for me).

I think I've felt that "need" that the descriptions talk about, too. We were on a particularly stressful call; 15yo drowned at the lake. There wasn't enough room in the patient's ambulance for me(I was very green and terrified and just getting in the way), the ESFj volunteered to drive the paramedics' rig, and I was left at the scene with a few other folks. I was pretty shaken up, and I felt like he abandoned me. It was weird, why him specifically? (or so I thought, before I realized he was ESFj). It wasn't really rational, and I barely knew him, but I knew that he had a nice, calming affect on me, so he was the one I felt I needed to talk to.

So anyway, for now I'm content to see him once in a while. Especially if I'm in a bad mood and I need a little Fe.