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Thread: My own personal type description - What am I?

  1. #41
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    Man, where is cone? I thought INTps were suppose to want to be everyones best friend? I bet he got caught up in some small little detail and has had trouble getting past it ...

  2. #42
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    Pedro-the-Lion has not been on in a while, either.

  3. #43
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    Same problem really, about not knowing what I am anymore. I've believed that I have been everything, bar the F types, which are definitely out of the question. Maybe this relates to the 'chameleon' type characteristics of the ENTP

  4. #44
    MysticSonic's Avatar
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    Or maybe its the damned obscure nature of Socionics and the desire to be a certain type.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

  5. #45
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    Man, where is cone? I thought INTps were suppose to want to be everyones best friend? I bet he got caught up in some small little detail and has had trouble getting past it ...
    Sorry for the wait. INTps may want to be everyone's best friend, but then I'm not exactly very dependable, much to my and everyone else's dismay. Also, it usually takes me at least two hours to type up a long post such as this one, so that's a turn off right there. But I'm here now, so let's get this thing underway, shall we?

    The good thing about your description is that even though there was alot of extraneous information, you made it specifically clear on the ways you act, think, and learn. Thanks, that makes this job much easier. So with that in mind, I cut out alot of your post, only focusing on what I know will show you one particular type.

    Let's start with a blank type: xxxx

    In new situations where I have an opportunity to meet new people, I can often be the first person to initiate contact with others.
    Obviously, this is one of the definitions of Extraversion and only Extraversion. Even Extraverted-acting Introverts dislike initiating contact.

    However, I tend to watch people for a while to see how they behave before deciding if I should get to know them as more than an aquintance.
    Perhaps for use or personal dependency? Smilingeyes showed us that energy-expending and dependence on others is caused by lack of the capability to get exactly the result you wanted. Each letter in the type acronym corresponds to the probability of this capability, where:

    I > E
    S > N
    T > F
    J > P

    So, the closer you are to ENFp, the harder it is to get the result you wanted. Thus, you have to depend more on people, expend more energy, etc. I think it's safe to assume that E is the largest factor in this, as I-types don't actively seek out others and expend large amounts of energy.

    So now we have: Exxx, which cuts out INFp and INTj from your choices, leaving ENTp and ENFj.

    I am not very flexible and adaptable when it comes to change and I have a hard time adapting to new ways of doing things that I have myself not already initiated.
    Alot of people might think this is a J trait, but I think perhaps it's deeper than that. Why would you resist change?

    I do not follow along with the plans of other people, and tend to do my own thing alot.
    There's why! It's an obvious Perceiving trait to go by your own rules and perceptions. Besides, it's not in the nature of a perceiving type to take the straight and narrow, yet comfortable path.

    Adding another letter: Exxp

    However, I am greatly appreciative when someone follows me and wants to do similar things that I do. Those people usually end up being my closest friends and companions.
    I discussed in an earlier post (a very earlier post) about how you want people to depend on your second function more than anything, and people's incooperation in this area is never tolerated. For instance, an INTp wants people to depend on him for his knowledge and opinion of a situation, and an INFj wants people to depend on him for his creative ideas and personal beliefs. An ENTp would want people to depend on him for his understanding of various topics, but to be more specific, for his ability to formulate a definitive plan and lead it to success.

    I am able to understand math and scientific concepts, but I am unable to convey my knowledge of these concepts due in part to the fact that I tend to lose track of what I have done.
    There was an MBTI study done on how when extraverts are asked to discuss what they had recently learned in a lecture, they find that they can't explain it because they hadn't really understood it. Understanding is a two-step process: analysis of the idea (breaking the whole into its parts) and synthesis of the parts (creating associations between those parts to form a whole.) The quicker you learn something, the less you really understand it. Understanding is being able to both use a concept (non-verbal understanding) as well as explain it (verbal understanding). If you can easily use the concepts you learned but have trouble explaining them, then this is probably indicative of an xNTp type.

    I perfer breaking down complex systems into smaller parts and rebuilding the system in a way that has a personal familiarity to it.
    And this is the understanding process, like I mentioned above.

    I can think asemtrically and link concepts to other concepts in ways that no one else seems able to do. Things that are similar in concept, but totally different.
    Extensive divergent thinking, a very common trait of ENxps.

    I have been told that I could have ADD, Asbergers syndrome, or some other type of learning disability. I have ceased to listen to people who want to pessimistically believe that they should force everyone to learn a certain way or they are inferior. Either education should learn to adapt to students or continue to fail, like it failed for me.
    Damn the ISTj school system! I have a much easier time adapting, but it can be upsetting at times. Your benefactor never wants to follow your advice on his hidden agenda, let alone be able to understand it.

    I am able experience deep emotions that sometimes effect me in odd ways. Sometimes I will hear a song on the radio in my car that has such deep spiritual meaning, that I cry and sometimes have to pull over to the side of the road.
    This is about as Fe-oriented and anti-Fi as you can get.

    Getting restless now...

    I have been known to not be very aware of my surroundings. I do common everyday things in ways that irritate other people, and sometimes there are group public outcries to stop me from doing things the way that I do them. I often tend to always look like I am in a hurry and that I have something urgent that I need to do when in actuality I am probably not going anywhere special or actually not really doing anything urgent at all.
    Common absent-mindedness and independence of the xNTp. Believe me, I'm the exact same way.

    I believe that rules are not absolute; they are bendable and subject to change when they have served their purpose. I do not like people who emphasize that rules must always be followed to their exactness and never challenged. I have a healthy respect for rules that are healthy for a person and exist to help people grow into independant individuals, but when rules are set to hold people back or to give biased privaledges to a select minority, I will blatently disregard the rules and no matter of authority enforcing the rules will ever have my support or be accepted as an authority by me. I challenge any rules in the wrong and have no part with people who insist on living like babies all their lives. Rules are for infants!
    Do I really have to tell you?

    I feel insulted when a girl I like gives me fickle wishy washy responses, excuses, or just wants to be a friend. I do not hang around girls that act this way, and I do not like being just friends with girls. Because of this, I tend to find many girls who display promiscuous qualities or show immediatelly high signs of interest. Sadly, these girls usually disappoint
    me. Some of them just find me sexually attractive, and others are just leading me on. Sometimes even the girls are engaged, married, or have several other boyfriends who do not know about each other. I can not say that I am any more guilty. I tend to not persue girls much, and most of the decent girls who like me constantly wonder if I like them and also may eventually give up on me ever being interested in them; mostly because I fail to make any moves on them or rarely attempt to ever get to know them well.
    Lucky you! I have the same opinions about girls, but instead I get all of the not-so-attractive, hopeless ones.

    Before I fall asleep on the keyboard: ENTp.

    Your INTp friend,

    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

  6. #46

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    I think cone basicly summed it up to a tee. Much better than I could have gone about doing.

  7. #47

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    I am still split between ENTP and INTP and I don't know why everyone seems to disregard INTP so easily. McNew, I can understand your "feeling" part and I can see myself in you (not that way you sicko!). You seem to think that IxTPs like to be alone, not true. I used to think that my hidden agenda was Fe, which made me even more sure I was an ENTP. I COMPLETLEY understand when you talk about not being around people and how you got sad when you weren't around your friends. I hate spending too much time alone and neeed to have a social life without me feeling sick, but that doesn't make me an Extravert. One of the reasons I thought that you were INTP was because you talk a lot about a poor Si and Fe and these are the weak, concious functions for an INTP. It seems like you know where your weak points are, but you don't know how exactly to balance them out. Sometimes it is harder for people to identify their fifth and sixth functions. Even if they do they will usually project them as STRENGTHS.

    There is a diffrence between the Fi and Fe hidden agendas. If you have ever felt that people don't appreciate or understand you you might be an INTP. If you have ever felt that people should be more empathetic towards you you might be an INTP. If you have ever done, or not done something that could have done easily, that made you feel like you didn't appeciate someone and felt like an ass about it afterwards you might be an INTP. If you have ever not said something about youself to someone because you thought that person might be able to hurt you in some way you might be an INTP. If you have ever been annoyed by show-boaters drawing all the attention to themselves you might be an INTP.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    I am still split between ENTP and INTP and I don't know why everyone seems to disregard INTP so easily. McNew, I can understand your "feeling" part and I can see myself in you (not that way you sicko!). You seem to think that IxTPs like to be alone, not true. I used to think that my hidden agenda was Fe, which made me even more sure I was an ENTP. I COMPLETLEY understand when you talk about not being around people and how you got sad when you weren't around your friends. I hate spending too much time alone and neeed to have a social life without me feeling sick, but that doesn't make me an Extravert. One of the reasons I thought that you were INTP was because you talk a lot about a poor Si and Fe and these are the weak, concious functions for an INTP. It seems like you know where your weak points are, but you don't know how exactly to balance them out. Sometimes it is harder for people to identify their fifth and sixth functions. Even if they do they will usually project them as STRENGTHS.
    You are right, I definatelly attempt to project and as strengths, but it could also be because I am trying to cloak my vulnerable and from harm, and I am using a similarly weak yet not as vulnerable and in the attempt. Conviencing to myself and others, but not to someone who knows what I am trying to do at an unconscious level.

    There is a diffrence between the Fi and Fe hidden agendas. If you have ever felt that people don't appreciate or understand you you might be an INTP.

    No, the exact opposite ... I think other people have a better understanding of who I am than I do. In most cases it is really a problem that I have, that I do not appreciate other people enough; it is part of what makes me have such a hard time with people.

    If you have ever felt that people should be more empathetic towards you you might be an INTP.

    No, I have known people who were extreemly empathetic to me and tried to reach out to me in so many different ways. But I blew them off and acted arrogant. I have made so many stupid mistakes in my life.

    If you have ever done, or not done something that could have done easily, that made you feel like you didn't appeciate someone and felt like an ass about it afterwards you might be an INTP.

    No, it is the other way around. People think I am a total ass because I blow off people who are otherwise friendly to me and want to be my friend. The reason I do not have many friends is a result of my poor choices and fears; people generally like me otherwise.

    If you have ever not said something about youself to someone because you thought that person might be able to hurt you in some way you might be an INTP.

    I, being afraid to talk about myself? HA! People have thought me to be egotistical because I could not stop talking about myself. A hugh part of my social difficulties have arised due to the fact that I show more interest in myself than I do other people.

    However, I am afraid to allow some people to get too close to me in that they may try to manipulate me over to use me in some way. I am not into that that sort of trouble.

    If you have ever been annoyed by show-boaters drawing all the attention to themselves you might be an INTP.

    No, but I am likely to grab peanuts and popcorn ... that stuff is entertaining.

  9. #49
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    There was this guy I use to know back in college, who I am pretty sure is an ENTj now that I think of it.

    Well, he had this old room-mate, who I also highly suspect is also an ENTj, that use to come with him to lunch and I would talk with them about various intellectual subjects.

    Well, we formed this thing that we called "the corn club," where basically all we would do is sit around at lunch and either talk about extreemly thought driven intellectual subjects or make really really bad corny jokes.
    They were both the president and vice-president, and I was like the chair
    man or the speaker or something.

    Usually we would talk about grammar from all diffrent types of languages, Greek, Hebrew, Spanish, German, Russian ...

    Our conversation went something like this, I will add the effect we had on other people for emphasis:

    Me: Well, from my understanding, an iota subscript represents an iota and normally is a good indication of the dative case ...
    Other Guy: That's right, wait until you learn hebrew and and the vocal shewa
    Me: Yeah, I have heard about that ... that is a similar contraction
    Girl: [paying attention, but giving us funny looks]
    Other Guy: It sure is ...
    Me: That reminds me, I heard that the word for tent in Hebrew is Ohell ... I bet that is how Abraham and Lot felt when they were pitching their tent towards sodom.
    Me and Other Guy: [Cracking up]

    I talked and socialized with both of them alot, but because they both had a stronger than I did, they began criticising me about my intellectual approaces ... I got pissed off at them and did not hang around them quite as much after that.

  10. #50

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    So you're ENTP... it sounds like your PoLR IS Fi and your hidden agenda is Fe, not the other way around.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    So you're ENTP... it sounds like your PoLR IS Fi and your hidden agenda is Fe, not the other way around.
    Yeah, I think my super-ego makes me fake ENFj tendencies out of fear no matter how conviencing I am at it ... and POLR and ROLE make me seem INTpish in result and also to appear really reserved against people.

    So, I can see why people would be confused ... INTp just really does not fit right with me.

  12. #52
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    I am not debating my type anymore ... I am back to typing myself as ENTp again.

  13. #53
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    In case anyone is wondering ... I did not start the "corn club" thing in college ... it was started by ENTjs and they wanted me to join when they realized we were on the same intellectual level. I left when they started to criticise my intellectual approach and my ...

    And if you want to debate whether I am ENTp or INTp again, do it in this thread, thank you ...

  14. #54

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    I think you should get your relatives to score you on a test. Then average the results.
    ENTj - intuitive subtype - 8w9, sp/sx

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eidos
    I think you should get your relatives to score you on a test. Then average the results.
    I have tried to get my mother to help me choose answers on my own socionics test, but she has never had the time to do that yet ...

    She thinks I am ENTps anyhow, she has always told me even before I knew about socionics that I was [still am] very independant, rebellious, and active as a child. Totally the opposite of the way INTp children behave.

  16. #56


    youre not an entp

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