Lol this is a little bit weird of a topic, but I still thought about this a little

If you haven't played starcraft you can go here --

Anyways what type or types do you think is associated with cultural identity of each race.

I think Protoss = xNxx, because their advanced technology seems like something xNTx and they have a kind of spiritual xNFx side.

I think Terran = xSTp, because the are extremely adaptable and tactical. The politician in the first one seemed ESTp the character you play as seems ISTp (maybe a bit ENFp but this is usually the case with main characters).

I think Zerg = ISFj, because they all focused in a hive mentality without thinking.... no insults to ISFj's, just that the it fits the zerg best if any type at all.

Feel free to label the individual characters if you remember them.