Quote Originally Posted by oyburger
She's an intuitive, and yes she's INFp. Of course I've been told I don't have the stare of an INTj either. I think genetics play more of a part in this sort of thing than VI, but that's a different story alltogether.
Yes, that's easily discerned. You get the impression that she is trying to put the people around her at ease, which is what INFps do, quite frankly. (around their friends anyway)

I actually think the "ESTp" girl is probably a ESTx, SeTe. Of course, that's really only a hunch. Certainly she has a strong feeling tone, but that may be due to superconsciousness. (one form of XXXx is superconscious SeTe)

But if anyone can provide more "stare" VI samples, please share them.