I just feel really bad because for my whole life, she's wanted to be friends with all of her kids, while at the same time making them totally obedient AND totally independent... I just don't see how all of those things can work together. However, it makes sense that what she's looking for in friendship is Fe, wants obedience because of the content of her Ti structured thought processes (especially combined with Se... the Beta hierarchy thing), and wants us to be independent because of she values Se. It's never quite worked though... I'm fairly certain that my bother is INTp (ISTp seems to be the only other possibility) and my sister is INFj (most likely), so she never got the Fe she wanted from any of us. I think of my siblings, I have the best relationship with her, and I try to defend her when my siblings or anyone else complains... it just makes me really sad that she's pretty much rejected like she is, not just with my siblings, but with many of my relatives and many of her coworkers and other acquaintances as well. While she can be really irritating, the main thing I see in her is an intense desire to do what she believes she should, at all costs. She would sacrifice anything to do what she thinks is best for her loved ones.