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Thread: Two subtypes of SLEs-ESTps: which one are you?

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    Default Two subtypes of SLEs-ESTps: which one are you?


    COORDINATOR (Se subtype, Se-ESTp)

    Description by Meged & Ovcharov:


    Seems clever, impulsive, seemingly concealing within him a latent threat. Far from being easygoing and appeasable. In reality, he can be sharp, sufficiently aggressive, and persistent. Can hold a grudge and be sufficiently resourceful to make the life of his ill-wishers become intolerable. Has a contrasting and unpredictable character. With those whom he loves can be kind, tender, even sentimental. Possesses a sense of humor, that easily molds into sarcasm and caustic irony. Talkative, charming, witty, critical and sharp. Likes epithets and slang expressions. His movements are springy and fast. Gait is somewhat waddling, with knees slightly bent, which yields a stealthy feline semblance. Has a characteristic evaluating gaze with slight squint. Usually looks after his health, periodically takes up physical sport, exercise of gymnastics. Dresses expensively and with taste. Most often he makes a bright impression of a self-assured and prospering person.


    Insistent, energetic, resolute person. While trying to achieve his goals, he acts both directly and through intermediaries. As a rule, he is capable of becoming the winner. Knows how to manage people, can impose on them his wishes and will, to involve and draw them in by useful and interesting projects and tasks. Knows how to be liked and how to please others: charming, possesses a sense of humor, a good conversationalist. Natural leader: needs competition, struggle, passion, victory, without these his vitality wanes. Boredom is his first enemy. An absence of decent employment and application of his abilities makes him quite a difficult partner.

    He is oriented at achieving major concrete goals, but often runs into difficulty when trying to choose them. It takes time for him to get going, he doubts, thinks things over again. But once he makes a choice, he acts swiftly, amping up his pace and not resting until he has realized the conceived. A very resourceful and flexible tactician. Active and operative, in periods of elation his capacity for work is very high. Doesn't like unasked for advice, prefers to make decisions independently. Can hear out his conversation partner, but leave the last word to himself. Doesn't tolerate commanding tone in others. If someone tries to pressure him, he resolutely counters it. In the interest of his business, shows diplomatic abilities, be considerate and courteous.

    Dislikes it very much when others show initiative that seems to be out of place, for example, try to impose something or hurry others - in this case, can do the opposite. Very self-loving and easily offended, but tries to hide it, considering this to be his weakness. Doesn't forgive tactlessness and injustice towards himself. This can provoke a flash of aggression in him.

    Insightful, witty, has a critical turn of mind. When angry shows intolerance towards other people's shortcomings. Knows how to give a brief and succinct description of a person, to ridicule him in presence of strangers, to put him on the spot. Actively asserts his interests, and those of his loved ones. Can create an unfavorable environment for disagreeable people, but for those whom he loves, he tries to provide the necessary comfort, showing care and attention.

    Feels proud of his successes and seeks high valuation of himself. Has a tendency to overestimate his abilities, which leads to arrogance and a wish to teach others. Self-instilled confidence in his own rightness and insufficient self-criticism do not simplify his relations with others. Respects people who are influential and authoritative. Lenient and forgiving towards those who are compliant, soft and vulnerable, in need of help, especially towards children. Often provides them his protection and support. Nonetheless, he is strict, even harsh both at home and at work.

    Very stubborn and demanding. In personal relationships with difficulty adjusts to his partner, as he is rather uncompromising. Using willpower, can make himself subdue feelings to reason. Proud and independent. It is often unpredictable in his actions, depends on the changes in his mood. Changes his interests and his hobbies often, but his affection tries to keep for a long time. Cherishes old friendships, although he usually doesn't show sentimentality in his relationships.

    Strives towards high material level of life. Has a good aesthetic taste, gourmand, cannot deny himself that which gives him pleasure. Bold in sex, but mistrustful of love, afraid of being deceived in his hopes or to get lost in wishful thinking. Quickly grows tired of monotony: he is attracted by psychological games with a partner, when hope interchanges with doubt - in this lies an element of excitement for him.

    Description by Victor Gulenko:
    Sharp, demonstrative, attacking style of behavior. Can be expressive and expansive to the point of being aggressive. Feels at home in emergency and crisis situations, abruptly joins into conflicts, can apply pressure in order to create order. If he finds himself unoccupied by anything, can even provoke a conflict, so that later he can take initiative into his own hands. Emotional and sociable, with his attention won't pass by a single person of the opposite sex. Women of this type also take initiative in getting to know potential partners. Usually muscular, active and mobile, somewhat thin. Has a well developed taste, a gourmand. In fashion drawn to exquisiteness and prestige.

    ORGANIZER (Ti subtype, Ti-ESTp)

    Description by Meged & Ovcharov:


    Leaves an impression of calm strength and self-assurance. Rational and consistent in his affairs. Hardworking and enduring. Usually he is cold-blooded, restrained, collected and unfazed, but in moments of irritation does not conceal his anger, which shows in his look and in sudden categorical gestures. When he is calm, he is polite and courteous, tough keeps his conversation partners at a distance. His humor is blunt and can be somewhat crude. Sometimes he has a fast moving, distrustful look that looks from under his eyebrows. Appearance is usually serious, somewhat guarded and alert. Gait and gestures are harmonious, flowing, and precise. Dresses somewhat monotonously, and strictly, although at times surprisingly brightly and extravagantly. Values quality in clothing, occasionally putting together sets from only a few items. In most cases has a tendency to not stand out. This applies both to how he behaves and how he dresses. Seems cold and inaccessible, even though he tries to be appropriate, even-tempered and well-wishing towards others. Holds himself with dignity.


    Balanced and self-controlled. Tries not to lose his composure under any circumstances. Restrained and appropriate in his statements, but at times can flare up. Feels very upset when he has lost his temper in front of other people. Authoritative and serious, has a well-developed sense of self-worth. Prefers to talk about that in which he considers himself competent. Relies on official and trusted source of information. Distrustful of new theories, hypotheses, and assumptions that haven't been tested in practice. Skeptical of the occult and the esoteric.

    This is a person of action and not reflection. When the time comes to react, he orients quickly in the changing circumstances, boldly takes risks, carefully weighting all chances and not losing his interests from sight. Enthusiastically takes up new tasks, projects, or business. Interested in laws and instructions. Can maintain good documentation. If he is asked for advice or a consultation, delves into the details of the issue and gives concrete advice. Predisposes other people towards himself by giving them his attention and providing his services.

    Mobilizes beforehand to overcome obstacles, calculating ahead of time all the risks of current situation. Always has a good sense of the real situation, and knows how to extract benefit from it. Knows how to properly arrange people to carry out a job or assignment. Well perceptive of other people's business acumen and capabilities. However, finds it difficult to evaluate more distant prospects of projects and relationships.

    Grows bored if he doesn't find an application to his abilities, or if he has to finish something he's lost an interest in or that which has no practical interest for him. Only new experiences and impressions and frequent changes in activity raise his vitality.

    Rationalistic, pragmatic, and hard working. Very logical and practical in his activities and in business. Punctual, responsible, demanding of himself and expects the same from others. Looks to quality in everything. Unforgiving of simulation and negligence. Evaluates efficacy not by the efforts expended but by the final outcome. Likes to act boldly, takes big risks, but prepares for it thoroughly and in detail.

    Discerning and sensible, speaks with a confident tone, tries to convince by facts. Very practical, dislikes theories and pointless activities. In contact with strangers via indirect questions assesses their position in society, connections and capabilities. Looks for common ground and ways in which it is possible to come together to solve common business interests. Undemonstrative, but when a chance presents itself likes to emphasize his achievements. Proud, if he has achieved everything in his life by his own effort.

    Authoritarian and possesses a strong will, but, if needed, can demonstrate flexibility in communication, even make temporary concessions for the sake of reaching his ultimate goal. Understands the importance of material and financial incentives, knows how to use them, without losing his own benefit. Shows a friendly, well-wishing attitude towards others, but in work and business requires unity and unanimity.

    Considers restraint in expressing feelings to be a guarantee of their seriousness and reliability. Proud, doesn't impose his company, doesn't know how to entertain guests. Rarely makes compliments even towards women. Lives by his mind and puts business above personal sympathies, due to which may unwittingly offend other people, himself not attaching any importance to this. Afraid of falling into dependency, even on people who are close to him. Quite secretive, doesn't like when others try to "climb into his soul". Can deflect a direct conversation and skillfully place his conversation partner on the spot.

    In his heart, he is a bit guarded, mistrustful and suspecting. Afraid of trickery and betrayal by those whom he trusts. Inclined to fall into pessimism and melancholy. Ponders over his problems, especially of personal nature, tries not to share them with people around him. Opens up his heart and soul only to very close and tested friends. In moments of despair, needs understanding, compassion and consolation, but due to his mistrust he doesn't risk to open up and be honest. Not seldom turns to alcohol to relieve stress and tensions.

    Description by Victor Gulenko:
    Prefers to remain in the shadow, not showing his aspirations, but constantly holds his hand on the pulse of all that is happening around him. Outwardly appears balanced and phlegmatic. Before acting, checks all the variations of possible consequences, and only then enters into the game. Distrustful, careful, skeptic, conservative and realistic. Due to his low sociability makes an impression of being introverted. Once he has identified a target, acts slowly, by the method of "slowly compressing ring".

    I think those subtypes are much better than the subtypes described by Gulenko.

    By this token I'd be a Se one more than a Ti, although it also depends on the environment: in comparison to the ESTps I know @ university, I'm a Se subtype, but in comparison to the ghetto ESTps, I'm super Ti.
    Last edited by silke; 04-15-2018 at 08:29 PM. Reason: updated with translations
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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