Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
Lol you don't have the worst of all. And I kinda feel your pain, when Fe tries to get a reaction out of you and you just aren't in the mood or don't know what they want, they can get all uncomfortable about it like it's your job to appease them or something. It's annoying. One reason why I can't stand overly friendly cashiers/customer service/ salesman, they know I am here just to buy something, why try and bait me into a conversation they don't even care about (How as your day? Bitch! Just ring up my groceries, you're holding up the line!)

I've literally had an ESE coworker tell me that when he asks how as my weekend he doesn't actually care how it was, I told him "I KNOW! So why do you even ask?!"

Anyway, you def don't have the worst. Imagine having a conflictor whose whole personality is that they can beat you up.
ok so for me, the worst part of Fe conflict is when they act overly friendly with others in front of you then act really cold when they have to interact with you. What does Se conflict look like?