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Thread: USA North America brainwash and emotional coldness

  1. #1
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Default USA North America brainwash and emotional coldness

    ppl from there seem to maybe memorize things someone else tells them about how ppl emotions relationships work and project it on others instead of understanding what is actually happening. like theres no genuine human personal understanding but things u read on the internet or a bunch of ppl told u that u think u understand. This is like memefying the ppl u interact with and it reminded me of schoolshooters in that they often seemed to have meme reasons for doing what they did and not get t othe actual problem. imagine getting memed on everytime u have something vulnerable to go through and ppl just twisting you around it. True mayeb every country does that but there's more of a sense of isolation and separation in america idk if bc ppl are workaholics and ahve to drive everywhere to scoialize thus rely more on social media/online which means eveyrthing is filtered by online platforms and corporate structures irl. like "dont be a victim" is such a low EQ mentality yet ppl resonate with it bc they live lives that are disconnected from reality. u can only not be a vicitm in an environment that allows you to be or u become insane. theres several avenues to proessing ur issues > art, writing, as means of self expression so u can reflect on what u oserve and process stuff, which is gay and unproductive, then theres repressing it and getting sicka nd depressed bc u need to werk, and then if u dont die it becomes u getting upset at this and that random things and trying to control others and oppress them bc ur life is miserable and u are ashamed of ursel,f and u want to put everyone else down like you have been, while also projecitng that everyone is as equally badly intentioned and unaware (dog eat dog world). bc of that theres an inclination towards betrayal while faking emotional competence, care and understanding and when soeone misbehaves or is perceives as such they are immediately memed on, ewed at, called a sociopath, a predator or whatver and whatever else.

    example is destiny vs peterson debate. peterson just assumed destiny was disagreeable bc he debates a lot - destiny a guy who made his hair blue bc hes a crazy liberal (promised he would to donate to children with cancer foundation), and bc of arguing the idea that there's too many ppl and implying that he wants to kill them. no in nature when there's too many ppl just have less children to not destroy the ecosystem, and peterson is arguign from a standpoint that the ppl in control of everything are evil. which is true BUT HE NEVER EXPLAINED "WHY". i got so mad at ppl for claiming the ppl in control are evil without ever explainning why and assuming u are evil for not knowing or not even suspecting it. i think a lot of ppl are super messed up cuz they let those ppl be in control in the first place then complain about it like u cant have both. why did you do it and you kept doing it until it became ur problem? literal childish behavior, assuming theory of midn and that ur not just manipulating cuz u only care abotu whats convenient for u, and not jsut bc ur blidn but bc ur just that selfish.
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  2. #2
    You mustn't think thought control Distance's Avatar
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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Well the 'People in control are all evil and I'm the good righteous one!' thing often just stems from jealousy at their status, because moral indignation is often just jealousy with a halo. They don't understand or respect that people in power often got there because they genuinely see through people better instead of projecting/assuming. Or needing to smear others to make themselves look good, if somebody is truly dirty the proof is in the pudding and they hurt themselves there's no reason to try to hurt them. NO THEY ARE JUST THAT MUST OF A MACHIAVELLIAN MASTERMIND TO GET AWAY WITH IT. NOOO!!! It's very complicated.... where of course there is evil/wrong/misguided ppl in authority that can't see who the good/bad people really are but they do have real power to effect change like Umbridges, but those people often aren't very high on the deep state scale anyway and still have photos online that can be investigated. In the end Karens aren't the real enemy but more of the scapegoat, the comic relief villain before you meet before the true big bad. But to the conspiracy theorists, the people really pulling the strings are shadow men you would never see or can't see because obviously if you could see them they wouldn't be able to so cleverly manipulate us! AHHHHH!!!

    some of these ppl want the ability to hold (and of course use) the whip but not the true moral responsibility that comes with it, they think they already have it but would inevitably lead them to use their whip inappropriately and be reprimanded and fired the next day and them blame everybody else. trying to play God... maybe that's why they say its the worst sin.

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    I would agree tho the media does try to divide us in ways but its so petty and so easy to see thru I don't see how it can be this big secret conspiracy- like Yahoo trying to get people to hate candace cameron bure or show drama by being like 'why Jodie Sweetin liked Mary Kate better' but the real article doesn't even say that and it's something so petty and normie and dumb and light-hearted instead of juicy gossip. You get the sense that even if Candace and Jodie disagreed about homosexuality it was polite and boring and they still respected one another but of course that's too boring and doesn't make for a good tv show.

    Then you go back to well, maybe people should hate the condescending and snobby and homophobic self-righteous bitch, because she is discriminating against gays on her network while maintaing that she's the good person that just loves you, it's kinda the worst kind of evil. She says the media is trying to divide us, but it is HER using the media to not have any fags on screen and just have us as behind the scenes where the queers will know our proper place on the back of the bus. She is projecting her wanting to divide others onto a campy deep state reptile demon out of RaptorWizard's comic book that doesn't exist- she is the demon she can't see because she's Christian, it's always us that are the demon.

    People say that's her preogrative and of course it is. Nobody on our side is denying that. It's anybody's will to do what they will- doesn't mean there isn't also consequences. I could will and throw a rock thru somebody else's window but doesn't mean it's not also wrong. It's people's preogrative to 'sleep around and have as much sex as they want' but they would still have to worry about stds and personal safety.

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    Meme speech is kinda the new idioms of the day, and those have always been around. Cliches, ext

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