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    Default Negative Descriptions

    In all of my research, it feels like intertype descriptions are always so negative. In no way do I mean talking about how relationships can struggle is a bad thing, but it feels like every anecdote they add to the end of descriptions goes "X type and X type were consistently frustrated with each other forever and ever until one of them died of tuberculosis. Then the remaining X lived in sorrow and misery for the rest of their life." I mean, it's definitely descriptive and interesting, but I also wouldn't mind hearing about the good parts every now and then, lol.

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    LOL yeah. I guess it’s because duality is held as the ideal/good standard, so descriptions of any other ITR are framed such that they emphasize all the ways that that ITR falls short of duality. It isn’t a good thing imo. I feel like I’m now hyperaware of all the flaws in my relations, where I didn’t even notice them or would be more tolerant of them before socionics. I feel like we don’t have to have the 100% ideal, perfect or matching partner. But for perfectionists like me, who cling onto the idea of perfection once we’re aware that there is a possibility of it out there, socionics is bad news. Hmm I guess at the end of my life, I’ll get to evaluate whether socionics was more beneficial or harmful to my life. I’ll be happily married or unintentionally (?) single….

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    the original duality was made based on some economic principles: idea being the mental ring is the "request" or the "thing" and the vital ring is the "labour or production" made with it.

    the research on the "economics" of ITR was not completed before new versions of socionics began to appear (bukalov's, gulenko's, etc.) , they took the incomplete ITR and made it less economical and more about romance and love , ofc, this latter idea is much easier to sensationalise and make tragic/comic stories of it

    if you want positive ITRs try: benefit, mirage, semi-dual

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    Quote Originally Posted by fauxpunk View Post
    In all of my research, it feels like intertype descriptions are always so negative. In no way do I mean talking about how relationships can struggle is a bad thing, but it feels like every anecdote they add to the end of descriptions goes "X type and X type were consistently frustrated with each other forever and ever until one of them died of tuberculosis. Then the remaining X lived in sorrow and misery for the rest of their life." I mean, it's definitely descriptive and interesting, but I also wouldn't mind hearing about the good parts every now and then, lol.
    You aren't the first person to notice this.

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    It depends on the person and how lucky they were in their childhood. For example, I met some ESIs with heavy baggage (family stuff), and it was almost impossible for me to interact with them decently. They were suspicious, angry, bossy and jealous - however they were subconsciously still attracted. Now if a dual without baggage deals with a dual with baggage, it's difficult. You have to teach them how to open up. However, sometimes it's just too much work and it's better to leave them to their own devices. If you interact with a dual without baggage and then you meet one with baggage, it's very difficult to help them, you feel like you are wasting your time.
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    Quote Originally Posted by loopyclouds View Post
    LOL yeah. I guess it’s because duality is held as the ideal/good standard, so descriptions of any other ITR are framed such that they emphasize all the ways that that ITR falls short of duality. It isn’t a good thing imo. I feel like I’m now hyperaware of all the flaws in my relations, where I didn’t even notice them or would be more tolerant of them before socionics. I feel like we don’t have to have the 100% ideal, perfect or matching partner. But for perfectionists like me, who cling onto the idea of perfection once we’re aware that there is a possibility of it out there, socionics is bad news. Hmm I guess at the end of my life, I’ll get to evaluate whether socionics was more beneficial or harmful to my life. I’ll be happily married or unintentionally (?) single….
    I super agree. I went into socionics with the desire to improve my relationships and I ended up fixating more on how I or others were falling short. Woops lol. Though I have learned a lot of good things from it, so I don't think it's all bad.

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    Quote Originally Posted by anotherperson View Post
    the original duality was made based on some economic principles: idea being the mental ring is the "request" or the "thing" and the vital ring is the "labour or production" made with it.

    the research on the "economics" of ITR was not completed before new versions of socionics began to appear (bukalov's, gulenko's, etc.) , they took the incomplete ITR and made it less economical and more about romance and love , ofc, this latter idea is much easier to sensationalise and make tragic/comic stories of it

    if you want positive ITRs try: benefit, mirage, semi-dual
    Super interesting. I wonder how different the community would be if dualization wasn't so sensationalized.

    Also; heavily agree with the positive ITRs. I'm in a benefit relationship with my best friend (SEI) and I've always really adored the ESEs in my life (even if their Fe base can be offputting, lol). Semi-Duals are fascinating but unfortunately I don't have as much experience with them.

    All in all, what really matters is the willingness to preserve a relationship and the happiness of the people within it, yeah?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    You aren't the first person to notice this.
    Well I'm glad it's not just me lol. I really like the set up to the video; it sums up my thoughts on the matter pretty well. Although, it makes me wonder about identical types. I agree that I've found most EIIs kind of boring, but I'm also an enneagram 4 so that could just be a me issue. Though, there was one EII who I liked and found extremely intellectually engaging, so I have to disagree with the idea that you can't create any friction with your identical type. Though, maybe I was the student in that relationship lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    If you interact with a dual without baggage and then you meet one with baggage, it's very difficult to help them, you feel like you are wasting your time.
    Yeah, agreed. I met two LSEs within the same time period with two very different health levels; one was hardworking and open minded, while the other one was paranoid, overly idealistic and neurotic. It definitely felt a bit awkward trying to get along with the second LSE when I was talking to the first one in a more healthy manner.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    It depends on the person and how lucky they were in their childhood. For example, I met some ESIs with heavy baggage (family stuff), and it was almost impossible for me to interact with them decently. They were suspicious, angry, bossy and jealous - however they were subconsciously still attracted. Now if a dual without baggage deals with a dual with baggage, it's difficult. You have to teach them how to open up. However, sometimes it's just too much work and it's better to leave them to their own devices. If you interact with a dual without baggage and then you meet one with baggage, it's very difficult to help them, you feel like you are wasting your time.
    Quoted for greatness.

    The quoted above has been my experience, too, but I was slow to learn because I was late to the table.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fauxpunk View Post
    Yeah, agreed. I met two LSEs within the same time period with two very different health levels; one was hardworking and open minded, while the other one was paranoid, overly idealistic and neurotic. It definitely felt a bit awkward trying to get along with the second LSE when I was talking to the first one in a more healthy manner.

    Greater proof that actually getting along with people depends on their temperament and overall decency, and not on their socionic type (alone at least). I'd imagine that socionic type would only be a small factor, and not be-all end-all thing that it's made out to be.

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    Yep. I feel like there are too many people that use socionics as a way to justify avoiding certain people instead of facing their issues LOL

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    Quote Originally Posted by fauxpunk View Post
    Yep. I feel like there are too many people that use socionics as a way to justify avoiding certain people instead of facing their issues LOL

    Heck typing based off of ITR is one of the most unreliable methods.

    Just imagine someone saying, "I know that peice of shit was my conflict!"

    Meanwhile it was probably because that person was just a bitch regardless of their socionic type

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    Quote Originally Posted by fauxpunk View Post
    In all of my research, it feels like intertype descriptions are always so negative. In no way do I mean talking about how relationships can struggle is a bad thing, but it feels like every anecdote they add to the end of descriptions goes "X type and X type were consistently frustrated with each other forever and ever until one of them died of tuberculosis. Then the remaining X lived in sorrow and misery for the rest of their life." I mean, it's definitely descriptive and interesting, but I also wouldn't mind hearing about the good parts every now and then, lol.
    Well, first of all, the descriptions are bottom. This is the entry level for those who are just getting acquainted with socionics. Move on and form your own opinion. There is no single correct version of socionics - since it is non-profit, everyone has their own.

    Secondly, descriptions of relationships were made only by Ni-valuing authors, so they are usually a subjective fantasies of their creators. For example, Stratievskaya, IMO, should be prohibited by the Geneva Convention.

    And thirdly, more intimate relationships than small talk really only go well between activators, duals and maybe between few other types.

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    I have my own opinions of things, I just like reading about other peoples experiences with different types and seeing how they managed to smooth out conflicts. Its an interest of mine lol.

    And I disagree with the last point. You can make anything work if both people really put their mind to it lol (or at least that's my naive mindset).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muira View Post
    Greater proof that actually getting along with people depends on their temperament and overall decency, and not on their socionic type (alone at least). I'd imagine that socionic type would only be a small factor, and not be-all end-all thing that it's made out to be.
    Socionics means that they automatically deal with the stuff you suck at and they do it in a way that doesn't hurt you. However for example with an ESI female I was talking about, she had serious problems from a previous boyfriend who was cheating so she was constantly cheating to prevent cheating (I was 19 and I didn't care, but after 2 times I stopped having sex with her and she was wondering why....). I only do serious relationships, it can go wrong but I always start serious. Anyway with such enormous baggage, it's almost impossible to have a relationship even if you are duals.
    Another one at work, a guy, was abandoned by his father as a small kid. Even if I was 8 years younger, due to various reasons (living alone with my own money since I was 18 lol, like in the US) I was acting like a father figure for him. No problem until he started "fighting" for his indipendence (as if I was really the father) and I was like look...just giving you advice...then I left for another city and now he constantly calls me. Now that he's older he even wants to give me money???? Idk. ESIs are weird.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Socionics means that they automatically deal with the stuff you suck at and they do it in a way that doesn't hurt you. However for example with an ESI female I was talking about, she had serious problems from a previous boyfriend who was cheating so she was constantly cheating to prevent cheating (I was 19 and I didn't care, but after 2 times I stopped having sex with her and she was wondering why....). I only do serious relationships, it can go wrong but I always start serious. Anyway with such enormous baggage, it's almost impossible to have a relationship even if you are duals.
    Another one at work, a guy, was abandoned by his father as a small kid. Even if I was 8 years younger, due to various reasons (living alone with my own money since I was 18 lol, like in the US) I was acting like a father figure for him. No problem until he started "fighting" for his indipendence (as if I was really the father) and I was like look...just giving you advice...then I left for another city and now he constantly calls me. Now that he's older he even wants to give me money???? Idk. ESIs are weird.
    sounds like a bullshit excuse to act out, that was a her problem.

    But good example

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muira View Post
    sounds like a bullshit excuse to act out, that was a her problem.

    But good example
    Nahh she really had problems, wasn't an excuse. I tried to help her but honestly I had my life to live. Now that she's older she's okay but she's done with men, she lives with her cat...maybe good decision lol.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Nahh she really had problems, wasn't an excuse. I tried to help her but honestly I had my life to live. Now that she's older she's okay but she's done with men, she lives with her cat...maybe good decision lol.
    A surprising number of my exes live alone, with a cat.

    I'd like to think that has nothing to do with me.

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    Sometimes all it takes is a look beneath the surface. First time it happened to me... No shit, I was petrified. It was enough for me to walk away before even saying my name.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    A surprising number of my exes live alone, with a cat.

    I'd like to think that has nothing to do with me.
    Maybe ENTjs are the real problem here...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Metanoia View Post
    Sometimes all it takes is a look beneath the surface. First time it happened to me... No shit, I was petrified. It was enough for me to walk away before even saying my name.
    Was this with a dual, or...?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    A surprising number of my exes live alone, with a cat.

    I'd like to think that has nothing to do with me.
    In that case it had nothing to do with me, it was a previous boyfriend...or maybe something in her family...idk honestly I had my life to live, I was going to university, working and cycling. No time for her issues. However...she was smoking hot...when you are's impossible to resist...
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    Quote Originally Posted by fauxpunk View Post
    Maybe ENTjs are the real problem here...
    No it's just that Ni creatives like to heal people who have mental issues. It's written in the description. As soon as you know this trait you know what to avoid.
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    Quote Originally Posted by fauxpunk View Post
    Was this with a dual, or...?
    Ugh let's hope not. All jokes aside, the experience was intense for me. I felt like I saw everything in such a short amount of time like reading an open book. It was weird. Something about her was off putting at first like she had this studying gaze but for some reason I guess I found beauty in her chaos. But I knew she wouldn't be a safe connection to deal with in the future. For reasons I won't mention it was toxic and I protected my peace lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Metanoia View Post
    Ugh let's hope not. All jokes aside, the experience was intense for me. I felt like I saw everything in such a short amount of time like reading an open book. It was weird. Something about her was off putting at first like she had this studying gaze but for some reason I guess I found beauty in her chaos. But I knew she wouldn't be a safe connection to deal with in the future. For reasons I won't mention it was toxic and I protected my peace lol
    This ESI I was talking about, when I left her...she stalked me (I found her multiple times next to my apartment when I was going to work or school). I had to call the police and make a restraining order. Just to understand the order of magnitude. A previous forum member (implied?) accused me of calling a woman "crazy" because it's toxic masculinity. It's not about women or men, some people have mental problems.

    Unfortunately it's not always about the person. Another friend of mine, LIE, had a fast fatal car accident, luckily he came out alive. Since then however, he has developed mental troubles.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    No it's just that Ni creatives like to heal people who have mental issues. It's written in the description. As soon as you know this trait you know what to avoid.
    Well, by God, the first part has been true of me. Only recently have I started giving up on people who were too damaged.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    This ESI I was talking about, when I left her...she stalked me (I found her multiple times next to my apartment when I was going to work or school). I had to call the police and make a restraining order. Just to understand the order of magnitude. A previous forum member (implied?) accused me of calling a woman "crazy" because it's toxic masculinity. It's not about women or men, some people have mental problems.

    Unfortunately it's not always about the person. Another friend of mine, LIE, had a fast fatal car accident, luckily he came out alive. Since then however, he has developed mental troubles.
    That part is true. Anyone can be crazy. It just makes it harder to cut a connection if you have an attachment to that person, not necessarily if you're attracted or not to them. But sometimes it doesn't matter how you feel you have to look at a situation objectively and make a decision for yourself.

    That woman I knew had mental problems certainly. Not from an accident, but from childhood trauma and such. I could practically even hear her thoughts and criticisms she had towards herself and others it was, at the time, horrifying to witness but eh I'm glad I experienced it at the same time. It made me face some things of my own. Like an opportunity for growth.

    I'm sorry about your friend. It must have been devastating to see such a drastic change in your friend. May he have a speedy recovery.

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    My girlfriend is my opposite and that has definitely influenced my relationship with her.
    Being completely authentic and acting on my instincts always renders the best results in our communication and getting along.

    Not with most other people.

    I can talk to her everyday almost the entire day, and I rarely if ever get bored.

    The point is, type has a huge impact, I wouldn't be able to have that if she had another dominant function, it seems..

    But I agree that getting along does not depend on type alone (I used to fight with her a lot before I realized I could just be totally "myself" and get totally denuded, and that realization made the relation smooth)

    But well, most truths are half truths.. so there's a point in what you guys are pointing out.

    Great post by the way
    Sometimes you don't have motivation because you lack purpose.
    Sometimes you don't have purpose, because you lack self-knowledge
    Sometimes you don't have self-knowledge because you lack love
    Sometimes you don't have love because you lack self-love
    Sometimes you don't have self-love because you lack guess what? Ask Gulenko!!

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    I wish more type descriptions would be negative, like really negative. It’d give a better look at unhealthy levels of types and would probably be easier for all the crazies on forums to match with. Although people do like to relate to the good descriptions.
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrainlessSquid View Post
    My girlfriend is my opposite and that has definitely influenced my relationship with her.
    Being completely authentic and acting on my instincts always renders the best results in our communication and getting along.

    Not with most other people.

    I can talk to her everyday almost the entire day, and I rarely if ever get bored.

    The point is, type has a huge impact, I wouldn't be able to have that if she had another dominant function, it seems..

    But I agree that getting along does not depend on type alone (I used to fight with her a lot before I realized I could just be totally "myself" and get totally denuded, and that realization made the relation smooth)

    But well, most truths are half truths.. so there's a point in what you guys are pointing out.

    Great post by the way
    I can respect it. Honestly, after I posted this I was in a party with quite a few Se-valuers and it left me feeling pretty drained lol. Then, I hung out with a bunch of Ne-Si users and I felt rejuvenated. I definitely think that there's merit to the system, but not necessarily the idea that you can't work hard to mend things with the people you care about, regardless of type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aster View Post
    I wish more type descriptions would be negative, like really negative. It’d give a better look at unhealthy levels of types and would probably be easier for all the crazies on forums to match with. Although people do like to relate to the good descriptions.
    This is basically enneagram, lol. Enneagram is all unhealthiness, yet people still manage to misidentify their types... I think it's mainly an ego problem (which makes sense considering enneagram is egoic).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aster View Post
    I wish more type descriptions would be negative, like really negative. It’d give a better look at unhealthy levels of types and would probably be easier for all the crazies on forums to match with. Although people do like to relate to the good descriptions.
    Jung has plenty of negative stuff in his type descriptions. For example: In his Ni description he said that this type mistakes his intuitions for reality, and can be too dependent (Se inferior). Weak consciousness of bodily existence. Can become an enigma to his immediate circle, can be too subjective, fruitless. There are plenty of positive stuff also of course.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

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    The kind of descriptions people want are not really TIMs/sociotypes descriptions which can be very short and that would be okay. No, what people want are Personality descriptions which are "instances" of real people carriers of a given TIMs/sociotypes. The problem in doing that is that TIMs/sociotypes and personality "traits" (preferably archetypal behaviors) get mixed in the description process. Indeed, we are now adding some biographical contents to the mix and therefore adding a bit of Psychology which constitutes a departure from Typology (stricto sensu).

    Now, I agree that real life and to a certain degree fictional examples of TIMs/sociotypes are very important to construct type images. However, we must be very careful and not confound the map with the territory, indeed a TIM/sociotype doesn't necessarily result or produce or is at the origin of a particular personality. There maybe 16 TIMs but there are much much more "personalities types".

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    Quote Originally Posted by fauxpunk View Post
    In all of my research, it feels like intertype descriptions are always so negative. In no way do I mean talking about how relationships can struggle is a bad thing, but it feels like every anecdote they add to the end of descriptions goes "X type and X type were consistently frustrated with each other forever and ever until one of them died of tuberculosis. Then the remaining X lived in sorrow and misery for the rest of their life." I mean, it's definitely descriptive and interesting, but I also wouldn't mind hearing about the good parts every now and then, lol.
    Some examples of how personality poles could be described with "negative" descriptors at each extreme:

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    Quote Originally Posted by anotherperson View Post
    the original duality was made based on some economic principles: idea being the mental ring is the "request" or the "thing" and the vital ring is the "labour or production" made with it.

    the research on the "economics" of ITR was not completed before new versions of socionics began to appear (bukalov's, gulenko's, etc.) , they took the incomplete ITR and made it less economical and more about romance and love , ofc, this latter idea is much easier to sensationalise and make tragic/comic stories of it

    A while ago I thought of something similar
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    Well, you have to consider the fact socionics was invented by constipated looking people who kinda analyzed relationships more from the outside looking in, like the nerdy people looking at how the cool normies got along and being secretly jealous. "They must be duals!" cried out the incelonics.

    But to be fair, (uh oh my Libra rising side is coming out) relationships do tend to have a lot of negativity around them. The "alpha" ideal that we all get along and dance upon a rainbow and have amazing gay sex with each other without getting AIDS or cancer in our colons is just that, an ideal and being kind of naive. Humans can be pretty cruel. The brain rationalizes it so it won't have to deal with it emotionally. Like the normie saying 'life is a tragedy for those who feel and comedy for those who think' etc, and people in the real world are accustomed and used to them being treated badly. In my fan fiction brain ppl are all loving and respecting one another too and summoning megazords too; but in real world you do have a lot of assholes and the ppl who do like that stuff act too pussy-ish instead of brave like they do on T.V. And just a pinch of... OOPS!!! It would rationally label an IEI for having a 'victim mindset' because of this rather than realizing ppl are sometimes just assholes looking for a victim. It's obviously way easier to blame the victim than to have the courage to stand up to ppl making the victims.

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    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Once you fully occupy the archetype, you have arrived there, I'd say. It means that flexibility is all gone.
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