Hi guys!
My name is Jin (ignore the cringy username lmao)
This my first time using a forum for anything really, but its really hard to find specifics just hanging around twitter or tiktok lol
I mostly wanna figure out what all of this socionics stuff means, I'm also planning to study Sociology with Psychology in 2 years (not that I have studied either of them)

IDK if its relevant but I'm an ENTP so/sx7 w 8, but I am learning as I go haha- please feel free to correct me.

For more personal stuff; I like anime (JJK, BSD, OP, Bleach), literature (Murakami, Wilde, Camus), video games (MLBB, COD, Hoyoverse) and art (specialised in oil painting)

If you play MLBB give me your username so we can play together !!

also 17F