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Thread: Member Questionnaire (unkn0wnus4r)

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    Default Member Questionnaire (unkn0wnus4r)

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    SEE in socionics and either WPLE or WLPE in psychosophy

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    I agree with Se Base but why Fi Creative though, I could say 4E is literally red flag for ethical types
    and also what enneagram I would be?

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    Your questionnaire, reading snippets, strikes me as SLE ish.. I don’t see ethical type at all, really.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


    Babies, click them to make them grow up into Kara’s Dragon Museum

    My favorite adult Museum Exhibits

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    Honestly, I don't even relate with Gamma Quadra, even if so, LIE fits me perfectly after SLE since im not a really ethical type at all, and WLPE is compatible with LIE sp3 aswell., about WPLE, this insecure logic part was just about finding my own type otherwise i dont give a shit. Any opinions?

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    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    Honestly, I don't even relate with Gamma Quadra, even if so, LIE fits me perfectly after SLE since im not a really ethical type at all, and WLPE is compatible with LIE sp3 aswell., about WPLE, this insecure logic part was just about finding my own type otherwise i dont give a shit. Any opinions?

    There were strong mentions of Fi(experience based, 1D), but then some parts that pointed towards the opposite.

    Quadra values don't really matter, especially with mental/vital, what matters between LIE and SLE is your

    Though if you are truly VLFE, then go with LIE, as 3F is more correlated to Si polar (and Se polar when paired with low Te, can be 3V too). Hence 3rd placement being an aggressive and weak placement, a sense of insecurity or even neglect.

    Polar functions manifestation:

    Introverted Sensation: “I am even more weak and sick than you think, and I am not trying to be different” (paranoid or hysteroid illnesses).
    Weak physics, sense of health, etc, archetypical 3F.
    Introverted Ethics: “I am even worse, and more tactless, than you think. And I do not need anyone”.
    3E, even Fe polar in the original source sounds 3E other than Fi. 3E -> Fx polar.
    Introverted Logic: “I am even dumber than you think, and I am not trying to be different”.
    Sounds very 3L, SEE & IEE

    For enneagram, if you aren't sp8, then SLE isn't likely at all.

    I recommend you look into this video

    Maybe look into sx8 or so8

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    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    Member Questionnaire 1 (unkn0wnus4r)

    What is beauty? What is love?
    Idk. i have never felt true love, even from my parents, They ignored me since my childhood and only tried to correct me when they saw my mistakes even small details. I started to become like them. When I see a small mistake, I start correcting everyone. Apart from that, I have never had never had a proper conversation with my family. My family didn't let me go out since I was a kid, they were just task-oriented people. My mother always would told me to be careful of the dangers of the outside world Since my childhood, father was a controlling person, like my mother, but there wouldn't even be a proper conversation between us,my father would be proud when he saw me working at a job. I was always criticized by my parents for not taking responsibility And every time I felt like I had to take responsibility, I would get extremely angry. because I wanted to go out, make friends, and play in parks but no,and over time it progressed like this that now I am ashamed to go out and even if I do, I always feel like I have to tell my family. sorry but I don't understand what real love, beauty is I was always criticized for having low willpower, but to prove myself to my father, I wanted to get a job even though he thought I would have more time to get a job. I was able to work quickly and for 1 week. I quit my job due to pain and leaks. Afterwards, I realized that my father was talking behind my back. I don't know what real love is I don't care about trying to be loved.
    This failure of your parents to support you emotionally and unconditionally is, in my opinion, a sign that you, also, are probably going to have trouble relating well to other people in your life. In my experience, it often (but not always) leads a person to become dismissively attached. You can read more about attachment theory, but you should know that any trouble you might have in forming stable relationships is not related to your type, but rather is a product of bad parenting, and it can be fixed with effort and professional help. Not my help. Professional help.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    What are your most important values?
    my most important value is Collecting a lot of useful information, but I have doubts about the accuracy of the information, I try to collect all the second and third hand information and compare it with other information to determine its accuracy, but I still have doubts, that's why I can't sleep for nights.
    Obsessively collecting information is a trait of NTs. Having endless doubts about that information’s veracity is a result of having strong and valued supportive Ne. I suspect you are LII.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    second most important value is to improve my second language and move to a country to start a new life away from my past life and for this I would even give up my comfort.
    Your willingness for “Giving up comfort” indicates that you value Si. Moving away from your parent’s abuse is not type related, but good for you.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    In general, I am someone who tries to achieve everything. I used to have a career in modding game videos, coding, video edits in my childhood, I would do my regular job in such things and create separate collections for each assets.
    Creating logical collections is pure Ti.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    and organize with friends for fun since my childhood, also i still keep same ideas for example, I would tell my family that I wanted to move to the usa, which jobs I would do and how I would contribute, and even though many years had passed, I was still thinking about the same idea. Even though other countries attracted my attention, my interest did not last long, I only had a dream of going to one country and the reason why I want to be a citizen of that place is the general beauty of its cities, its people and general culture, and the fact that its native language is English, because I cannot waste my time learning a second language, because I have barely improved my English by playing games and then going to courses. If I could go there, I would see how much of a workaholic I would be. I would say that if I were given this right, I would give up everything from my comfort, my needs, my habits, everything. I'd even my friends what jobs they can find jobs too and how much they can earn this month and how easily they can do the things they want, I didn't give a fuck about religious values and national values since my childhood i took it whole things as a joke.
    Not taking religion seriously is a characteristic often found in Ti users. Many LIIs and SLEs do this. They basically hate unprovable bullshit.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    bullshit. I don't believe in any of the religious beliefs. They are no different from countries and races that were established just to make people fight each other. For example, 10 Jews meet a Muslim and then they say, "You are not one of us, we must kill you." They brainwash people and turn them into mindless creatures. I started being a atheist secretly at the age of 10
    See above. “Not taking religion seriously is a characteristic often found in Ti users. Many LIIs and SLEs do this. They basically hate unprovable bullshit.”
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    let's say you invade a country, if you don't completely deport or kill the people of that country, they will one day gather and rebel, but you will bring such real power that no people will dare to rebel. rules and the heaviest penalties should be imposed. If the people of the occupied country are too afraid of you to rebel against you, this is what you call real power.
    This question about war gives the respondent an opportunity to talk about how they deal with Se. You side-step the issue of Se force in favor of talking about rules and law and penalties. Not an Se-valuer.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    in general, I've talked at about stories and games that interested me. I would talk about a few theories about how something started and how it would end, and also I would talk about how we could make money, how much money we could collect in which businesses, how much money we could earn in this month, but in general, I rarely talked about beliefs, politics, and love of the country because I didn't care, my friend described me as "A someone who could potentially trade blood for money." Sometimes I would come up with also clueless ridiculous ideas for a short while but after a while I wouldn't take them seriously.
    “Someone who could trade blood for money.” Your friend seems to be saying that you take a very dispassionate, emotionless approach to your interactions.
    In my experience, LIIs are the best sociotype at looking at the world rationally, without emotion or inserting themselves into their analysis. This makes them the greatest researchers.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I don't interested in health/medicine not even my body, there are many body wounds but I rarely care about that. also I don't usually eat breakfast. when I leave the bathroom I feel like I just stepped out of the shower. I clean everything and wash myself 10 times more than necessary to bad smells Even though I don't care about health, I generally do my best to look clean. And strangely I do this by washing it 20 times more than necessary. normally I wouldnt even pay attention to what happened to my body, but i would take a shower before going to a possible meeting The home environment in general, my room at home is always dirty, no matter how much I am warned by my family, I don't pack it, I don't pay attention, I forget to pack it, I very rarely pack my belongings, for example, my father says that you will pack everything after 1 day, then on that day, I forget to pack it i extremely get anger inside because i know its my fault but cant do anything about it then i will have to become more careful, I ignore the needs for water and food, I generally don't even drink water. I've been forgetting for hours, and in general, i even rarely cook, and i hate it when i ate the same food over and over again, I get bored after a while. I'd like to try new dishes, but i usually I take a piece of bread in the middle of the night
    Valued, but very low Si. You care about taking care of your health and your surroundings, but you don’t put a lot of effort into it, beyond a bare minimum.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    What do you think of daily chores?
    my daily chore is collecting all kinds of information from sites and sources and people as well. This is my daily routine. sometimes i ask my friends or strangers about what they think about films and I would be interested in hearing their opinions as well. When I have something stuck in my mind in the middle of the night, I would spend hours trying to find its meaning.
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    Olympus Has Fallen
    White House Down
    American Psycho
    Resident Evil (Live-Action)
    Terminator 1 (1984)
    Terminator 2 (Judgement Day)
    Star Wars 1977
    Dexter Morgan
    The Crazies
    Battle of Los Angeles

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I don't cry even for the worst events, I don't know why but when I tried to I couldn't even cry. but in general I want to be look strong, also, seeing my friends who experienced things bad and unfortunate events makes me laugh, even though I should not be laughing for no reason for example; Even though I knew that my friend would experience a bad event, I acted to cause a bad event and I laughed a lot in return. then he blocked me and i gave %0 shit about it.
    Low Fe and low Fi. I have this, too.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    in general, when I work at work, I tend to work in areas where there are no noisy, uncomfortable and nervous people, because I hate being controlled anyway, nervous people give me trouble, but I feel comfortable in places where people are friendly and positive, not because I want them to be happy, but because they want to be happy because they won't yell at me or interfere. I know it may sound selfish and arrogant, but I am a person who thinks about himself, the same goes for my family, even I don't care if my mom and dad fight, I just hate the noise they make.
    Low Fe (friendliness), valued Si (personal comfort).
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    In general, they say that I struggle with people what they feel and why they feel it or even if i understand i don't give a shit, I don't care, that I don't empathize and I don't even try to stop the drama, that I'm just someone who watches from distance. they say that I'm someone who doesn't understand who is fighting with whom and why they're fighting even if they told me the reason of that, i'll just kept as friend because I usually don't give a fuck about a subject that doesn't concern me. but if decided to delete it then i will delete it according to my own logic for like; this guy already messed with me once, so i can unfriend him for my own reasons, not public reasons. I can't empathize anyway, I'm generally aware of this, but even if I try to improve, I just gave them advice to stay away from those such people and never talk with them again. I am someone who gives up my own comfort to achieve even the smallest thing to get what I want. I give up my own physical needs just to get what I want. I ignore the needs for food and water for hours. In general, I always ignore the discomforts in my body and for example, I do not go to breakfast when breakfast is ready, even if I go, it is too fast. After somehow purchasing 1-2 pieces, I go back to work. I usually eat my meal comfortably after I finish my work, but if there is an activity that I want to do myself, I usually ignore the meal, and when an important event suddenly happens in an uncertain and unfortunate way, for example, I am doing important work, if my door suddenly opens and I am taken somewhere during work, I get extremely angry, in an uncertain and unannounced way. I hate it because it happens and I can get angry when it happens over and over again, and I don't understand people who make unnecessary jokes, I can't take people who talk nonsense and make jokes seriously, I never smile in the photos I take, I just look at them emotionlessly, I get annoyed when my family try to take pictures of me while I'm eating, it's vaguely like this without my knowledge. Things are being done, I get extremely angry, but in general I try to look for the logical reason from time to time, why did you do this, what is your purpose, what will you get by doing this? then i know that i cant change myself Since I get bored of doing the same things in my general observation activities, half of my day is spent watching new things on video in bed, but I would like to do new activities that will stimulate me. I would love to see new things like in those old days, as I did in my childhood n general, I don't care about who, what has happened, what events have happened, I ignore even when mistakes are made against my own family (their own problems are none of my business), so when there is drama in friends' circles, I generally dont give a fuck, I don't know how to empathize anyway, how to provide emotional support. I don't know if I can give anything, I could only help the other person by explaining the logic I have created in my mind to motivate them, but after a while I get bored of helping, I am tired of treating people as if they are different, in short, I want to be myself, in general, I am someone who does not hesitate to express my anger to people, but my anger is more verbal. It gets very physical. I rarely express my anger verbally. Also I present myself as friendly in groups, after a few days I don't even look at the groups. Even if I tell my friends that I will attend their events, I focus on my more important work and forget to come. and sometimes I disturb people even though they don't want me to do it, for example they don't want me to talk about a subject but I still continue to talk about it, And my general weakness is that I can upset people even though I don't want to. This is something I experience a lot without realizing it then they block me a few weeks later.
    This is all low Fe.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Generally, they say that I am someone who keeps his words to himself, does not get into clueless fights and just deals with his own business. I accept criticism as long as it is not harsh words thrown at me I don't get offended easily And I dont get angry easily. Even if the other person tells me that "I will publish your photos or something," I call him privately and try to understand what his purpose is, then I want to make amends, and it depends on who it is. Generally, if someone seems to not make peace with me and still tries to disturb me, I become extremely reactive, even resorting to violence. but usually I forgive even the biggest mistakes made to me in the past, I act as if it didn't happen, instead of talking about it in the middle of the conversation, until they brings up the subject himself, I would tell them that what they did was stupid. In the past, my friend used to constantly tell me about her problems. Even though I was not really helpful, I tried to help as much even thought i didn't know what to do.
    Low Fi and low Fe. I, an LIE, do this, too.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I wish I had friends who could help me get out of the house and socializing. Normally, I don't have a hard time going out and doing activities, but since I don't have any friends, it can be boring. I haven't left house for years, I go out once every 3 weeks
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    sometimes, I go into paranoia thinking that the information I have learned is wrong and I constantly collect information from morning to evening and look at how it is explained on other sites and mix it up. Since it lasted for months, I got sick. I could not sleep at night even if I wanted to. I had to move until the morning, the only time in my life when I tried to judge according to my own value, I felt extremely strange because I turned into someone I was not, and when I tried to judge according to my own value, I screwed up and was extremely uncomfortable because I was not normally like this, I didn't care about what people were going through, what they could turn into, I wasnt intrusive person. I tried to be like this but turned into someone I couldn't be, and that day I felt very strange.
    LIIs are masters of classifying information (Ti) and then endlessly testing that information (Ne) for truthfulness. That is Ti served by Ne. If you tried to change your “endless testing” into “a single, final opinion of your own”, that would be you using Ni. LIIs have 4D Ni, but they don’t value the function. If you were trying to intentionally, seriously use Ni, then you would not be being true to the nature of LIIs.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    And in general, one of my problems is that I hate unexpected situations, for example, I am at the computer, my friend or family member comes and wants to make me hold something to my hand during the game, and I get angry because I say tell them beforehand, because maybe I am doing important work or I am in a competitive game, and I don't find any jokes funny, I don't laugh. , also I get angry when something unexpected is decided without my knowledge. If I want to do something, for example, I want it to be set for 15:00. I don't like to suddenly want to leave.
    Hating unexpected surprises is a characteristic of Ni, which seeks to eliminate all possibilities except for the one, best result. LIIs have very strong Ni, but they don’t like to use it for serious things.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    they usually tell too many unnecessary long stories and I'm too lazy to listen, when they have a problem, they immediately tell me and expect attention, And in general, I like people who don't jump from topic to topic, just give information when needed, and don't make small talk. If my friends started talking stupidly, awkwardly and then i stay away from them. and most thing i hate it when anyone gets mad at me they dont tell me what's the problem because they became very childish.
    No conclusion.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    First of all, I would like a partner who would do what I say and would not oppose me. If my partner doesnt do anything what I say, I would just ghost her.
    Not entirely type related, but commensurate with LIIs, who will ghost people whom they don’t like.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I would be afraid that my child would be weak and acts cowardly, I would do my best to raise him to be strong and a leader, not a cowardly attention whore.
    You are going to have trouble with your Duals, until you learn more about them.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    If he someone against the system I defend and defends irrelevant systems My internal reaction would be angry then I would sent source links and if person still doesn't accept my point and goes their own way, I get even more angry and curse that person a lot, tell them to fuck off and block that person.
    No definite conclusion.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    i don't care about society, social morality, people etc., in general, I don't care if people are really happy or look happy in the environment I am around. I don't act according to what they say, I only rarely take action at important moments so as not to look bad No matter how much I listen to their opinions, in the end I do my own thing. Idk about prevalent social problem i dont really care though
    Very low Fe.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    in general, Im mostly serious and calm person around my friends, i don't want to be friends with people who always get offended when I criticize them and dramatize everything they experience In short, no matter how many events I experienced, I did not dramatize them or bring up the subject, I continued as if it had not happened.. And I almost never chat with my friends. I don't like to make small talk. If we are going to do important work or an event, we only talk, or when there is new news, I mention it, but in general, I am not interested in my friends telling long stories because I see it as an unnecessary and annoying action. I can't stop for a long time, but I can stop for once so that it doesn't break, but other than that, I can't find anything to say when I listen, I just say "it's good" and let it go. And I don't like stupid people who constantly praise themselves with their unfunny stupid actions. and If I realize that I am not trustworthy in the groups, I will disappear secretly without telling anyone.
    I can relate to that, myself, but I have low Fi and low Fe.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    How do you behave around strangers?
    in general, I am a quiet cold blooded person around strangers, I don't make unnecessary jokes, I don't like it, it is repulsive to me, I don't take it seriously when they bully me on the internet, But if they have tried in real life, I would tear their teeth out of their mouths. I would never be afraid to express my anger in such situations. I rarely chat with people at work, I usually ask how long they have been doing this job, I wonder how difficult it will be, and I calculate how much money I will earn from this job and start making plans in the future. When something I don't understand, I ask again how it is done, and once I misunderstood my first job and did it differently, it was very frustrating. I wasn't alarmed, but later I apologized for the damage I caused, and then I continued as if nothing had happened. I usually don't talk much in conversations, I stay in the shadows, I'm someone who doesn't have difficulty in taking action, for example, when someone tells the story of a fight, I reply like "He was looking for an excuse to fight you" and then I stay silent, I don't talk much. then people saw me as a strange,, interesting person, and they wanted to get closer, they kept asking questions. sometimes I made fun of people's weaknesses.
    No strong relation to any one type, but commensurate with LII.
    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post

    I think you are LII.

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    I've finished video, honestly I'm suck at self expressioning i dont even fit SEE-Fi they seem more extraverted tbh like I dont know how to start conversation, I'm mostly introvert and i mostly listen others, I've been typed as Enneagram 5 before, my SEE sx8 friend said that he always protects the weak does not not hesitate to get into a fight. while I wouldn't even want to talk in front of a lot of people because I'm afraid of saying something stupid.

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    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    I've finished video, honestly I'm suck at self expressioning i dont even fit SEE-Fi they seem more extraverted tbh like I dont know how to start conversation, I'm mostly introvert and i mostly listen others, I've been typed as Enneagram 5 before, my SEE sx8 friend said that he always protects the weak does not not hesitate to get into a fight. while I wouldn't even want to talk in front of a lot of people because I'm afraid of saying something stupid.

    What subtype of e5? Naranjo I presume?

    E5 is more congruent to Ni base, sx5 for IEI, sp and so5 for ILI. However some argue for LII/EII.

    Way off for an extraverted SE base, which is mostly anti-social(choatic, etc), than asocial.

    Already SEE is off, SLE is questionable.

    I'd see that not only are you cognitively introverted, but as well as socially introverted.

    Will you need resources for enneagram type?

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    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    I've finished video, honestly I'm suck at self expressioning i dont even fit SEE-Fi they seem more extraverted tbh like I dont know how to start conversation, I'm mostly introvert and i mostly listen others, I've been typed as Enneagram 5 before, my SEE sx8 friend said that he always protects the weak does not not hesitate to get into a fight. while I wouldn't even want to talk in front of a lot of people because I'm afraid of saying something stupid.
    Enneagram type 5 is most strongly associated with Ti, and much less so with Ni.

    LII and SEE are Conflictors. I get along very well with my conflictors if they are the right sub-type (Fe), but I wouldn't marry one. Your Conflictors and your Duals can look a lot alike.

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    Tritype: 583

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    sp874 Muira's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    Tritype: 583
    Sx5 is too emotionally expressive, you'd be sp5 over sx5 especially with 3E, LFEV.


    I'd recommend you look into ILI,

    How relatable is it?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Enneagram type 5 is most strongly associated with Ti, and much less so with Ni.

    LII and SEE are Conflictors. I get along very well with my conflictors if they are the right sub-type (Fe), but I wouldn't marry one. Your Conflictors and your Duals can look a lot alike.

    I'd disagree, again judging from SCS and SSS.

    you should mention what socionic model you are using

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    Some parts are relatable but I don't even fully understand Ni function, I can't make a comment I'm having trouble understanding function.

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    Also Sometimes I act extremely impulsive and I rarely predict the consequences. I am not aware of the danger I will be in anyway. I usually live the moment as it is. I never see the hidden potential behind objects. I don't even think that im a intuitive

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    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    Also Sometimes I act extremely impulsive and I rarely predict the consequences. I am not aware of the danger I will be in anyway. I usually live the moment as it is. I never see the hidden potential behind objects. I don't even think that im a intuitive

    Hm, what do you think of sx6/sp6? Essentially LSI in correlation.

    This summarizes classical socionic functions with links to original sources -> IME functions (Original meaning)

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    I would say sx6 fits me but i also relate with sp8 aswell maybe because of trifix

  18. #18
    You mustn't think thought control Distance's Avatar
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    Have a look at SLE OP.

    Si ignore here looks like an attitude, and not neglect.

    SEE/SLE ignore it.

    There's more to it than that, like a disdain for Fi, friends are a utility. Lol.

    Vote: SLE

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

    Abstract builds a soul, a house can never become a home without it

    A little better makes better more>

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    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    I would say sx6 fits me but i also relate with sp8 aswell maybe because of trifix

    Well, those enneagram subtypes are very close. Which I dealt with too.

    But one question, would you say you are socially timid? Reserved? Shy?

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    Yeah I'm reserved a bit, But after knowing people for a long time, I become more extroverted.

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    I relate a lot to Ti-SLE

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    Hi, can you please answer this questions :

    1) How old are you ?
    2) What is your gender (I have reasons to believe that you are a male but in this day and age we can't be really sure about genders unless we ask !)
    3) Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental health condition ?

    4) The "Mongol General" question : What is best in life ?
    Last edited by godslave; 05-08-2024 at 03:19 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    I relate a lot to Ti-SLE
    That's the type I am

    As someone who has been typed as SLE, with Se + Ti blocking , skim through and see if you relate to this

    Analysis done(shorter) ;

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    Yup, I relate to most parts, also this one seems different and tough questionnaire and probably paid, also how long it took you to do all of them?

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    Quote Originally Posted by unkn0wnus4r View Post
    Yup, I relate to most parts, also this one seems different and tough questionnaire and probably paid, also how long it took you to do all of them?
    It's actually free, it took me about a couple of days to finish. It's recommended to actually have around 150+ words per subsection.

    I got typed by Lucystar(LII), Lena(EII), & Captain(LSI) on PBD and discord.

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    lol @ poeple thinking this is any kinda Se lead

    I wish I had friends who could help me get out of the house and socializing. Normally, I don't have a hard time going out and doing activities, but since I don't have any friends, it can be boring. I haven't left house for years, I go out once every 3 weeks

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    a video would help

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    Quote Originally Posted by idol View Post

    lol @ poeple thinking this is any kinda Se lead
    It's not about lifestyle, it's about how his head works. He is obviously Se-valuing and irrational type, what gives us four options: IEI, SLE, ILI or SEE. He does not care about Fe, so first two should be excluded. Now, does he speak as logician or ethicist? For me he sounds as an ethicist. He actively rejects Fe building boundaries with other people, he edits his post just to exclude Terminator 3 and Terminator 4 from the list of the best movies, and most importantly, in his speech there are transitions from logic to ethics. Right in the first question he was asked to give a definition (Ti), but he jumped into ethics and started talking that his family did not love him (Fe + Fi) - that is the sharp sign of Ti PoLR.

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