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Thread: Generational superiority complexes

  1. #1
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Default Generational superiority complexes

    it seemed to me even at school each year was somehow more distinct from other years, and the people above and people below feel superior to each other based on superficial maybe downright just narcissistic reasons. then there's the boomers vs millenials vs gen x (idk who tf is gen x and whos millenial its more like boomer > weirdos > zoomers for me atm) where a lot of the boomers are clueless regarding other people but i believe most people generally only see their own limited pov and this can form generational patterns as well as tribalistic. some issuse i have with gen z is they go too far crash and burn/mess others up and just move on (pluto in saggittarius, yes i am using astrology). a negative of the pluto in scorpio ppl generation is a lot of them seem like edgelords - they get mad at things without saying why or for subjective reasons and feel some kind of superiority about it + being afraid that most people are trying to survive as they are thus willing to resort to hurting others preemptively while failing to properly reason if they should, and talking about how "soft" gen z is bc of their own mental bs, survival of the fittest, they are just a bunch of scared children who are excessively violent and cotnrolling, they know their peers tend to be like that too, they look down on others based on preconceptions that they think are deep and complicated and hard but are just based on fear bc they are not allowed to grow properly bc if they aren't excessively violent/controlling/powerful someone will crush them. @shazaam may be part of this generation and in that context it can make even more sense to not like grimdark stuff if ur peers are liek that. ofc he has also criticized me for trying to maintain my edge i have scorp placements that aren't pluto. wlel the superiority complexes are narcissistic bc they are based on a grand personal fantasy and a limited personal view that is imposed on reality as if its true. the reason im making this thread is bc there's also generational disconnect based on those superiority complexes cuz ppl who grow up in those environments and somehow align with them without seeing above or through the superficial stuff tend to impose their things on those above and below them while feeling oppressed by superficial stuff above and below. in astrology signs next to each other are in "aversion" tho again the highest predictor of someone being into astro is also narcissism. in the sense of plut being about power, idk how much of generational superiority it is genuine narcissism vs actual means to survive and go on bc survival is based on reality but part of this erality is narcissistic bc of peers making u act a certain way jhust bc they have biases. pluto is also a planet of recycling, power and control. getting humiliated by being proven wrong by a powerful force when u thought u were above it can force u to "transform" how you cope to go on.
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  2. #2
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Oh wow you summoned me.

    I think me not liking grimdark stuff is really 'just a me' thing and not a cultural thing. I never really thought about how to put it in a more culturally objective context like that... maybe Te polr related. I've just always been that way, I actually still like watching Power rangers and lighthearted crap rather than grimdark stuff, or stuff deliberately designed to hurt your feelings. ((I never got into the hype of Game of Thrones or The wire or breaking bad or walking dead or the Straight Pride shows))

    I sort of like shows about the law because they are bisexual in-the-middle-y.

    My ILE friend is the opposite, he enjoys ppl trying to hurt his feelings like that. I actually enjoy when ppl say something gay and inspiring to u even tho its fake. Idk, the real world is already str8 and brutal enough- when I watch entertainment I want some escapism. Because I prefer lighthearted media, a lot of people think I'm SEI and not IEI. But erotically speaking, I feel more IEI-ish I guess. when I try to date ILE men they aren't aggressive or brutal enough for me even tho I want the brutality to be mostly for play. /hides

    Idk I respect your edge a bit better now I think, but edginess is often linked to just immaturity and being too young. U can be edgy, but you also can be vulnerable and beta male cuck-ish... which kinda makes me have a soft spot for you even when ur being annoying.

  3. #3
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    pluto in virgo generation 1957-1972 - obsession with details but also maybe "vanity" similar to the pluto in leo before them who may have had more lavish lives, the pluto in virgo strictness and servitude, in worse cases to the point of superiority complexes, extreme criticism towards anyone unclean or weird (virgo is aversive to aquarius), critical and demanding of servitude.

    gen x and the millenials - libra and scorpio. libra is giving and peaceful even tho can be again critical and wage war, scorpio is hidden and perceptive sensitive even if vengeful and judgemental. maybe thats why those guys seem more hidden. pluto in sag ppl are the zoomers, they come off strong and excessive, can even be cruel, but can also be fun and explorative. brainwashed by media, while others were brainwahsed by institutions and whatever social climate. bc sag explores beliefs religion and stuff, they hijacked us with social media and games to waste our time + depression to be uanble to follow our goals and spirit (arrow is goal)
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

    Your face makes your brain and sociotype – how muscle use shapes personality

    I want to care
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