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Thread: the thing about so-called weak women and so-called strong women sucks and distracts from better things.

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    Default the thing about so-called weak women and so-called strong women sucks and distracts from better things.

    don't you think people need to stop thinking so much about strength, weakness, toughness, niceness, and meanness or at least put less of a value on those things and more on originality, comfort, activity, street smartness, practicality?
    Last edited by Disturbed; 04-27-2024 at 11:54 AM.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  2. #2
    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    The current trend in the zeitgeist regarding "strong women" in both physical and psychological sense, is somewhat a continuation of a phenomenon that was present since the dawn of humanity. Strong women always existed, it's a temperament after all. The archetype of such strong woman is the Amazon warrior. That would translate in strong Se and a well developed Te (although there is an" ikhtilaf" about That IE definition) and in a more general socionics sense a Beta ST or Gamma SF.

    The problem comes from the unreasonable generality some neo-feminists want to instile in the collective unconscious, namely that it's not a temperament but an "Identity" much more in tune with the zeitgeist of our time in which one can freely claim to identify as pretty much anything without it being opposed or reasonably criticized or at the risk of social ostracisation.

    That said, we all know that the real warrior doesn't need to claim his or her way of being, the warrior is too busy warrioring for that ! As they say, nature abhors a vacuum, indeed while the cat's away the mice will play ! So the activist is not a real warrior so it would make sense that there are mostly EIEs and LIEs women in that role. These ladies are strong though or at least it's what they strongly (yet somewhat unconsciously) want to be recognized as because of their Se Mobilizing. However, no matter how developed that 2D Se can be, it can't compete with a 4D Se (esp if it is valued).

    Of course, it is also a basic truth of the human condition that each person thinks that everybody is or should be like them i.e. have the same TIM. So it is difficult for the neo-fem activists with Se mobilizing to fathom that real men-like warrior ladies (Esp SLEs who excel in both Se and Te with Fi PolR ) are rather rare, in other word a minority. When a woman behaved like a man we used to call her a Tomboy, things have changed of course...

    Now, we all know that "being powerful" is up to interpretation, there are Physical Power, Economical Power (wealth)and Political Power. When it comes to individual the most important power of all is the power of Will, one can't use any power without a strong will. Finally I will add an aspect of strong Se that people rarely mention namely telekinetic power ! Indeed, a very powerful Se can influence the behavior of objects in environment by means of its will alone like this :

    or that :

    Last edited by godslave; 04-27-2024 at 07:29 PM. Reason: just a slight precision

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