Ichazo's E2 sounds like a stereotypical version of E8 in other Enneagram versions, except that E2 is between being and not being dependent on others

Of all the numbers of the heart center , I relate to E2 the most , though I still lack a lot ( and in a literal sense a lot ) of vanity, inflated self, pride, narcissism and flirting in order to be a real 2

I also don't think I'm a heart core , given that :
1-I have no problems with my father neither in childhood nor in adolescence, not even nowadays, quite the contrary, my relationship with my dad is the best of all my relationships with family members, even with the fact that we are very different ( Ichazo's version assumes that in childhood each center had a problem with one of the characters : father, mother or peers , unlike Naranjo's version, whose students identified specific problems that each subtype of Enneagram - and not every Center - might have with parents )

2- (and it's the most important because the first is more in the unconscious and the Enneagram may be formed based on one situation that was misinterpreted and then forgotten by the person) that I don't care much about my image or base my personality on it much , Heart Center problems are not really my problems

Anyway, I still relate to the point of feeling the need to establish relationships with others

As for E3 and E4 , there are a few lines that I relate to , but the general idea of E3 ( a person who tries to compensate for his feeling of Father's absence by deceiving and creating an attractive and eye-catching image ) and E4 ( a person who over-analyzes and rationalizes ) and their fixation is a bit far from me , I relate to E3 more than E4 though , although it's not really like me