This is the primary thing missing from socionics, that Jung analyst John Beebe has noticed in his 40+ years of clinical experience in client shifts.. I have also of this in myself, noticed.

In cognitive-based socionics (SCS), that looks at information metabolism and how this affects sociological structures, I am an EII. But I am an IEI by most evolved into sociological forms of socionics, where the EII becomes this vastly reserved person who is aspiring towards efficiency in their suggesting Te..

But whilst SCS gets my take rightly on the lens of cognition and conscious/unconscious dynamics, it cannot explain my obtuse behavioral shift by its own self..

The reason so many people mistake me as an extrovert, is because I am fallen into my shadow.
What does this mean? This is why psychological views of function are pivotal, as it accounts for the why I’ve reversed from my inherent nature, though, I still retain introversion, I just put out Fe in a more introversive way.

I had noticed that Beebe and SCS overlap, and are in actuality, complementary. This would mean that SCS would potentially have one day, expand the concepts of shadow..

A shadow is the opposing function of your inherent lead, so if I am Fi, it would be Fe.. And this shift is what happens when a person becomes pathological from adverse life experiences that are prolonged. This is where complex ptsd, personality disorders and other means show their face. And I feel this shift happens when one’s inherent function cannot meet to its own need…

So if I am an FiNe, my opposition is FeNi. I believe this has do with everything in why I have been typed an eie by half the community, for so long.. Aside from it being sometimes a spite typing, and aside from my core social 4 falling into 2..

Exclusive sociological socionics isn’t looking quite as much at actual cognition and ability to understand those functions. It focuses on priority and at which strength these are focused on, rather than them actually interpreting and digesting of info. They are the “food” one puts in.. In their current measurements.. And I wouldn’t be able to be EII in these most, because I don’t seek be practical, nor am I emotionally reserved.
These ideas are things that socionics never intended to have in them. They distort informational metabolism, and the mental/vital track..