Quote Originally Posted by Herzblut
Okay, I wanted to ask you guys a few questions. Why? Because I am heavily involved at a Ropes Course, and there are about five people there that I typed as ISTp, and I'd like to get to know them a little better. Thanks for any input. In case you were wondering, I'm ESTp. (quadra invasion!)

1. What is your opinion on all extroverted types in general?
Get on well with all extraverted percievers, I am attracted to excitment and 'bubbliness'. I am more attracted to them than quieter people. I am more relaxed, however, with introverts, even though its harder to have a conversation, but I don't see that as a problem, more of a blessing. Very loud, in-your-face extraverts annoy the hell out of me, as do some extraverted judgers, who I just feel are too uptight for my liking.

2. If someone made small talk with you, how (un)comfortable would you be?
I would be suspicious as to what they wanted or wondering just how long it would be until they got to the point of the conversation. I don't see the point of small talk. Talk about something funny instead.

3. Would you rather that someone else initiate conversation, or would you rather do the initiating?
someone else

4. How long does it usually take for you to get comfortable with a new person? Especially if they are the opposite gender.

A long time. For me it's about a year, but I think it's down to the individual. The only type that I click with straight away and let my guard down is to ENFP's. Opposite gender doesn't bother me much, unless I really want to impress them, at which point I clam up. I clam up too, if I sense that the other person likes me back.

5. Do you sometimes with that you were a different type?
Sometimes maybe, I wished I was a little more open and readable to others, but not a specific type, as such

6. How happy are you with yourself?

See number 5.

7. What makes you enjoy a conversation?

FUN. Lot's of fun. Banter, playful arguments. No feelings or intimate details displayed, at first anyway, because it makes me feel manipulated into making the same response back. I don't like people trying and steer conversations into ways that I don't want to go.

8. Are you absolutely positive that you're ISTp? Does this page apply to you accurately?

9. Any other tips for interacting with your type?

Don't ask too many questions in your first conversations. Don't force opinions or try and persuade me a different way of thinking. Don't bitch about others behind their backs to me. Keep it light. Try talking to us while we're doing a shared activity puts us more in the mood for talking.

Thanks a bunch, everyone! I really appriciate your feedback.