1. Just so long as they're not trying to dominate, manipulate, trick or control me in any way, I have no problem with them. (I'm not very good at typing others yet so I can't really tell you much about interactions with the different extroverted types.)

2. Small talk is usually ok as long as it stays on surface level and the subject is actually on something I can converse about. I try to be agreeable and friendly when someone is trying to make small talk, unless (like IcE said) I detect a hidden motive. If I do start to feel uncomfortable I'll probably cut the conversation short.

3. I would definitely rather someone else initiate the conversation. I rarely ever initiate a conversation with someone I don't know.

4. It takes me a long time to get to know someone. They'll have to put a lot of time and effort and show that they're really interested in getting to know me. I'm surfacy for a long time, usually until the right person asks the right questions to get me to open up. I'll much more quickly open up to females than to males. I'm so afraid of giving my heart away to guys and getting it broken, so I'm much more cautious with males.

5. No, not really. Though I sometimes wish I was a little less shy. I don't mean being an extrovert. I just mean being less shy.

6. Yes, I like myself very much. Though, like I said in the last question, I wish I was less shy.

7. When I know the person well and we're on a topic of interest to me. I like to be able to banter with the person. That always helps a conversation.

8. Yes, I'm fairly positive that I'm an ISTP. All the tests I've taken have said that I'm and ISTP. Reading these sites and descriptions also help. The site you linked to described me fairly well. The negative part moreso than the positive, yet still accurate.

9. Be real and genuine, I'll know if you're up to something. It's difficult to "get my goat", so to speak. Don't be pushy. Don't be controlling. Be patient, it just takes some time to get to know me. If you are patient, you may reap the rewards. I'm almost always aware of what's going on around me. Very little surprises me. If you're friendly, I'm usually friendly. Don't act like a know-it-all. Don't put me on the spot or embarrass me. Don't try too hard to impress me, it probably won't work, I'll just laugh and shake my head. I want people to like me, but if you don't, you don't and I won't loose any sleep over it. I won't chase after you if you leave. I'm very bad about keeping in contact if you're no longer in direct contact with me. If you still want to hear how I am, you'll have to take up the initiative. I'm just bad about it. It's not that I don't care, it's just an "out of sight out of mind" sort of deal.

The best thing a person can do is be themselves, be real and true, no tricks or games. I'll see you for who you are. Take your time getting to know me. I think you'll find that I'm friendly, easy to get along with, even fun, smart, and somewhat spunky.