I know everyone is here because you're like "I believe in a lot of unconventional things, I don't mindlessly accept standard narratives, this is interesting so let's check it out." While there are some interesting ideas in socionics such as Jungian typology, cybernetics, and information metabolism, the foundations of the theory such as duality, quadras, and Reinin dichotomies are quite baseless and often seem to contradict reality. You don't have to believe in socionics to validate all the other kinds of conspiracies or alternative and fringe ideas you believe in.

I would advise instead of getting into socionics, just look at the ideas socionists got into such as Kępiński's theory of information metabolism and don't use the theory itself since it seems fundamentally flawed and can be harmful when people take it too seriously. If you think you have to believe socionics in order to disagree with mainstream narratives or consensus on literally anything else, this is probably a sign you don't understand your beliefs all that much and maybe you should work on that instead of distracting yourself with an obviously-wrong psychology theory.

I am not starting my own forum for better psychology because forums kind of suck. What use is a bunch of random people on the Internet's opinions of things, anyway? It's better not to pay attention to that stuff, which can be actively harmful if anything.

This PSA has been HERESY.