warning he hurts woman in this vid in the start and throughout

he said he's ASPD and borderline somewhere (not this vid)

matches it for me. the BPD ppl look like hurt children (all cluster Bs do, but there's smth softer or more emotional about BPD (which im not saying like ppl with BPD are weaker or smth im trying to describe impression of their face))

he was complaining no one put him in the right direction as a kid he had a swastika and was a nazi just bc he was copying his abusive dad, but i think thats kinda dumb in the sense that how do you want me to approach u and help u when u will get offended about some bs and come up with reasons to abuse me or do it for no reason?

other ppl said he's a hypocrite already. he dislikes ppl for doing what he himself does, he was upset at his father for saying "at least didnt molest you" on his forgiveness speech when dying. but he himself treats others in abusive ways and its fine just bc its not even more abusive? and again he himself has made remarks about how ppl are weak or smth and i wonder if theres not some implication that ppl who are weak deserve to die. cluster Bs tend to try to abuse people who try to help them over time then have the nerve to complain about it. theres ppl wores off than them, that dont behave as badly as them, and i do understand there's definitely things under the surface that can make things different. but they think they hsould make others miserable just bc they themslves are miserable and thus they wanna ruin other lives, and if they think they did smth "small" as abuse to someone and the perosn suffers dies gets hurt a lot or whatever, then that person was just weak and desreved it. they dont understand what small abuse is and isnt either bc they dont use logic or empathy muhc, their brain is distorted and maybe they are just shitty people.

hes also obsessed with appearing normal and thinks ppl who dont appear normal are privileged. maybe he equates his success and championship to pain and hard work - cluster B entitlement and thus he imposes himself on others. he also tries to provoke them through harassment to feel justified in hurting them after they attack him. im tired of ppl wanting to be treated well when they dont want to treat others well and them being so demented that they dont even recognize or accept to themslves that they do that.