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Thread: 16types Adventures: mu4 and the Bourgoisie Social Construct

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    Post 16types Adventures: mu4 and the Bourgoisie Social Construct

    Once upon a time there was a boy called mu4 who was definitely not a furry, because being a furry and bestiality are not the same thing and you're just slandering furries if you think they're all or mostly into bestiality. He was scrolling through his site,, trying to pretend to be aloof and inactive when he caught sight of a a thread that had blown up within one day, called Heresy Thread. As he was reading Birdbrain's posts he became outraged and tried to pretend to keep his cool. What? He thought, How dare you say that the idea of duality is a huge turnoff, completely unromantic, and that on the topic of Alan Turing and chemical castration, 16t might as well be electronic castration? Romance is a bourgeoisie social construct! This Birdbrain user is onto my scheme to try to abolish the idea of romance and replace it with duality so that the proletariat may triumph! I'm going to have to post something and pretend it has nothing to do with Birdbrain! I shall go to a different thread instead of the Heresy Thread and then Birdbrain will have no idea what caused my response! Muahahahahaha! What could be a good thread name? Oh, I see! "Men and women!"

    "Romance is a bourgeoisie social construct! The purpose of marriage is to spawn kids! If you believe in romance, then it's time for guillotines! Only a bourgeoisie could ever choose a romantic partner who isn't me after all! After the Marxist-Maoist Revolution, when we establish the worker's paradise and also all become Chinese, girls will stop rejecting me!" mu4 typed furiously as if he were stroking his ego.

    There. I have done it. Now I shall return to the forum meet-up at the secret 16types Adventurers base on Akliash to thank bnd for his loyalty to the workers' cause.

    "Hello bnd. What's the password today?" mu4 looked around between bnd and DEAD.

    "Homo superior hetero inferior!" bnd responded.

    "Nice password!" mu4 said.

    DEAD interjected, "That's my password! Your password was 'J. K. Rowling is a TERF!'" bnd looked around mildly embarrassed.

    "What brings you were today?" DEAD asked.

    "I just wanted to thank you comrades for banning Birdbrain, even if Birdbrain is now unbanned. Birdbrain is on parole as long as Birdbrain is not a traitor to the workers' cause. For we here on the Red Star have been rejected from Heaven. And I shall avenge myself against the most high! Hey ho, demons!"

    As mu4 looked around, he saw one. He would be attracted to her if she didn't eat compulsively and if romance weren't a bourgeoisie social construct, though really, there was this white non-demon chick at his company who really caught his eye.

    "bnd, I heard you had a crystal ball owned by kalinoche around here, correct? Could I see that?"

    "Sure, it's not for your Fallen Paladin class though!" mu4 didn't care one bit. He followed bnd to the armory in the secret based on Akliash.

    "Behold!" bnd said, "Every equipment we picked up! I will give it to you one one condition."

    "What's that?" mu4 asked.

    "Stop being a commie!" bnd said.

    "Umm, sure, I'm not a commie anymore," mu4 tried to push through his teeth.

    "Will you solemnly swear on the Henge of Oaths?" bnd pointed to a tiny Stonehenge next to a pool in the room.

    "Sure!" mu4 replied suppressing his hesitancy and then walked over to put his hand on the Henge of Oaths. After all, who's going to enforce my oath? bnd the rainbow shaman healer class? God, who doesn't exist? It could just be magic but I could break the spell I'm sure. "I, mu4, do solemnly swear on the Henge of Oaths to stop being a commie so I can rejoin the 16types Adventurers!" Gotcha! I'm still a commie inside! he thought to himself to try to make sure he could negate the effects of the oath as much as possible.

    mu4 scried through the crystal ball on his coworker Clarisse who he thought was hot. What's this he saw? Someone carrying a red sign with a picture of a left fist? Hammers and sickles? Pamphlets with pictures of Mao on them being handed out? And Clarisse is marching with them? Clarisse is actually Comrade Clarisse! Now mu4 felt almost kind of bad for spying on her. He gazed for a while more sheepishly before putting the crystal ball away in his adventurer's pack for safe keeping, and tried to turn back to a stern expression.

    "Why thank you bnd. I appreciate what you have done for me and for us all here at 16t."

    "You're welcome. Now stop acting like I'm a commie too just because I helped you out. If you call me 'comrade' one more time I'll get Subteigh to take your powers."

    DEAD quickly responded, "Umm, Subteigh is a red mage, not a power thief. Stop assuming the worst about everyone you don't like, bnd."

    "Oh, whatever. I'll just throw you down the Well of Power Taking. Deal?"

    mu4 gulped and hoped his silence was a good enough response. This was helped by the fact he was preoccupied with proving Clarisse was his dual, seeing as romance was a bourgeoisie social construct and he needed to see if he had compatibility in the one true Freudian personality typology system of socionics before he could proceed with this relationship without betraying the proletariat.

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    The Virgin Romantic Comedy Romcom vs. The Chad Romantic Communist Romcom

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Bnd rolled his eyes. "Oh look it's Trasholeum Ew trying to troll with her stupid bullshit again. Looks like she manipulated another mod to unban her. If this isn't more proof that she deserves to be banned for good I don't know what is." He shook his head. "Subt might be uptight and British or whatever, but he was right when he said to stop this nonsense eh?"

    "Shut up bnd - you just make everything out to you being gay and are too simplistic. You cannot comprehend my superior intellect! I am COMPLEX and you are SIMPLE and complexity always beats simplicity, hooray! Now I am predictably going to be a cruel and horrendous bitch because I wasn't able to manipulate you!"

    "At least I'm not a deranged lunatic who's convinced herself she has mental powers for real. You used to have compassion for others and were able to make fun of yourself. Now all you do is troll with your inane bullshit. You'll never be on a Rick and Morty episode, get over it you hag. And stop copying my ideas. You don't deserve to use the 16types monkier. Being a 16types adventurer is something you can't conceive of."

    "You stole that line off Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Again!" Trashoelum Ew trashed. "And lest you forget if you're Buffy and I'm Willow- didn't Willow win that fight?' CB was bored and had no friends besides her Ricky and Morty figurines, so she decided to play along. "Oh Sammy- you really need to have every square inch of your ass kicked!"

    "Then show me what you got. And I'll show you what a 16types adventurer really is!"

    ((Bnd doesn't respond any longer and calmly walks away from Trasholeum Ew's Narcissism, understanding the only way to beat a deranged and psychotic narcissist was to simply walk away from them))


    "After all if I can't manipulate you as a mod, I will just manipulate another one!" she smiled evilly. "You're all just puppets to my superior mind that has powers and you're all just Karens and I'm too stuck up my own ass to see my own Inner Karen!"

    "Now time to project my own unhealthy qualities onto one, kalinoche and ScawwyNawcissist. Because they have something I was never able to find: inner peace with myself!"

    Eventually, the other mods began to catch on to what CB was really like and slowly began to ignore her one by one. She began to feel lonely inside her own delusions.

    "I HATE THIS FORUM OF PEDOPHILES AND COMMIES EVEN THOUGH I MYSELF CAN'T EVER SEEM TO LEAVE!" CB screamed. She realized she was obsessed and couldn't get over it.

    As her punishment for her crimes of trolling and being a manipulative bitch, CB was forced to listen to this song on repeat:

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    Then bnd found a book inside the Akliash base. It said Aesop's fables. There was a magical wind that started to blow it open, but then a gentle warmth settled on the pages and they stayed open to the proper page. The page it opened to said:

    The North Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger, when a traveler came along wrapped in a warm cloak.They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveler take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other.Then the North Wind blew as hard as he could, but the more he blew the more closely did the traveler fold his cloak around him;and at last the North Wind gave up the attempt. Then the Sun shined out warmly, and immediately the traveler took off his cloak.And so the North Wind was obliged to confess that the Sun was the stronger of the two.
    The North Wind and the Sun - Wikipedia

    Then Coeruleum Blue decided to let bnd write whatever he wanted on her story because people will definitely like seeing bnd insult everyone willy-nilly and make up whatever he wants way better than they'll like her story where everyone has tender moments. After all, unbound insults toward everyone (except for, of course, not himself, unlike CB who literally jokingly renamed herself Birdbrain among other things) has always been bnd's modus operandi since the first 16types Adventures stories and it was CB's fault she had a low enough standard to be impressed with them in the first place; indeed, it was her fault for even paying much attention to this site. But bnd was too late and didn't see that her profile had already said that she left before he decided to make up that she was staying. But 16types Adventures: mu4 and the Bourgeoisie Social Construct was all bnd's to write whatever he wanted in, wild and free, because 16types Adventures was the sole property of bnd after all, and CB was sure that the new 16types Adventures will catch on like none of them have before.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Scalding Gayser View Post

    "Now time to project my own unhealthy qualities onto one, kalinoche and ScawwyNawcissist. Because they have something I was never able to find: inner peace with myself!"
    I did feel as though my clown chakra got a bit cleared yesterday.

    I like that CB doesn’t shy away from disclosing what she thinks people are thinking! I do want more of that and volunteer myself let us all practice telepathy

  6. #6


    Wouldn’t it be cool to have no private thoughts? Where’s the truff potion

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
    Wouldn’t it be cool to have no private thoughts? Where’s the truff potion
    Isn't that just a hot sauce Oprah likes? I googled it and also just got that it's a hot sauce Oprah likes.

    Kalinoche shall make us all behave nicer and the story might actually be finished, minus the part bnd just wrote, that can't fit into the continuity at all, mine is already nicer even if I'm ribbing people because mine can at least be resolved into everyone getting sweet moments which was the plan. mu4 can learn that love isn't a bourgeois construct after all and after his heart melts he can stop being a tankie.

    Though Kalinoche is distracting me by actually being one of a couple of people on the forum who ever has anything to say. It still seems like way more people than would be predicted by Sturgeon's law or the 80-20% rule on 16t have nothing to say, but I know I've changed my mind about a lot of things and developed myself so I have a teeny tiny sliver of hope for all the people here, even though I also need to balance that against not wasting my time here. So for the time being I'm going back to not posting and just reading and responding to DMs until anything else happens, and hoping the cybernetics thread will stop being hijacked by the perpetual bickering and spats with Alive other people engage in. Maybe I'll add to that thread soon so people will understand more about the idea and stop wasting their lives getting riled up by some guy who has nothing better to do with himself than try to rile up people who are slightly more neurotic than him on the Internet, but not immediately.

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