SEE (and any Fi ego or 4D Fe type) is a strange typing for someone who asserts the following:
"None of my friends ever cry, around me anyway. I dunno what I'd do."
People managing is difficult, but possible in groups, BUT managing their needs is very difficult for me. Someone else can do that, not my realm"
Nothing “wrong” with using feelings to help you make decisions and make sense of things, but I couldn’t do that"
I’m not good at all at knowing the dynamics of relationships or analysing those. I’m not good at giving my thorough opinion on other people, and analysing their characters and saying what I like/dislike about them. I don’t tend to get close to them at all."
Yes, exactly. I need a sign to understand things. I want to know why things are how they are. Without an actual external sign, how am I meant to know what you want? The lack of any physical indication is confusing. I don’t take the initiative at defining relationships, and tend to not commit to any of them. I find it hard to get up close and “know people” and be personal with them."
"I'm not a people person really at all. Like, I couldn't focus on inner states of mine, and deep, human relationships. I'm not naturally very empathetic either. It takes me a while to understand what people are going through, if I have to understand it."

People asserting that you are SEE or similar ethical types would also have to disprove this self analysis which I have yet to really see.

Low intuition can probably be assumed given the aversion to hypotheticals.