Quote Originally Posted by nifl View Post
F seems more likely
Sol (I know this is your alt account or one of your cronies), you probably didn't even read the thread properly, and you have also admitted to not knowing English well in the past. Visual Identifying someone from a video isn't going to tell you or anyone how people process information. That is a seperate theory called Vultology. Even in Socionics, it's nowhere near the whole theory. It's just a collection of snapshots that are collected over time of Slavic people that look similar based off their systematic typings. It's trying to find a correlation, and it fails based on that alone.

Someone who's high doesn't have "Ni eyes", they're just stoned. Being stoned doesn't make someone Ni ego just because their eyes are glazed/zoned out.

If people just watch videos, and don't pick up on anything else, they aren't even taking in the information to type someone properly if they just observe their body. You have no clue how/why someone does something without knowing the answers to the questions, and how they process the functions. I don't care who it is, but magically observing someone yields no results without figuring out how that face processes information, through the answers.

Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
There is not enough representatives of type to hook into you DEAD, here active at 16T.

It's a dead forum when comparing it to the yesteryear of time, where there was enough info. given by members when you could at least take 2 types away from it.

Sometimes it is awful when i look at some typings where the thread starter is given SF in sure true colors, but given time you and everyone else is light years away from it in hindsight. The bullseye was a mirage.

Some here might be waiting for a catalyst to chime in too, so don't feel bad if it looks cold.

It looks cold.

I've given you my feelings on it in other places, and with that stripe, others (EII, etc) have given their feelings on it too. You know what type i'm referencing.
Yeah, this forum used to be a lot more active before Discord, and even Discord is dying off now. People generally come and go soon because they don't stick around and learn the theory because they're too busy with their lives, or don't understand/get it.

Yeah, but what has true colors got to do with anything, in general? A personality type, at the end of the day in Socionics is just an indicator of information metabollism. It's not the end all and be all, or something that is your actual "personality" or "identity". It's just a label that describes how you process information within the system.

I also don't get how or why people make their type their identity at all, and latch onto it and try play out the stereotypes for it. It defeats the purpose of the system, and typing people. The only reason there are stereotypes is cause people take the hypothetical descriptions/profiles as gospel, without even thinking about them. And most of them aren't properly translated, and lose their essence in English. They're archaic.

It's all a guide at the end of the day, on how people process information. Feelings aren't facts, and opinions can sometimes be useful but they aren't the end all and be all. I want some opinions, and something to argue/discuss. I made this thread so that we could discuss things and argue them, tbh.