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Thread: Am I ESI or SEI? (or something else)

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    Default Am I ESI or SEI? (or something else)

    Please don't scream at me because I typed a list of personality traits, behaviors and thought processes instead of filling out a questionnaire. I have attempted doing questionnaires on this website many times in the past, but for whatever reason barely any people have actually even responded to them. I have autism for your information.
    • Routine is very important to me. I have strict times for eating meals and snacks and going for walks. I get irritable if these routines are interrupted.
    • I have difficulty understanding and using sarcasm. I don't find jokes funny either. However, I find non-jokes funny. I find certain songs, words, countries, foods, people, time periods, etc funny, and my brother has a similar sense of humor. I like to combine certain funny things into extremely funny imaginary scenarios and exchange them with my brother (he sometimes does the same with me). I also come up with funny theories about real people or fictional people I invented myself and pretend they are true even know I know that they aren't, e.g. pretending to believe that when my mother drops off my father in the city there are three clones of him on the back seat of the car while my 8-year-old stepbrother sits in the front seat.
    • I think in terms of mental imagery accumulated from what I have seen with my eyes in the past and it is constantly getting refined and re-updated. For example, certain aesthetics that already exist and are objectively known by everyone (e.g. emo or stoner) evoke many different and sometimes even contradictory schemata or archetypes in my mind's eye. I struggle to understand the text that I am reading (e.g. in a book or on a website) because I am too busy ruminating on the different vague imaginary people I am thinking of. I am intrigued to know the name for this psychological phenomenon, if everyone experiences it, if it is an autism trait, and what typology (be it socionics, psychosophy, enneagram whatever) it is associated with.
    • I am prone to trauma-dumping, especially on the net. I use self-deprecating humor in MBTI or enneagram roasts (for example by attributing the personality traits I am ashamed to have to personality types that I don't want to be). I urgently crave external validation from strangers on the net. I love receiving upvotes and comments.
    • I am averse to physical exertion. Working out and using my exercise bike feel like chores to me, and I go for walks to get my steps in as well as for fresh air and an opportunity to smoke a cigarette. The actual act of walking feels tedious.
    • I have an eye for aesthetics. I like to express myself through fashion and consider it highly important that I get to choose the furniture for my house. It can't be garden variety mediocre 2020s modern furniture from Argos. It has to be antiques from charity shops. I feel as though I was born in the wrong decade, and I am in love with the 1980s and 1990s and have a love-hate relationship with the 2000s (I cherry-pick the 2000s and tend to prefer the early 2000s over the late 2000s. Some parts of the 2000s are really good and aesthetically appealing, others are just so ugly and weird). I don't care much about personal hygiene, but wearing aesthetically pleasing clothing and having good hair is always extremely important to me and if I wear ugly clothes and if my hair is ugly then I feel shitty about myself (my INFP 4w5 IEI brother is a lot like this, even though he cares about hygiene much more than I do. For example, after showering he complains of that weird ugly curvy shape his hair gets into when wet and feels overly self-conscious about it and he describes it as "slug hair". Both of us find that funny).
    • I can't stand small talk. Whenever someone asks me how I am I respond with "Leave me alone" "Fuck off" "Please don't talk to me". I think there's no point in responding to the question "How is your day going?" because every day feels the same.
    • I have a history of being bullied by strangers on the street. They laugh at me, scream at me in an attempt to intimidate me and yell things like "I'm coming after you!" for similar purposes, and sometimes I even get chased home so I have to run. I feel very uncomfortable and dysphoric and self-conscious whenever this kind of thing happens.
    • Comfort and homeostasis (is that how you spell it?) are very important to me. I like a calm, quiet, peaceful and stable environment. I like to be using my laptop or reading a book or playing video games, undisturbed, room temperature not too cold nor not too warm, aesthetically pleasing furniture, not too much clutter (however I am extremely messy and disorganized). I absolutely hate being intruded upon. I hate it when people interrupt me by knocking on the door.
    • I'm very selective with who I interact with. I would describe it as being "picky with people". There are some people who I really really love (such as my brother or my psychologist) and there are some people who I really really hate (such as the people who bully me on the street). I hold grudges easily and have difficulty letting go of them.
    • I am emotionally expressive and easily reveal my emotions without restraint. When I am happy I smile and when I find something funny I laugh. When I am in distressed I cry. When I am irate I yell and swear and sometimes get so pissed off I write on walls and destroy property. I certainly don't understand how and why anyone could hide emotion.
    • I'm overly sensitive to criticism and overly concerned with how others perceive me. I have low self-esteem, therefore compliments feel like white lies and every time someone insults me it feels as though they're telling the truth instead of just saying it to get a reaction. I would like to be perceived as tall, thin, intelligent, masculine and with a deep-pitched voice so I don't want people to think that I'm short, fat, stupid, feminine and with a high-pitched voice.
    • I am so concerned with my own inner peace that I flinch whenever I detect something that could potentially harm it or interfere with it, such as a dog barking, footsteps, door slamming, sudden loud noises, or the presence of someone who I despise. My eyes widen out of fear quite often throughout the day.
    • I spend a lot of time on the net. I could spend ages researching personality typology. It's my special interest. I am constantly trying to figure out who I am, and I have mistyped myself so many times. To this day I still don't know who I am and I wish I could find a definitive answer. In addition, I change and redefine my aesthetic constantly. When I was younger I went through many different phases - age 11 had the emo phase [really cringe. At that time I was so stupid I listened to chart pop unironically and also Bring Me The Horizon, Twenty One Pilots and Fall Out Boy. I remember wearing grey beanies and trying my hardest to get emo bangs], age 12 had the Swedish phase [dyed blond hair, Ikea, lingonberry juice, wanting to own a european kind of bicycle], age 13 had the dark academia phase [black coffee, literature, classical music, black clothing] age 14 had the weirdcore phase [Hello Kitty/sanrio, 2014 tumblr grunge girl aesthetic, using Tumblr unironically], age 15 had the camouflage phase [school shooters, nihilism, robotripping, this was also the age I began smoking cigarettes], age 16 had the plants phase [pharmacology, lo-fi music, the color yellow] , and age 17 had the stoner skater phase [smoking green, sweatpants, carrying a skateboard only to look cool, at one point I legit wanted to own a pair of crocs and at age 18 I just cringe at that I would never dream of wearing crocs]. The older I get the longer my phases last and the more subtle my transitions from one phase to another. Currently I would describe my aesthetic as 90s eastern european chav doomer, it's so vague. I love the late 1980s but I also love the early 2000s, I can't decide which time period was superior. There are so many imaginary people in my mind's eye that I really like the look of and I really want to be like and I can't decide which one to be like. Therefore I have ongoing identity issues and great difficulty in deciding on one aesthetic.
    • I dislike authority. I don't like being controlled or infantilized. Even though I am 18 years of age my parents still monitor what I eat and force me to fill in sheets about what I eat and I can't stand having to do that. Today I went charity shop shopping and my mother told me "If we notice any changes in your mood or behavior then we'll take the books about the supernatural and the occult off you", which doesn't make any sense. I hate illogical rules that my parents insist on, such as locking all doors downstairs after 9.30pm or putting all of the food in the kitchen in food storage bags and writing dates on them.
    • I like to have one-to-one conversations with people who I have close relationships with and I hate being interrupted.
    • I have synaesthesia. I associate certain numbers with certain colors and certain words with certain taste.
    • I am easily bored and I have a short attention span. I always have to be doing something, and my hobbies including using the net, playing video games, listening to music, and reading books. I can't be unengaged from any activity. I can't focus on films, so I just watch cartoons.
    • I eat the same foods every day. I hate condiments, especially ketchup and mayonnaise. Breakfast is cereal, lunch is packed lunch (white bread cheese sandwich, cottage cheese on its own, rice cakes on their own, either dark chocolate or brioche), dinner is instant noodles or pot noodle and a dessert neurotypicals may consider "bland", and snacks include rice cakes, brioche, dark chocolate, chickpea puffs, pink panther wafers, jaffa cakes, party rings, and onion rings.
    • I'm a vegetarian, not just because I truly believe that meat is murder, but also because I fear that doing certain actions while alive will have consequences in the afterlife if there is one (I get dreams telling me that if I eat meat, or do other sins such as smoking pot or even playing too many video games) and I don't know if I should trust these premonitions or not.
    • I rarely read books because I lack the willpower and attention span but whenever I do read books I enjoy reading books about the afterlife, dreams, supernatural, the unconscious, etc.
    • Whenever listening to music I think about myself (in a good confident self-assured way) and all the possible ways other people could perceive me by thinking about the different imaginary people I have in my imagination.
    • I'm more grounded in reality than some people I know. I get frustrated when my ILE sister plays her annoying rap music very loud and believes that it's not loud, and it really really bothers me how she believes that I'm "short and fat" when I'm 5'7" and 117 lbs. I don't understand people who are late for school or work because they were simply daydreaming - I find academic achievement important and I always attend college on time.
    • Everyone on the net types my aesthetic as ISTP sp9 SLI FLEV. My aesthetic is characterized by military green, camouflage, Adidas, red bull, cigarettes, nintendo entertainment system, Reddit, learning Russian on Duolingo, Sonic Youth, Pavement, Unwound, drum and bass, UK garage, fjallraven kankens, burberry nova check, and cargo shorts. My brother is very skeptical of me whenever I tell him I think I'm an ISFP 4w3, he typed me as an INFJ 5w4 594 just because I'm not "sluglike" or "simlike" enough to be a sensor, I'm far too obsessed with personality types to be a sensor, I don't eat weird food combinations that sensors would enjoy eating (such as celery with ketchup), I'm asexual, I sometimes fail to notice physical objects that are right in front of me unless someone notifies me about 'em, I have a vivid imagination and am more creative than most people, and I complain of physical sensory shit that sensors don't complain of (e.g. I hate crowded kitchens and prefer to have the kitchen to myself, whereas sensors don't give a fuck if they have to share a kitchen with others. I am disgusted by the idea of wearing a wetsuit, but sensors can wear wetsuits and not feel uncomfortable or awkward in the slightest. I believe that being in a hot tub with loads of people all squashed together wearing barely anything is an Se-dom's idea of heaven but an Ni-dom's idea of hell). My brother rarely types people or things using actual arguments, he just vibe-types. He says he can't tell the difference between MBTI Fi and Fe or Si and Se for example, and only gives a shit about MBTI and Enneagram, he can't be bothered to research Socionics, big five, etc. If I try informing him about the other typologies he just feels as though I'm spoon-feeding him and shoving it down his throat.
    • I don't get on well with sp7 xLE chavs at college (the kind of people who wear Nike and drink lucozade and listen to grime music unironically). They joke too much and it bothers me. They look down on me and infantilize me and I can't stand it.
    • All my life I've been socially awkward and I find it hard to make friends.
    • I feel uncomfortable being in the same room as my mother, my father and my stepbrother all at once. It drives me mad even more whenever my stepbrother complains of being hungry (I hate the word "hungry", it's so ugly, I would rather use vocabulary such as "starving" or "ravenous") and starts screaming, crying and whinging in distress because no-one is getting any comestibles for him. I can feel his pain and I can't concentrate or function properly whenever he is like that. The same sort of thing occurs whenever my parents are arguing. I hate it.
    • Unlike a stereotypical Fi dom 4, my aesthetic is certainly not emo or goth or scene or alternative, and I'm not an artist so to speak (even though I am a creative writer, and in most instances my writing is not influenced by emotion). My brother is certain that he is INFP 4w5 IEI and he opted for an art course at college, while I chose mechanics. I was about to choose science (I used to want to become a pharmacologist because I thought if I had a PhD in pharmacology I could cook my own drugs at home when that is so stupid I would prolly get caught. Now that I am older I know that one should smoke a joint, eat nutmeg, huff nitrous, or drink kratom tea instead of taking a random "MDMA" pill purchased from a stranger). I still have curiosity about the effects of drugs, but I'm no longer obsessed with drugs, and I'm a lot more conscious of the health risks (e.g. I know that I'm not allowed Robitussin because I'm on antipsychotics). My psychologist was shocked when he found out I chose mechanics, he thought I would choose psychology, philosophy or sociology instead. Unfortunately, my GCSE's weren't high enough for A-levels and I feel stupid. I got 4's and 5's in all subjects. People at my college tell me that that's above average and that most people get 3's and I can't tell if they're telling white lies or not.
    • I think of myself as unintelligent, not just because people would comment nasty hurtful shite on posts on my old Reddit account (e.g. "This was posted by a child" "OP is an 8-year-old") but also because at college I fail to see obvious ways to do things more efficiently, so to speak. Yet a lot of people (especially adults) believe that I am highly intelligent and articulate. I also get accused of being an overthinker quite a lot.
    • Most of the time I completely lack emotion and I feel flat and neutral, however with some hints of either anxiety or happiness. I rarely get depressed or sad, and I rarely get angry either. However, I sometimes have strong outbursts of emotion which are basically childish temper tantrums. Sometimes I can't control my emotions whatsoever. I am either emotionally flat or emotionally expressive, there is rarely any grey area.
    4w3 5w4 9w8 so/sx ISFP RLUEI EII ELVF melancholic-phlegmatic

  2. #2
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Apoxian404RedBull, I'd still say that you are IEI.

  3. #3
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Apoxian404Redbull View Post
    Please don't scream at me......

    ...because I typed a list of personality traits, behaviors and thought processes instead of filling out a questionnaire. I have attempted doing questionnaires on this website many times in the past, but for whatever reason barely any people have actually even responded to them. I have autism for your information.

    • Routine is very important to me. I have strict times for eating meals and snacks and going for walks. I get irritable if these routines are interrupted.
    • I have difficulty understanding and using sarcasm. I don't find jokes funny either. However, I find non-jokes funny. I find certain songs, words, countries, foods, people, time periods, etc funny, and my brother has a similar sense of humor. I like to combine certain funny things into extremely funny imaginary scenarios and exchange them with my brother (he sometimes does the same with me). I also come up with funny theories about real people or fictional people I invented myself and pretend they are true even know I know that they aren't, e.g. pretending to believe that when my mother drops off my father in the city there are three clones of him on the back seat of the car while my 8-year-old stepbrother sits in the front seat.

    Extremely socially creative.

    • I think in terms of mental imagery accumulated from what I have seen with my eyes in the past and it is constantly getting refined and re-updated. For example, certain aesthetics that already exist and are objectively known by everyone (e.g. emo or stoner) evoke many different and sometimes even contradictory schemata or archetypes in my mind's eye. I struggle to understand the text that I am reading (e.g. in a book or on a website)

    Low Te.

    because I am too busy ruminating on the different vague imaginary people I am thinking of.

    High Ni.

    I am intrigued to know the name for this psychological phenomenon, if everyone experiences it, if it is an autism trait, and what typology (be it socionics, psychosophy, enneagram whatever) it is associated with.

    • I am prone to trauma-dumping, especially on the net. I use self-deprecating humor in MBTI or enneagram roasts (for example by attributing the personality traits I am ashamed to have to personality types that I don't want to be). I urgently crave external validation from strangers on the net. I love receiving upvotes and comments.

    Values Fe, not Fi.

    • I am averse to physical exertion. Working out and using my exercise bike feel like chores to me, and I go for walks to get my steps in as well as for fresh air and an opportunity to smoke a cigarette. The actual act of walking feels tedious.

    Low Se. I'm the same way.

    • I have an eye for aesthetics. I like to express myself through fashion and consider it highly important that I get to choose the furniture for my house. It can't be garden variety mediocre 2020s modern furniture from Argos. It has to be antiques from charity shops. I feel as though I was born in the wrong decade, and I am in love with the 1980s and 1990s and have a love-hate relationship with the 2000s (I cherry-pick the 2000s and tend to prefer the early 2000s over the late 2000s. Some parts of the 2000s are really good and aesthetically appealing, others are just so ugly and weird). I don't care much about personal hygiene, but wearing aesthetically pleasing clothing and having good hair is always extremely important to me and if I wear ugly clothes and if my hair is ugly then I feel shitty about myself (my INFP 4w5 IEI brother is a lot like this, even though he cares about hygiene much more than I do. For example, after showering he complains of that weird ugly curvy shape his hair gets into when wet and feels overly self-conscious about it and he describes it as "slug hair". Both of us find that funny).

    Not caring about hygiene is a trait I've noticed in some ILIs.

    • I can't stand small talk. Whenever someone asks me how I am I respond with "Leave me alone" "Fuck off" "Please don't talk to me". I think there's no point in responding to the question "How is your day going?" because every day feels the same.

    Low Se.

    • I have a history of being bullied by strangers on the street. They laugh at me, scream at me in an attempt to intimidate me and yell things like "I'm coming after you!" for similar purposes, and sometimes I even get chased home so I have to run. I feel very uncomfortable and dysphoric and self-conscious whenever this kind of thing happens.

    Again, Victim

    • Comfort and homeostasis (is that how you spell it?) are very important to me. I like a calm, quiet, peaceful and stable environment. I like to be using my laptop or reading a book or playing video games, undisturbed, room temperature not too cold nor not too warm, aesthetically pleasing furniture, not too much clutter (however I am extremely messy and disorganized). I absolutely hate being intruded upon. I hate it when people interrupt me by knocking on the door.

    High Si.

    • I'm very selective with who I interact with. I would describe it as being "picky with people". There are some people who I really really love (such as my brother or my psychologist) and there are some people who I really really hate (such as the people who bully me on the street). I hold grudges easily and have difficulty letting go of them.
    • I am emotionally expressive and easily reveal my emotions without restraint. When I am happy I smile and when I find something funny I laugh. When I am in distressed I cry. When I am irate I yell and swear and sometimes get so pissed off I write on walls and destroy property. I certainly don't understand how and why anyone could hide emotion.

    High Fe

    • I'm overly sensitive to criticism and overly concerned with how others perceive me. I have low self-esteem, therefore compliments feel like white lies and every time someone insults me it feels as though they're telling the truth instead of just saying it to get a reaction. I would like to be perceived as tall, thin, intelligent, masculine and with a deep-pitched voice so I don't want people to think that I'm short, fat, stupid, feminine and with a high-pitched voice.

    I think that this is Ni-related. I feel much the same, in the sense that I'd like to appear better than I am.

    • I am so concerned with my own inner peace that I flinch whenever I detect something that could potentially harm it or interfere with it, such as a dog barking, footsteps, door slamming, sudden loud noises, or the presence of someone who I despise. My eyes widen out of fear quite often throughout the day.

    High Si.

    • I spend a lot of time on the net. I could spend ages researching personality typology. It's my special interest. I am constantly trying to figure out who I am, and I have mistyped myself so many times. To this day I still don't know who I am and I wish I could find a definitive answer. In addition, I change and redefine my aesthetic constantly. When I was younger I went through many different phases - age 11 had the emo phase [really cringe. At that time I was so stupid I listened to chart pop unironically and also Bring Me The Horizon, Twenty One Pilots and Fall Out Boy. I remember wearing grey beanies and trying my hardest to get emo bangs], age 12 had the Swedish phase [dyed blond hair, Ikea, lingonberry juice, wanting to own a european kind of bicycle], age 13 had the dark academia phase [black coffee, literature, classical music, black clothing] age 14 had the weirdcore phase [Hello Kitty/sanrio, 2014 tumblr grunge girl aesthetic, using Tumblr unironically], age 15 had the camouflage phase [school shooters, nihilism, robotripping, this was also the age I began smoking cigarettes], age 16 had the plants phase [pharmacology, lo-fi music, the color yellow] , and age 17 had the stoner skater phase [smoking green, sweatpants, carrying a skateboard only to look cool, at one point I legit wanted to own a pair of crocs and at age 18 I just cringe at that I would never dream of wearing crocs]. The older I get the longer my phases last and the more subtle my transitions from one phase to another. Currently I would describe my aesthetic as 90s eastern european chav doomer, it's so vague. I love the late 1980s but I also love the early 2000s, I can't decide which time period was superior. There are so many imaginary people in my mind's eye that I really like the look of and I really want to be like and I can't decide which one to be like. Therefore I have ongoing identity issues and great difficulty in deciding on one aesthetic.

    Very High mirror neurons. IEI's are the strongest type in this area. With little effort, they can become entirely different people.

    • I dislike authority. I don't like being controlled or infantilized. Even though I am 18 years of age my parents still monitor what I eat and force me to fill in sheets about what I eat and I can't stand having to do that. Today I went charity shop shopping and my mother told me "If we notice any changes in your mood or behavior then we'll take the books about the supernatural and the occult off you", which doesn't make any sense. I hate illogical rules that my parents insist on, such as locking all doors downstairs after 9.30pm or putting all of the food in the kitchen in food storage bags and writing dates on them.

    Low Ti. (Not liking rules.)

    • I like to have one-to-one conversations with people who I have close relationships with and I hate being interrupted.
    • I have synaesthesia. I associate certain numbers with certain colors and certain words with certain taste.
    • I am easily bored and I have a short attention span. I always have to be doing something, and my hobbies including using the net, playing video games, listening to music, and reading books. I can't be unengaged from any activity. I can't focus on films, so I just watch cartoons.
    • I eat the same foods every day. I hate condiments, especially ketchup and mayonnaise. Breakfast is cereal, lunch is packed lunch (white bread cheese sandwich, cottage cheese on its own, rice cakes on their own, either dark chocolate or brioche), dinner is instant noodles or pot noodle and a dessert neurotypicals may consider "bland", and snacks include rice cakes, brioche, dark chocolate, chickpea puffs, pink panther wafers, jaffa cakes, party rings, and onion rings.

    I don't know what this means, but I also tend to wear and do the same things every day.

    • I'm a vegetarian, not just because I truly believe that meat is murder, but also because I fear that doing certain actions while alive will have consequences in the afterlife if there is one (I get dreams telling me that if I eat meat, or do other sins such as smoking pot or even playing too many video games) and I don't know if I should trust these premonitions or not.

    High Ni means spending a lot of time in the fifth dimension, and not being able to evaluate experiences strikes me as low Te.

    • I rarely read books because I lack the willpower and attention span but whenever I do read books I enjoy reading books about the afterlife, dreams, supernatural, the unconscious, etc.


    • Whenever listening to music I think about myself (in a good confident self-assured way) and all the possible ways other people could perceive me by thinking about the different imaginary people I have in my imagination

    Ni & Fe

    • I'm more grounded in reality than some people I know. I get frustrated when my ILE sister plays her annoying rap music very loud and believes that it's not loud, and it really really bothers me how she believes that I'm "short and fat" when I'm 5'7" and 117 lbs. I don't understand people who are late for school or work because they were simply daydreaming - I find academic achievement important and I always attend college on time.

    Having a good sense of time is considered a trait of high Ni.

    • Everyone on the net types my aesthetic as ISTP sp9 SLI FLEV. My aesthetic is characterized by military green, camouflage, Adidas, red bull, cigarettes, nintendo entertainment system, Reddit, learning Russian on Duolingo, Sonic Youth, Pavement, Unwound, drum and bass, UK garage, fjallraven kankens, burberry nova check, and cargo shorts. My brother is very skeptical of me whenever I tell him I think I'm an ISFP 4w3, he typed me as an INFJ 5w4 594 just because I'm not "sluglike" or "simlike" enough to be a sensor, I'm far too obsessed with personality types to be a sensor, I don't eat weird food combinations that sensors would enjoy eating (such as celery with ketchup), I'm asexual, I sometimes fail to notice physical objects that are right in front of me unless someone notifies me about 'em, I have a vivid imagination and am more creative than most people, and I complain of physical sensory shit that sensors don't complain of (e.g. I hate crowded kitchens and prefer to have the kitchen to myself, whereas sensors don't give a fuck if they have to share a kitchen with others. I am disgusted by the idea of wearing a wetsuit, but sensors can wear wetsuits and not feel uncomfortable or awkward in the slightest. I believe that being in a hot tub with loads of people all squashed together wearing barely anything is an Se-dom's idea of heaven but an Ni-dom's idea of hell). My brother rarely types people or things using actual arguments, he just vibe-types. He says he can't tell the difference between MBTI Fi and Fe or Si and Se for example, and only gives a shit about MBTI and Enneagram, he can't be bothered to research Socionics, big five, etc. If I try informing him about the other typologies he just feels as though I'm spoon-feeding him and shoving it down his throat.

    Doesn't relate immediately with Sensors, so is probably Intuitive.

    • I don't get on well with sp7 xLE chavs at college (the kind of people who wear Nike and drink lucozade and listen to grime music unironically). They joke too much and it bothers me. They look down on me and infantilize me and I can't stand it.
    • All my life I've been socially awkward and I find it hard to make friends.

    Lots of individuals in the Beta IEI-SLE Duality don't appreciate their Duals. This is true for other Dual types, too, though.

    • I feel uncomfortable being in the same room as my mother, my father and my stepbrother all at once. It drives me mad even more whenever my stepbrother complains of being hungry (I hate the word "hungry", it's so ugly, I would rather use vocabulary such as "starving" or "ravenous") and starts screaming, crying and whinging in distress because no-one is getting any comestibles for him. I can feel his pain and I can't concentrate or function properly whenever he is like that. The same sort of thing occurs whenever my parents are arguing. I hate it.

    A strong preference for words sounds like Shakespeare, and feeling the pain of others again points to strong empathy and Mirror neurons.

    • Unlike a stereotypical Fi dom 4, my aesthetic is certainly not emo or goth or scene or alternative, and I'm not an artist so to speak (even though I am a creative writer, and in most instances my writing is not influenced by emotion). My brother is certain that he is INFP 4w5 IEI and he opted for an art course at college, while I chose mechanics. I was about to choose science (I used to want to become a pharmacologist because I thought if I had a PhD in pharmacology I could cook my own drugs at home when that is so stupid I would prolly get caught. Now that I am older I know that one should smoke a joint, eat nutmeg, huff nitrous, or drink kratom tea instead of taking a random "MDMA" pill purchased from a stranger). I still have curiosity about the effects of drugs, but I'm no longer obsessed with drugs, and I'm a lot more conscious of the health risks (e.g. I know that I'm not allowed Robitussin because I'm on antipsychotics). My psychologist was shocked when he found out I chose mechanics, he thought I would choose psychology, philosophy or sociology instead. Unfortunately, my GCSE's weren't high enough for A-levels and I feel stupid. I got 4's and 5's in all subjects. People at my college tell me that that's above average and that most people get 3's and I can't tell if they're telling white lies or not.

    IEIs have the hardest time seeing themselves for who they are, but writing down their thoughts helps them get their thoughts outside themselves, where they can better evaluate them.

    • I think of myself as unintelligent, not just because people would comment nasty hurtful shite on posts on my old Reddit account (e.g. "This was posted by a child" "OP is an 8-year-old") but also because at college I fail to see obvious ways to do things more efficiently, so to speak.

    Low efficiency is low Te.

    Yet a lot of people (especially adults) believe that I am highly intelligent and articulate. I also get accused of being an overthinker quite a lot.

    IEIs can be brilliant, but they tend to not make a big deal of it.

    • Most of the time I completely lack emotion and I feel flat and neutral, however with some hints of either anxiety or happiness. I rarely get depressed or sad, and I rarely get angry either. However, I sometimes have strong outbursts of emotion which are basically childish temper tantrums. Sometimes I can't control my emotions whatsoever. I am either emotionally flat or emotionally expressive, there is rarely any grey area.

    This last bit sounds like you don't have enough control over your life, and it isn't typology-related.
    @Apoxian404Redbull, I'd say that everything points to you being an IEI, except for the high Si scores. I don't know what to make of that, other than to say that my IEI cousin is also very particular about how her house looks.

  4. #4
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    • Even though I am 18 years of age my parents still monitor what I eat and force me to fill in sheets about what I eat and I can't stand having to do that. Today I went charity shop shopping and my mother told me "If we notice any changes in your mood or behavior then we'll take the books about the supernatural and the occult off you", which doesn't make any sense. I hate illogical rules that my parents insist on, such as locking all doors downstairs after 9.30pm or putting all of the food in the kitchen in food storage bags and writing dates on them

    Yeah, this is rather weird to me honestly, I don't think EII would be so restricted with Te. I am thinking of SEI or IEI. I honestly break rules a lot and annoy my parents like running around outside (but my LSI brother and my EIE friend did it more than me and would always be somewhere) but, I don't really have a lot of motivational and am fine with laying outside or sleeping.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Apoxian404Redbull View Post
    Please don't scream at me because I typed a list of personality traits, behaviors and thought processes instead of filling out a questionnaire. I have attempted doing questionnaires on this website many times in the past, but for whatever reason barely any people have actually even responded to them. I have autism for your information...
    Socionics is NOT a behavior-based typology, so this list does not give much, sorry. Please fill out a good questionnaire like this:
    Just do one question in one timeframe to stay focused

    The only thing you can tell from your list is very weak T (esp. Ti, you are very self-contradictory) and a high appreciation for Se. Thats all. Thats the problem with listing behaviours: EVERY type could act as you (esp. with autism, OCD, ADHD, BPD or similar), but when you fill out a questionnaire we can look at what drives these bahaviors.

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    Quote Originally Posted by youfloweryourfeast View Post
    • Even though I am 18 years of age my parents still monitor what I eat and force me to fill in sheets about what I eat and I can't stand having to do that. Today I went charity shop shopping and my mother told me "If we notice any changes in your mood or behavior then we'll take the books about the supernatural and the occult off you", which doesn't make any sense. I hate illogical rules that my parents insist on, such as locking all doors downstairs after 9.30pm or putting all of the food in the kitchen in food storage bags and writing dates on them

    Yeah, this is rather weird to me honestly, I don't think EII would be so restricted with Te. I am thinking of SEI or IEI. I honestly break rules a lot and annoy my parents like running around outside (but my LSI brother and my EIE friend did it more than me and would always be somewhere) but, I don't really have a lot of motivational and am fine with laying outside or sleeping.
    Thats not Te whatssoever. And the rules may not be illogical from their parents perspective

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    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Apoxian404Redbull View Post
    I have autism for your information.
    That's an important variable in terms of TIM identification.

    my INFP 4w5 IEI brother
    How do you know his IEI ?

    • I'm a vegetarian, not just because I truly believe that meat is murder, but also because I fear that doing certain actions while alive will have consequences in the afterlife if there is one (I get dreams telling me that if I eat meat, or do other sins such as smoking pot or even playing too many video games) and I don't know if I should trust these premonitions or not.
    Is it that bad to eat meat ? I mean, it's the circle of life isn't it ? As we all know, Simba accepts the fact that he is not a vegetarian anymore in the end of the Lion king. He proudly reconquered his rightful position at the top of the chain food of his territory (the realm).

    How do you know these dreams are premonitions ?

    • I rarely read books because I lack the willpower and attention span but whenever I do read books I enjoy reading books about the afterlife, dreams, supernatural, the unconscious, etc.

    I like a calm, quiet, peaceful and stable environment. I like to be using my laptop or reading a book or playing video games, undisturbed, room temperature not too cold nor not too warm, aesthetically pleasing furniture, not too much clutter

    I am easily bored and I have a short attention span. I always have to be doing something, and my hobbies including using the net, playing video games, listening to music, and reading books.
    What do you think about that ?

    • my ILE sister
    How do you know she's ILE ?

    • I can't stand small talk. Whenever someone asks me how I am I respond with "Leave me alone" "Fuck off" "Please don't talk to me". I think there's no point in responding to the question "How is your day going?" because every day feels the same.
    If you weren't autistic I would have find it very rude and impolite. What do you think about what I've just said ?

    Do you think people should know about how you feel every day ?

    • I'm very selective with who I interact with. I would describe it as being "picky with people". There are some people who I really really love (such as my brother or my psychologist) and there are some people who I really really hate (such as the people who bully me on the street). I hold grudges easily and have difficulty letting go of them.
    Some people think that you should love your bully even more that the people that treat you well, what do you think about that ?

    • I am emotionally expressive and easily reveal my emotions without restraint. When I am happy I smile and when I find something funny I laugh. When I am in distressed I cry. When I am irate I yell and swear and sometimes get so pissed off I write on walls and destroy property. I certainly don't understand how and why anyone could hide emotion.
    Aren't you passionate about psychology and typology ? How come you don't understand that there are some types of people who are less emotionally expressive than others. Also, to be accepted in society we must hide certain emotions when they are not appropriate to display.

    • I'm overly sensitive to criticism and overly concerned with how others perceive me. I have low self-esteem, therefore compliments feel like white lies and every time someone insults me it feels as though they're telling the truth instead of just saying it to get a reaction. I would like to be perceived as tall, thin, intelligent, masculine and with a deep-pitched voice so I don't want people to think that I'm short, fat, stupid, feminine and with a high-pitched voice.
    Do you feel as short, fat, stupid, feminine and with a high-pitched voice ?

    • I am easily bored and I have a short attention span. I always have to be doing something, and my hobbies including using the net, playing video games, listening to music, and reading books. I can't be unengaged from any activity. I can't focus on films, so I just watch cartoons.
    Don't you want to be productive ? These kind of activities are mostly entertainment, aren't they ?

    • I eat the same foods every day. I hate condiments, especially ketchup and mayonnaise. Breakfast is cereal, lunch is packed lunch (white bread cheese sandwich, cottage cheese on its own, rice cakes on their own, either dark chocolate or brioche), dinner is instant noodles or pot noodle and a dessert neurotypicals may consider "bland", and snacks include rice cakes, brioche, dark chocolate, chickpea puffs, pink panther wafers, jaffa cakes, party rings, and onion rings.
    I also eat the same thing often (I'm not autistic). Do you cook ?

    he typed me as an INFJ 5w4 594 just because I'm not "sluglike" or "simlike" enough to be a sensor, I'm far too obsessed with personality types to be a sensor, I don't eat weird food combinations that sensors would enjoy eating (such as celery with ketchup)
    Do you think sensor can't be obsessed with typology ? If so why ?

    My brother rarely types people or things using actual arguments, he just vibe-types. He says he can't tell the difference between MBTI Fi and Fe or Si and Se for example, and only gives a shit about MBTI and Enneagram, he can't be bothered to research Socionics, big five, etc. If I try informing him about the other typologies he just feels as though I'm spoon-feeding him and shoving it down his throat.
    What kind of arguments do you use to type people ?

    I have a vivid imagination and am more creative than most people, and I complain of physical sensory shit that sensors don't complain of (e.g. I hate crowded kitchens and prefer to have the kitchen to myself, whereas sensors don't give a fuck if they have to share a kitchen with others. I am disgusted by the idea of wearing a wetsuit, but sensors can wear wetsuits and not feel uncomfortable or awkward in the slightest. I believe that being in a hot tub with loads of people all squashed together wearing barely anything is an Se-dom's idea of heaven but an Ni-dom's idea of hell).

    Some people have indeed a poor understanding of what creativity is. People coming form MBTI often make the mistake to think that "sensor = not creative /Intuitives = creative". That's not very wise to say the least, it's indeed an unfair discrimination I agree with you.

    Now, would you say that, let's say a
    a crowded bus or subway at rush hour would be hell for Ni dom ? If so, why ?

    • I don't get on well with sp7 xLE chavs at college (the kind of people who wear Nike and drink lucozade and listen to grime music unironically). They joke too much and it bothers me. They look down on me and infantilize me and I can't stand it.
    How do you know these people are sp7 xLE ?

    Unlike a stereotypical Fi dom 4, my aesthetic is certainly not emo or goth or scene or alternative, and I'm not an artist so to speak (even though I am a creative writer, and in most instances my writing is not influenced by emotion).
    So you see yourself not as an artist but as a creative writer. Is it just because your writing is not influenced by emotion or is there something else ? Btw, what do you right about ?

    Unfortunately, my GCSE's weren't high enough for A-levels and I feel stupid. I got 4's and 5's in all subjects. People at my college tell me that that's above average and that most people get 3's and I can't tell if they're telling white lies or not.

    • I think of myself as unintelligent, not just because people would comment nasty hurtful shite on posts on my old Reddit account (e.g. "This was posted by a child" "OP is an 8-year-old") but also because at college I fail to see obvious ways to do things more efficiently, so to speak. Yet a lot of people (especially adults) believe that I am highly intelligent and articulate. I also get accused of being an overthinker quite a lot.
    I think it could be false modesty. Deep down you might think of yourself as above average intelligent. You pointed that people think that your highly intelligent but also implied that the opinion of "adults" is the one that matters... What do you think about what I've just said ?

    • Most of the time I completely lack emotion and I feel flat and neutral, however with some hints of either anxiety or happiness. I rarely get depressed or sad, and I rarely get angry either. However, I sometimes have strong outbursts of emotion which are basically childish temper tantrums. Sometimes I can't control my emotions whatsoever. I am either emotionally flat or emotionally expressive, there is rarely any grey area.
    How do you know that your outburst of emotions are childish and temper tantrums ?

    As a reminder you said this above :

    • I am emotionally expressive and easily reveal my emotions without restraint. When I am happy I smile and when I find something funny I laugh. When I am in distressed I cry. When I am irate I yell and swear and sometimes get so pissed off I write on walls and destroy property. I certainly don't understand how and why anyone could hide emotion.
    What do you think about that, would you say that is it contradictory ?

    Last edited by godslave; 06-08-2024 at 02:06 PM. Reason: added the Lion King clip and slightly reframed the comment just above it

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    I'm not saying that's Te. Te suggestive is something that is 1D but your forced to develop by actively having to set goals, or doing productive things. The things this person is explaining sound more Te polr to me.

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