Quote Originally Posted by SilentFace View Post
Hi , thank you. SLI really seems to be the consensus. It just bugs me, because I have very weak Se (not just ignoring) and I don't see a whole lot of Si in myself (see the post just before yours).

When I analyse my own writing based of the typing method by school of system socionics, I would conclude LII, ILE, EII, IEE in that order. High Ne and Ni, Te and Ti.
Let's ground the theory in types that you see in real life. We are all the types in some way by sharing all the functions and act every way in the circumstances that unfold, but what overall arching patterns that are base level is you.

LII are trapped in Ti land and spiral into shattering ideas in parts where there is nothing left, and build from here new ideas.

That is one example of ego manifestation.

Ground it into something that actually takes place and that is knowing type IRL.