It has come to my attention that I have secretly accidentally been a huge furry all along. Of course I don't look at pictures like that on the Internet. Mostly because I made up anthropomorphized mindstealer sphiranxes to myself quietly before looking it up just for this thread to see if I could make it even more annoyingly furry-ish. As it turns out, all of the Ruinous Powers are covertly huge furries and I have secretly been a furry space marine this whole time and just not known it, just like Alpharius doesn't even know who he is anymore. Alpharius is also a huge furry anyway, that's why he no longer remembers who he is.

The first Fur Marines were, of course, the Space Wolves. This caused all the other Space Marine legions to be filled with beastmen mutants, I mean furries. Since the Space Furries became furries, the Corpse God wanted to pretend furries were actually the pinnacle of humanity. Since the huge nerds like Magnus were like "Nooo, furries are obviously not humans, furries are mutants and part animal!" the Corpse God kicked the Thousand Furries from his legion of Fur Marines. Thus spawning the 40k universe. You're welcome. In the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, there is only fur.