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Thread: How to Spot a Gamma in the Wild

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    Default How to Spot a Gamma in the Wild

    Why is there so few of us in here? Do you think Gammas would be less interested in socionics?
    Do you think the description for Gamma sucks? Because I think it does even if I mostly relate to it.
    I can't help but see the bias in the description for Gammas. "Alphas are so fun and nice and Gammas are too serious, harsh, would barely crack a smile, and only care about money."

    And back when I thought I was ISFP, when I only relied on MBTI tests, I was fine with it and made a friend who also got ISFP in her test.
    Eventually she dropped me, quietly of course, just by acting cold out of nowhere, because I was too confrontative towards a guy in our friend group for making constant racist remarks unprovoked. All I did was telling him he's being a jerk and that is not ok. He would make fun of our friend's appearance (who's not part of the group, a friend that my ISFP friend likes) yet somehow, I was the one acting in the wrong? She later apologized but our friendship never recovered and we lost touch.

    In college, I lean more towards helping the underdog, the poor, and all that. I'm like that since I was a teenager actually. My college was very left-leaning, hippie, punk, all of that, and I was fine with it. I enjoy countercultural movements. Around that time, I thought ok, maybe I am actually an INFp, a Beta. I am idealistic and I want to take steps to improve the world. But then one day they asked for a general strike that would mean we couldn't go to school anymore until they get what they want, which was stopping the insane tuition fees raise, which is fair, but later on they started protesting for free schooling for all. I just thought that was getting ridiculous. I don't mind the idea of free schooling for all, but I don't think we are ready for it at all. People have to be ready to pay more for taxes. Good luck with getting that to happen. Protesters would call anyone who don't agree with their tactics "sheeples" when I just wanted to finish my degree. I think that was the start of when I started feeling jaded towards so many leftist movements. Their voting system sucked ass, which involved sitting on the gym floors for 8 hours straight (which most people cannot do so they would just leave before the voting happens) and then raise our hand if we want the strikes to keep going. You'd get insults and people looking in our eyes with high disdain, and the organizers wouldn't say shit because they are extremely biased.

    I realized I am too individualistic for those people. They are loud because they want to stay true to themselves. If I try to be loud while being true to myself, they'd threaten me for not preaching the same things as they do, even though all I would do is to criticize their tactics. They'd be so quick to label me as the bad guys, because they only think in black and white.

    I later made another friend who was more chill and understanding. In a loud group setting where everyone would exchange jokes, I tend to step out from being overwhelmed, and the friend would talk to me and understand my need for something quieter. But they don't like when I bring up crass jokes, which is something I enjoy. Eventually they started getting interested in social justice, but not the type that stirs shits and get you to write to people, the type that corrects your language for not being inclusive enough. If I bring up personal issues related to being depressed and feeling alone, they'd send me videos about philosophy, about trying to see the nice things in life. They'd congratulate me for cleaning my room even though that is something that everyone should do frequently. But it doesn't feel enough. There's a coddling aspect to it all that doesn't satisfy me, or rather it bugs me. We can do so much more.
    I also lost touch with that person, who is too afraid to tell me why, just no response, just ghosting.

    I might be an asshole, but that's from myself trying to be true to myself. Every other quadras are so easy to find.
    Is it because I avoid people who are all about hustle culture and money?
    I don't want to believe I'm the only one turned off by that. I just want to be surrounded by reasonable people lol

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    Yeah who doesn’t want money. Sure Gammas are always tagged as greedy but look at the post about prostitution. These people aren’t Gammas.

    It’s always like this- being open to love money is bad, but when you attach shame and big money and lack of hard work to it suddenly it’s sexy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Yeah who doesn’t want money. Sure Gammas are always tagged as greedy but look at the post about prostitution. These people aren’t Gammas.

    It’s always like this- being open to love money is bad, but when you attach shame and big money and lack of hard work to it suddenly it’s sexy.
    I haven't looked into that thread because I'm expecting to see a lot of bad opinions, probably from guys who think prostitutes have it easy.
    Theoretically, it could be nice to be paid to sleep with people you find hot and do what you want to do, but a lot of times you don't have a choice especially if it is your main source of income.

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    To me it sounds like since you're so tunnel visioned in on finding people who are similar to you (vocal about their morals) that you may be passing up over people you're compatible with. I don't know a single gamma quadra member personally who discusses their morals or world views with strangers or outside of a trusted small group of people. I've had the exact same issue you're describing, being called boring, close-minded, holier than thou etc., and as a result I've just stopped sharing those thoughts with others and instead take time to observe them to see if they're someone I can trust with things like that. I'm an ESI dating an ILI with an LIE best friend, and none of us have ever really offered our ideas about morals in public spaces, and instead share them with each other since strong morals are valued in our quadra. I'm not sure how to effectively help you recognize members of the quadra, but maybe not tunnel visioning in might be the solution.

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    Quote Originally Posted by yurijesus View Post
    To me it sounds like since you're so tunnel visioned in on finding people who are similar to you (vocal about their morals) that you may be passing up over people you're compatible with. I don't know a single gamma quadra member personally who discusses their morals or world views with strangers or outside of a trusted small group of people. I've had the exact same issue you're describing, being called boring, close-minded, holier than thou etc., and as a result I've just stopped sharing those thoughts with others and instead take time to observe them to see if they're someone I can trust with things like that. I'm an ESI dating an ILI with an LIE best friend, and none of us have ever really offered our ideas about morals in public spaces, and instead share them with each other since strong morals are valued in our quadra. I'm not sure how to effectively help you recognize members of the quadra, but maybe not tunnel visioning in might be the solution.
    You have a point, but it is so hard to find otherwise. I spent most of my life not choosing my own friends and just letting whoever wants to know me in, but that often ends up in me losing them because eventually they'll notice that they find me annoying, boring, or mean. Also other quadras tend to be way more welcoming to new people, which is cool if you belong to those other quadras, but less cool when they realize you're not as fun (Alpha/Beta) or as open-minded (Alpha/Delta) as they are.

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    They’re like Betas with integrity who get offended easily

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    I've met a few Gammas, they don't really have friends or relationships - they have deals. After trying my best to give them the benefit of the doubt, I think the best solution is to just round them up and blow up the worst of them with dynamite; if one survives I will consider him the strongest and he can be my accountant.
    Last edited by Man of Your Dreams; 02-25-2024 at 12:28 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    I've met a few Gammas, they don't really have friends or relationships - they have deals. After trying my best to give them the benefit of the doubt, I think the best solution is to just round them up and blow up the worst of them with dynamite; if one survives I will consider him the strongest and he can be my accountant.
    Maybe you are not their friend.

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    ESIs i know seem to want gratification, mayeb sexual, from interacting with ppl or attention or smth. SEEs are more extreme case of that and more social, ESIs are more shy gamma NTs think typology is impractical/doesnt serve their goals compared to other things they'd rather focus on. i've still seen ILIs and LIEs on discord servers, idk why they aren't on this forum, i wouldn't be here myself unelss for someone else so mb a generation thing, ppl on this forum tend to be older than zoomers or do they? mb discord is easier to navigate and more common idk why aren't there more people active on here. i feel like ive met many ILIs specifically on discord at least, sometimes ESI, ofc SEE is more common irl and rarer online
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    I've met a few Gammas, they don't really have friends or relationships - they have deals. After trying my best to give them the benefit of the doubt, I think the best solution is to just round them up and blow up the worst of them with dynamite; if one survives I will consider him the strongest and he can be my accountant.
    You've likely only ever met insecurely attached Gammas and have, by extension, been badly burned by the experience. I am sorry for that but your hostility towards them is misplaced.

    I will grant you that your perception is partially correct. Gammas have "deals" over "relationships" because life is, well, a game to us. It's a game we cannot ever avoid playing no matter how hard we try. We are all "Trapped at Court" as one author so eloquently put it. Even our greatest attempts to not "play" end up coming off as ingenious strategies to any outside observer who didn't know we weren't trying to do that.

    If you ever met a healthy one you'd find the mirror of your sentiment. A deal is a deal, but it was a deal made with the full investment of . If it came down to you or they having to die in a survival situation, the gamma would die to save you. Not out of absolute benevolence mind you. Like I've said elsewhere it's a game of odds and we have 1:1000 odds of surviving whereas you have 1:100,000 odds so the most logical choice for us both getting out of this alive is for you to run like a bitch and for us to go on the "suicide" mission. You bitching about that fact just makes us angrier as we've already committed and you not seeing the plain math here is, to be blunt, infuriating. Plus that's a number we pulled out of our ass. and valuation favor boldness. Odds ain't shit if you're good enough at the task required!

    We are, despite what others may think or say, trying to game our way to the best outcome where everyone lives and we are all happy and fulfilled. Other quadras see this as robotic and/or sociopathic behavior. We see it as the only rational and reasonable thing a "good" person could ever hope to achieve. We don't care about many other people, but those we do care about are worth the sacrifice of our own lives up to and including a slow and painful one. If you have a healthy Gamma in your life you have a friend for life so long as you don't betray them.

    Likewise, betray a Gamma who thought of you as such a friend and, well, "tied hands" folks. Tied hands. "The Count of Monte Cristo" is a Gamma's warning to those who betray such wholehearted trust...

    "Vengence is Mine" sayeth the Lord, but he employs individuals in his grand plan. If you get this next reference without Google you get a Gold Star: "Strikers" tend to be Gammas. Take from that what you will.

    Also I'd mention that it has always been likely Gamma types that "Lead from the Front" in times of war and strife. Iskandar, Charles XII, Napoleon, it is our kind that dare to fight and die for our own ambitions alongside those we'd seek to lead. Why? Because we'd never follow a coward!
    Last edited by End; 02-26-2024 at 03:41 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Averroes View Post
    They’re like Betas with integrity who get offended easily
    Define "offend" my good sir.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    ESIs i know seem to want gratification, mayeb sexual, from interacting with ppl or attention or smth. SEEs are more extreme case of that and more social, ESIs are more shy gamma NTs think typology is impractical/doesnt serve their goals compared to other things they'd rather focus on. i've still seen ILIs and LIEs on discord servers, idk why they aren't on this forum, i wouldn't be here myself unelss for someone else so mb a generation thing, ppl on this forum tend to be older than zoomers or do they? mb discord is easier to navigate and more common idk why aren't there more people active on here. i feel like ive met many ILIs specifically on discord at least, sometimes ESI, ofc SEE is more common irl and rarer online
    Sounds about right. Though, those don't sound like ESI and SEE to me, but rather two variations of SEE. Can't comment on Gamma NTs much, only met like five IRL. Most people claiming to be Gamma NTs online usually aren't IME.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post

    If you ever met a healthy one you'd find the mirror of your sentiment. A deal is a deal, but it was a deal made with the full investment of . If it came down to you or they having to die in a survival situation, the gamma would die to save you. Not out of absolute benevolence mind you. Like I've said elsewhere it's a game of odds and we have 1:1000 odds of surviving whereas you have 1:100,000 odds so the most logical choice for us both getting out of this alive is for you to run like a bitch and for us to go on the "suicide" mission. You bitching about that fact just makes us angrier as we've already committed and you not seeing the plain math here is, to be blunt, infuriating. Plus that's a number we pulled out of our ass. and valuation favor boldness. Odds ain't shit if you're good enough at the task required!

    We are, despite what others may think or say, trying to game our way to the best outcome where everyone lives and we are all happy and fulfilled. Other quadras see this as robotic and/or sociopathic behavior. We see it as the only rational and reasonable thing a "good" person could ever hope to achieve. We don't care about many other people, but those we do care about are worth the sacrifice of our own lives up to and including a slow and painful one. If you have a healthy Gamma in your life you have a friend for life so long as you don't betray them.

    Also I'd mention that it has always been likely Gamma types that "Lead from the Front" in times of war and strife. Iskandar, Charles XII, Napoleon, it is our kind that dare to fight and die for our own ambitions alongside those we'd seek to lead. Why? Because we'd never follow a coward!
    See this is why I would never follow a person like donald trump. He's just a disgusting slob. Like literally a fat slob. Gross. He's like a real life Jabba the Hut, with bigger grandiose narcissism on full display. Its just disgusting. I'm not even talking his politics, some of which I agree with. Its the literal man himself, he's just this, very insecure human deep down. Like some kind of shadow lizard person. Its not like I hate him, its like if he was right in front of me, trying to "lead" me, I would never follow him. He only serves himself and therefore I find that reprehensible at gut instinct level.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post

    See this is why I would never follow a person like donald trump. He's just a disgusting slob. Like literally a fat slob. Gross. He's like a real life Jabba the Hut, with bigger grandiose narcissism on full display. Its just disgusting. I'm not even talking his politics, some of which I agree with. Its the literal man himself, he's just this, very insecure human deep down. Like some kind of shadow lizard person. Its not like I hate him, its like if he was right in front of me, trying to "lead" me, I would never follow him. He only serves himself and therefore I find that reprehensible at gut instinct level.
    If type is genetic, I have a theory that Gammas are the result of the brutal nature of capitalism. Hence why they've historically only been active the past 200 years, only care about money and they're so good at attracting others with lies and deceit. If you've ever seen that movie "They Live" the aliens in that movie are basically them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    If type is genetic, I have a theory that Gammas are the result of the brutal nature of capitalism. Hence why they've historically only been active the past 200 years, only care about money and they're so good at attracting others with lies and deceit. If you've ever seen that movie "They Live" the aliens in that movie are basically them.
    From what I've seen, sociotype does have some genetic component to it, since I seem to see many of the offspring of every type falling predominantly within the parent's Quadra, fewer falling in the adjacent Quadras, and almost none falling in the opposite Quadra. Inheriting your parent's brain patterns is a lot like inheriting your parent's nose or hair color. This is just anecdotal, though, and I'm not aware of any studies in this area.

    In any case, I think that the Gamma type preceded Capitalism. When we eventually find genetic markers for sociotypes, we will probably find that animals also have sixteen types, since the functions didn't arise like Athena from Zeus' brow. Sensing, assigning names, discerning feelings, and having some idea what you can do with the things in the world probably dates back at least to the rise of the mammals, if not before.

    However, I do think it likely that Gammas invented Capitalism. The natural state of humans is a kind of communism of the family, and the concept of "working for money" is pretty foreign to most people. It really had to be invented.

    I think that the best that most people can do is to work for "gifts". The ancient Greeks gave gifts when they wanted to ingratiate themselves into some power structure, and their sacrifices were gifts to the gods in the hope of receiving their blessings.

    I occasionally throw nuts to the squirrels that live around my house, and I will sometimes find a perfect black walnut placed on my doorstep, always in the same corner, where the wind won't blow it away. It is a squirrel's gift to the real gods of the world. A hope for divine providence.

    But that squirrel isn't bringing me money.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    In any case, I think that the Gamma type preceded Capitalism.
    That part stuck out. I personally don't think so at this time, it's more likely to me that they came about with the advancement of society. Gammas can't naturally survive in society because they can't form a society in the first place, society being largely Beta/Delta. It's just like how parasites can't survive without a host body.

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    Gamma'uld !

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    See this is why I would never follow a person like donald trump. He's just a disgusting slob. Like literally a fat slob. Gross. He's like a real life Jabba the Hut, with bigger grandiose narcissism on full display. Its just disgusting. I'm not even talking his politics, some of which I agree with. Its the literal man himself, he's just this, very insecure human deep down. Like some kind of shadow lizard person. Its not like I hate him, its like if he was right in front of me, trying to "lead" me, I would never follow him. He only serves himself and therefore I find that reprehensible at gut instinct level.
    I wouldn't exactly "follow" him either, but given how things are going I still hope he wins. He represents a "least bad" option. You've also just described pretty much every politician/nobleman/bureaucrat/etc. in a "late cycle" society. It goes by many names depending on who you ask. Weak Men create Hard times, The Dynastic Cycle, the Fourth Turning, etc. All evidence suggests the whole world is currently in the last one before the wheel of history turns once more.

    I'd stock up on seeds, firearms, and learn survival skills. I fear we're all going to need them sooner rather than later. That and, especially if you're a dude, a tribe. Make male friends and bond with them as deeply as possible. If you're a girl find a dude who treats you right and has a lot of male friends and get him to commit to you. When the shit hits the fan and the fight to determine who's gonna be "in charge" for the next cycle starts it's always been groups of men who came out on top. Bet accordingly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    That part stuck out. I personally don't think so at this time, it's more likely to me that they came about with the advancement of society. Gammas can't naturally survive in society because they can't form a society in the first place, society being largely Beta/Delta. It's just like how parasites can't survive without a host body.
    Anyone of any type can and will form a society. It's in our human nature. We're social animals and we crave things like group identity and the sense of belonging that brings. It will influence the type of society and it's overall culture however. America is very "Gamma" for instance (or at least it was at the time of the founding). Say whatever you will about it it was and is definitely a "society" and people not only survived they thrived in it. Individualistic and Meritocratic at its inception, it was a place any Gamma would have loved to live. Hardly any government or bureaucracy and free reign to do pretty much whatever you wanted at the start? I'd roll the dice on a rickety boat and a journey over the horizon for that!

    This is, of course, me idealizing it a bit as there's way more complexity and nuance there that I'm glossing over but you get the point. Societies will form no matter what type its leaders are. That will influence it's culture and structure, but it'll form and it'll "work" for them. Society and culture is a human constant. Nobody can ever and has ever lived without them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Anyone of any type can and will form a society. It's in our human nature. We're social animals and we crave things like group identity and the sense of belonging that brings. It will influence the type of society and it's overall culture however. America is very "Gamma" for instance (or at least it was at the time of the founding). Say whatever you will about it it was and is definitely a "society" and people not only survived they thrived in it. Individualistic and Meritocratic at its inception, it was a place any Gamma would have loved to live. Hardly any government or bureaucracy and free reign to do pretty much whatever you wanted at the start? I'd roll the dice on a rickety boat and a journey over the horizon for that!
    The basic fundamentals of this theory state that it's actually Aristocrats that create society, particularly Beta Rationals since society is an Artificial structure. As it goes for America being "Gamma" if you lived here (I am from America) you'd realize it's actually Beta as fuck and in essence controlled by warlords in business suits.

    I don't really have much else to say, it seems like you're incredibly misinformed about how this stuff works in real life.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    That part stuck out. I personally don't think so at this time, it's more likely to me that they came about with the advancement of society. Gammas can't naturally survive in society because they can't form a society in the first place, society being largely Beta/Delta. It's just like how parasites can't survive without a host body.
    If you want to understand anything, you should look for the historical time when it first appeared, and the conditions which caused it to appear.

    "Free" public schools first became widespread in the U.S. in the 1870's or so, when capitalists figured out that the non-reading ignorant farmers who were working on their expensive machines were getting caught in the gears and were messing up production. It was better to promote the townsfolk to tax themselves and educate the people to be reliable and timely workers who could read a bit and count. In economics-speak, it was when the marginal utility of workers needed to catch up to the marginal utility of machines.

    Same thing with capitalism. Capitalism is basically the use of the abstract concept of money to transfer future value to today. The concept first requires the invention of money, and I don't mean sacks of grain or axes or oxen that you mentally tally up and can redeem later. I mean, a universally recognized token that can be exchanged for something of value in the future, with the exchange being enforced by an army. A method of trade between strangers, that is. Not between you and your family or your neighbors.

    The first written account of debts between strangers going bad is in the Bhagavad-Vita, written around 1000 BC, when large armies first came into existence. Because money requires armies to enforce the contract between strangers that it represents.

    Three thousand years is not enough time to create a whole new category of humans, like Gammas. No, Gammas were represented from the very first as the Prometheus type; giving new knowledge to humans. The money part came later.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 02-28-2024 at 01:48 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Three thousand years is not enough time to create a whole new category of humans, like Gammas. No, Gammas were represented from the very first as the Prometheus type; giving new knowledge to humans. The money part came later.
    Highly unlikely. If you could perhaps find me a real-life example of a society that's purely Gamma and came to fruition without those that came before, I'd concede my position and consider your opinion to be the right opinion. I know you LIEs live for that kind of thing, and currency.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    Highly unlikely. If you could perhaps find me a real-life example of a society that's purely Gamma and came to fruition without those that came before, I'd concede my position and consider your opinion to be the right opinion. I know you LIEs live for that kind of thing, and currency.
    I don't see societies which are purely Gamma (other than, perhaps, the US and Singapore), but I do see companies which are predominantly Gamma.

    No society sprang forth from nothing. Every society is based on what preceded it. The question to ask is, what did Gammas contribute to human progress?

    Prior to the invention of capitalist stock companies, the world was a pretty static place. You had farmers, and citizen armies for defense, and sometimes you had imperialist countries with standing armies whose economies were based on the theft of resources from their neighbors (Rome, Great Britain, Russia today, etc.), and a person who was born in the year 1830 would be entirely at home if they were transported to 500 BC. They would recognize the place. You farm, most of your kids die from unknown causes, no one knows how to read, and you owe fealty to your local king and the priest class, who were the moral justifiers of the king's rule.

    With the application of Gamma capitalism, all of this went away. Labor became more efficient, people had more stuff, and kids stopped dying from disease. In the 20th century, for the first time ever, more than half the population could read. (To better tend the machines, you know.)
    In exchange for these benefits, people are asked (not forced - they are not slaves - they can sell their labor to anyone they choose) to be productive. But they don't have to be. They can do nothing and live off the surplus of others, because capitalism, unlike 10,000 years of rural farming, generates large surpluses.

    Quote Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    Highly unlikely. If you could perhaps find me ......
    Sure, let me look that up for you on the internet.

    Actually, I have some things to do. I'll let you figure this out for yourself now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I don't see societies which are purely Gamma (other than, perhaps, the US and Singapore), but I do see companies which are predominantly Gamma.

    No society sprang forth from nothing. Every society is based on what preceded it. The question to ask is, what did Gammas contribute to human progress?

    Prior to the invention of capitalist stock companies, the world was a pretty static place. You had farmers, and citizen armies for defense, and sometimes you had imperialist countries with standing armies whose economies were based on the theft of resources from their neighbors (Rome, Great Britain, Russia today, etc.), and a person who was born in the year 1830 would be entirely at home if they were transported to 500 BC. They would recognize the place. You farm, most of your kids die from unknown causes, no one knows how to read, and you owe fealty to your local king and the priest class, who were the moral justifiers of the king's rule.

    With the application of Gamma capitalism, all of this went away. Labor became more efficient, people had more stuff, and kids stopped dying from disease. In the 20th century, for the first time ever, more than half the population could read. (To better tend the machines, you know.)
    In exchange for these benefits, people are asked (not forced - they are not slaves - they can sell their labor to anyone they choose) to be productive. But they don't have to be. They can do nothing and live off the surplus of others, because capitalism, unlike 10,000 years of rural farming, generates large surpluses.
    Blah blah. I saw you in passing talking about your job and it seems like you develop weapons of mass destruction for people like Elon Musk. You're a smart guy, I'm sure you can prove me wrong and find concrete proof of what you've declared to me when you aren't busy killing the planet and playing make believe that you're a comic book character.

    Nice stealth edit BTW, you're so useless.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    Blah blah. I saw you in passing talking about your job and it seems like you develop weapons of mass destruction for people like Elon Musk. You're a smart guy, I'm sure you can prove me wrong and find concrete proof of what you've declared to me when you aren't busy killing the planet and playing make believe that you're a comic book character.

    Nice stealth edit BTW, you're so useless.
    Elon Musk is an ignorant PT Barnum and I work for people who are actually doing good (because having a monopoly on violence is usually good), although I will be the first to admit that Musk transformed the automobile industry for the better. He didn't start Tesla, but he promoted it well.

    I have no interest in proving you wrong.

    As to killing the planet, I actually contribute to non-deductible causes which reduce pollution. And I tend to edit my posts to correct syntax and improve clarity, not to alter my assertions.

    If "usefulness" is measured by how much people are willing to pay a person in exchange for something of use to them, I'm actually fairly useful to many people.

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    One of the best example of social progress from Beta-ish to Gamma is the history of of the United Arab Emirates countries and how the discovery of Petrol and the involvement of "Gamma" private companies and political alliances transformed those countries from basically desert to modern almost futuristic looking cities.

    Also a touch on the debt, we forgot to mention Gamma style banking system and that the first insurance of debt repayment is pressure. Not necessarily that of an army but rather moral pressure. Indeed, debt repayment is a socially universally agreed upon moral/Ethic right thing to do while not repaying a debt is wrong, that's the moral pressure and as a matter of fact it's also an archetype that Abrahamic religions have integrated which gives it even more power in terms of psychological pressure.

    If I'm let's say a bank and lend you money and you agree to pay it back after a certain period of time or (whatever the debt agreement may be) it is then your duty to respect the terms of the contract. It's a moral duty that's universally undisputed.

    Of course I don't know what I'm talking about, It just happened that I've read David Graeber's "Dept : The first 5000 years" ! (the first paragraph is just my own observation though !).

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr drapetomaniac View Post
    Wow. The History Channel used to be good, but it looks like they went full Fox News at some point.

    Having said that, I have the impression that Alphas do tend to see Gammas as Reptiles. In return, I think of Alphas as being elves.

    I wonder if the History Channel has an episode titled "Do Elves Walk Among Us?" I'll bet they do!

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    Quote Originally Posted by mr drapetomaniac View Post

    Although I'm very familiar with the "Ancient Aliens" show, I stopped to assiduously follow it since season 8 or 9 because the way by which I used to have access to the show didn't exist anymore and I didn't search for an alternative (which would technically take only a few seconds). I guess I wasn't motivated enough since the show seemed to have taken a "delulu" fake-newsy trajectory which was detrimental to the entertaining value of the show and "its spirit" namely rendering the impossible thinkable (via Ne). So I'm familiar with most of the rhetoric of the show. In fact, I was into these things too ("X-files" like themes) and I used to listen to "Coast to Coast AM" podcasts !

    That said, what made me raise an eyebrow was that rhesus blood group idea at the end of that video excerpt. I thought "Jesus Christ ! That's a good point ! How come I didn't think about it before ?? !". Not because of the way this idea has been used namely as an argument for opening the viewers opinion to the possibility of the existence of an extra-terrestrial bloodline or whatever, but because I haven't factored that fact as "an exception to the rule" of another idea that has almost nothing to do with this.

    Now, according to different sources (here is one) the number of world population with Rh negative blood is around 7% not 15% like George Noory said. (Btw I love George very much btw he's my favorite radio host ever !). This is an illustration of fake-newsy because of false-premisy...
    Last edited by godslave; 02-29-2024 at 03:22 AM. Reason: minor tweak

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Wow. The History Channel used to be good, but it looks like they went full Fox News at some point.

    Having said that, I have the impression that Alphas do tend to see Gammas as Reptiles. In return, I think of Alphas as being elves.

    I wonder if the History Channel has an episode titled "Do Elves Walk Among Us?" I'll bet they do!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plasma View Post
    If type is genetic, I have a theory that Gammas are the result of the brutal nature of capitalism. Hence why they've historically only been active the past 200 years, only care about money and they're so good at attracting others with lies and deceit. If you've ever seen that movie "They Live" the aliens in that movie are basically them.
    See I hardly ever lie or deceive people, and if I do I feel very self conscious about it. I CAN lie, I'm not bad at it, I just choose not too. As to deceit, thats not the kind of man I want to be. I'm not naive, I just choose certain ways of being. Will I keep my cards close, sure, absolutely, but scamming or deceitfulness? No way. I recently worked with a used car sales man, and he was pretty deceitful, and I could tell, because my mind easily picks up on those things.

    I don't think I'm a gamma anyway. I don't know what my sociotype is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    I wouldn't exactly "follow" him either, but given how things are going I still hope he wins. He represents a "least bad" option. You've also just described pretty much every politician/nobleman/bureaucrat/etc. in a "late cycle" society. It goes by many names depending on who you ask. Weak Men create Hard times, The Dynastic Cycle, the Fourth Turning, etc. All evidence suggests the whole world is currently in the last one before the wheel of history turns once more.
    I think Biden has dementia. But if comparing trump and biden, honestly I'd rather have Biden, because at least you know Kamala will cover for him. Trump just creates chaos and turmoil every where he goes. The heart land can't be saved and thats sad, but Trump is just a charlatan. He doesn't believe anything he's saying, he just whores himself out for the likes. I actually think if elected he will start the path towards brazen dictatorship.

    I'd stock up on seeds, firearms, and learn survival skills. I fear we're all going to need them sooner rather than later. That and, especially if you're a dude, a tribe. Make male friends and bond with them as deeply as possible.
    So basically become deltas. Farming and hunting and living off grid in alaska?

    If you're a girl find a dude who treats you right and has a lot of male friends and get him to commit to you. When the shit hits the fan and the fight to determine who's gonna be "in charge" for the next cycle starts it's always been groups of men who came out on top. Bet accordingly.
    I'm a man who also happens to be sexually aroused by other men and form romantic relationships with them.

    Anyone of any type can and will form a society. It's in our human nature. We're social animals and we crave things like group identity and the sense of belonging that brings. It will influence the type of society and it's overall culture however. America is very "Gamma" for instance (or at least it was at the time of the founding). Say whatever you will about it it was and is definitely a "society" and people not only survived they thrived in it. Individualistic and Meritocratic at its inception, it was a place any Gamma would have loved to live. Hardly any government or bureaucracy and free reign to do pretty much whatever you wanted at the start? I'd roll the dice on a rickety boat and a journey over the horizon for that!

    This is, of course, me idealizing it a bit as there's way more complexity and nuance there that I'm glossing over but you get the point. Societies will form no matter what type its leaders are. That will influence it's culture and structure, but it'll form and it'll "work" for them. Society and culture is a human constant. Nobody can ever and has ever lived without them.
    Makes sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    I think Biden has dementia.
    Most psychologists think that Trump has dementia. But watch the videos in the link below. Judge for yourself.

    Biden sometimes misses words, but that happens when your brain is full. I do that if I haven't exercised that day. It doesn't mean your brain is turning to soup. I watched my mother descend into Alzheimers, and Trump is well along, down the same path. My mother's speech would jump from one topic to an entirely different one in mid-sentence, and she stopped remembering family member's names. I stopped being called "Adam" and started being called "Bob", the name of her brother.
    Trump recently had to read the names of his children from a prompter card.

    He's in the groove, boys. In the groove.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Most psychologists think that Trump has dementia. But watch the videos in the link below. Judge for yourself.

    Biden sometimes misses words, but that happens when your brain is full. I do that if I haven't exercised that day. It doesn't mean your brain is turning to soup. I watched my mother descend into Alzheimers, and Trump is well along, down the same path. My mother's speech would jump from one topic to an entirely different one in mid-sentence, and she stopped remembering family member's names. I stopped being called "Adam" and started being called "Bob", the name of her brother.
    Trump recently had to read the names of his children from a prompter card.

    He's in the groove, boys. In the groove.
    You've got to admit it adam, Biden just sucks slightly less.

    I stopped allowing federal politics to dictate my inner compass years ago. As if I ever did, actually. The Government does Government stuff. Some good, some ridiculous. I'm looking to free my own mind at this point.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    See I hardly ever lie or deceive people, and if I do I feel very self conscious about it. I CAN lie, I'm not bad at it, I just choose not too. As to deceit, thats not the kind of man I want to be. I'm not naive, I just choose certain ways of being. Will I keep my cards close, sure, absolutely, but scamming or deceitfulness? No way. I recently worked with a used car sales man, and he was pretty deceitful, and I could tell, because my mind easily picks up on those things.

    I don't think I'm a gamma anyway. I don't know what my sociotype is.
    I get that and I have similar sentiments. Probably ST from your opinion and writing style. One thing I've learned is that pretty much any type can be intelligent and/or be a scientist (it's not limited to NTs and the last ILI I met in the wild was autistic, unemployed, and lived in a van).

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    I think Biden has dementia. But if comparing trump and biden, honestly I'd rather have Biden, because at least you know Kamala will cover for him. Trump just creates chaos and turmoil every where he goes. The heart land can't be saved and thats sad, but Trump is just a charlatan. He doesn't believe anything he's saying, he just whores himself out for the likes. I actually think if elected he will start the path towards brazen dictatorship.
    The Heartland cannot be saved? How so and why? I can think of several ways as to how one could easily do it, but far as I can reckon all of them require those with money, power, and status within the current status quo to make sacrifices for the good of all (themselves included long term) and we all know how asking people who already "got theirs" to lend those below a hand tends to go in modern times.

    Like I said above, late/final stage of the cycle before the turn/reset. The Dynastic Cycle of China is reflective of our near future I fear. It's not an unusual occurrence within China's history for the Emperor and his court to have no idea how badly they fucked up (and how utterly fucked they are) until you got angry hordes from the countryside who went on a long walk scaling the walls of the Capital with Thumotic indignation in their hearts, boundless fury in their eyes, and souls fresh out of mercy with generations of scores to settle in blood. Trump may be the last gasp of "country bumpkins" but said bumpkins control all domestic food production and all internal logistics corridors by dint of where they live. Never bet on the current regime/emperor/etc. when the cycle turns. Bet on the countrysiders.

    I also don't find the idea of Kamala Harris holding real power very comforting. I'd rather trust a phonebook and a dart if ya catch my meaning.

    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    So basically become deltas. Farming and hunting and living off grid in alaska?
    Partially. Shit's about to hit the fan and those who don't know how to live without modern conveniences will have long survival odds. Knowing how to fix plumbing, make booze, or rig a generator to things will also go a long way towards being valuable in tough times. Become valuable to those in a survival situation is my overall advice because, well, most of us are about to be in one.

    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    I'm a man who also happens to be sexually aroused by other men and form romantic relationships with them.
    Same advice applies only with the added complication of getting your male lover on the same page. Find a tribe that's OK with both of your proclivities and get in really good with them. Find an "Us" you can get behind completely and who will fully get behind you against "them" because those without an "Us" that's very close and local will also face long survival odds.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Most psychologists think that Trump has dementia. But watch the videos in the link below. Judge for yourself.

    Biden sometimes misses words, but that happens when your brain is full. I do that if I haven't exercised that day. It doesn't mean your brain is turning to soup. I watched my mother descend into Alzheimers, and Trump is well along, down the same path. My mother's speech would jump from one topic to an entirely different one in mid-sentence, and she stopped remembering family member's names. I stopped being called "Adam" and started being called "Bob", the name of her brother.
    Trump recently had to read the names of his children from a prompter card.

    He's in the groove, boys. In the groove.
    I generally like what you have to say but posting something from the Daily Kos isn't good optics for your point. I'm on the right and I might as well start posting /pol/ threads or something similar as a legitimate counter.

    If there was serious evidence that Trump had any major cognitive impairment it'd get Wall to wall coverage. Anyone with a hint of objectivity has to admit who runs all the major institutions and where their loyalties lie. It sure as hell isn't with Trump or anyone who supports him and they'd ravenously pounce upon any opportunity they could to prove him as more demented than "Dementia Joe" (it's a linguistic kill shot for a reason).

    This is one of many reasons why he's got such a fanatical following BTW. He's a modern day Gracchus. Whether or not one finds that palatable is of no concern to what it means for the rest of us.

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    These people could also be burned out. I recently have checked about burn out and people had to recover for years.

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    If there was serious evidence that Trump had any major cognitive impairment it'd get Wall to wall coverage. Anyone with a hint of objectivity has to admit who runs all the major institutions and where their loyalties lie. It sure as hell isn't with Trump or anyone who supports him and they'd ravenously pounce upon any opportunity they could to prove him as more demented than "Dementia Joe" (it's a linguistic kill shot for a reason).

    This is one of many reasons why he's got such a fanatical following BTW. He's a modern day Gracchus. Whether or not one finds that palatable is of no concern to what it means for the rest of us.
    Most don't people understand this. It's really not about left or right, it's about having someone that isn't a puppet in office.

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