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Thread: Type me by who i like/dislike

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    Default Type me by who i like/dislike

    Hi, it's my first post here.

    I'd like to try things differently this time, since I was having some problems in figuring out my general set of functions I will instead tell you about my real world relationships and how I view them. Most of these are from when i began to mature, where I feel some of my functions have changed place and have no idea about my Nx nor my Fx anymore, but enough suppositions and let's go to the list:

    First and foremost I would like to apologize if anyone of you is in my dislike field, it is not my intention to insult in any way.

    -ISTP - I'm drawn to them thanks to their lack of nonsense while still being able to care for what matters, i see their practicality and hugely regard it. Their only defect is that you have to earn their companionship through many trials.
    -*SFJ - They listen to me, i can also do stuff with them in any field and even receive some intellectual advice despite them not wanting to appear as such.
    -INF* - They give me such a good mood that i pretend to understand anything they might talk about, end up discussing history and politics regardless.

    Usually like:
    -E*TP - Can get along with them where other people can not, but can't have any meaningful connection apart from business or the mundane. I like the ENTP more but the ESTP respects me more for some reason.
    -INTJ - Too few are healthy to act any good, although this can be because society currently dislikes intelligent people. Even when healthy I feel under pressure by them, as if we're clashing with one another. Their friendship is still valuable to me.

    Usually dislike:
    -ISTJ - While I don't like depending on them because of their tightness, the conversations I had with them were among the best. They are the only "tyrant" archetype that I respect, since they have a much more general understanding of how things work, unlike the E*TJ's (which in my opinion most are sociopath spectrum). Unless they work in police/army/govt/other morally dubious field, they seem balanced.

    -*SFP - They annoy me, but they're valuable in binding people together, at least when healthy. I see their negatives first (promiscuity, drunkenness etc) and have to make an effort to see their qualities. Despite this I owe a lot to an ISFP who has helped me through tough times. They do forgive me even when I heavily criticize them, so I am forced to forgive them back.
    -INTP - Although arrogant and paradoxically aggressive, i look up to them for their conceptual abilities. I have been left with a bitter taste by many, for instance when i was asked to do illicit favours by one, they seem to have a fascination with the mafia. This is again probably because society dislikes intelligent people at the moment and i'm yet to find healthy ones.

    -E*TJ - I see their vast majority as being sociopath spectrum, they treat life like a series of processes, quick to challenge for no reason and to throw anyone around like garbage for the smallest of unsatisfactory detail. When you don't allow them to micromanage you they will do anything to persecute you, including by using lies. Although I understand their sacrifices I feel like their judgement is often flawed, superficial and exaggerated, even when they realize they are wrong and try to shyly apologize, unfortunately after many bad encounters I have learnt to avoid them.
    -ENFJ - Although presented as not wanting to pursue evil they are in reality very demonic and the only thing they seem to realize is to corrupt anyone under their influence, they ruin lives very easily and prey on you like an animal at the first sign of weakness. To me their maniacal tendencies are the worst, probably thanks to the unfortunate place of their Se?

  2. #2
    You mustn't think thought control Distance's Avatar
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    Which type would you choose for a significant other? Like complements you and you add to their distinctiveness, likewise?

    Black & white is a shallow divide ∕∕division is the color that multipliesx

    Taking things at face value is good only for a spell

    Abstract builds a soul, a house can never become a home without it

    A little better makes better more>

  3. #3
    jimi$dope one's Avatar
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    It doesn't make sense to start with this

  4. #4
    anotherperson's Avatar
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    taking a panjungian approach here

    likes SLI, gamma SF, INFx

    dislikes Te base, EIE

    this approach is very hazardous tho

    have a look-see at this chart to see what i meant

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    Which type would you choose for a significant other? Like complements you and you add to their distinctiveness, likewise?
    Good question since i don't think about this much. I used to be drawn to INFJs like a magnet but since they are too rare (in my country almost every female is an E*FP) my relationships were few and brief.
    Now I would rather go with an IS*J as a more serious marriage partner, provided she is able to listen to conceptual and artistic inclinations sometimes.
    Maybe even an ESTP but she will have to have a good temperament.

    Interesting chart but what are the values in the red? I thought ENTP with EII would show more than zero?

    I long thought I could be an INFJ but i am certainly Si, so this leaves just INFP. I don't know about that. While i am sensitive i am too technically inclined. I do ponder at beauty but awaken from that too quickly. I also scare people off sometimes with my presence, whereas the INFP by stereotype melts in like a lizard?

    It would really suck if I am an EIE for sure, but i get that some types dislike each other. I would be one with a very clear moral compass and much more measured in telling principles to people.

    I get it's a bit hazardous of a psychological approach but i'm fine with that. My last assumption was that i am a former ENTP maturing into ISFJ but I feel that me Ne is turning into Ni which throws the theory, that was the purpose of my interesting endeavor

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    try a video

  7. #7
    You mustn't think thought control Distance's Avatar
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    Your language looks ideational and you believe Si is for you. It seems soul bound by your word.

    N type for ideas.

    Are you seeking it, like comfort, convenience, a grounding maybe with a sprinkle of past Si nostalgia?

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