Life In The Future Year 6000 and Beyond = The future will soon be a thing of the past. We will emerge out of white holes and orchestrate invisible, intangible reality. We will have vantage points setup into the open blue horizons. Cars will fly over every city. Aerospace will be mastered with robotic precision. Docking stations for ships to access in every city will be present. Cities will cover the water. Entire arboretums and gardens will be present in colossal space stations. Fountains of life will spring everywhere. Each moment is a place you’ve never been. Hyperspatial routes will be setup everywhere. Luxury and entertainment will be exuberant. The true darkness will be defeated. Dragonite’s diamond city will sprawl. The stars will be as limitless as every grain of sand on the beach. Life rages all around us. We blast off on jetpacks into unknown horizons. Fairy stories and Pokemon Bunny anime will be real. Multiversal bubbles will sprout and be shaped. And every moment is magical. Archons of power will setup a mountaintop super-nexus. We will solve all of life’s greatest mysteries. We will build the Rainbow bridge to infinity. Celebration will span across the clock. Time travel will be established. Choice and free will will reign making the world bigger. Stargazing will obliterate the sky. Undertows launching us into the ultimate future will be everywhere. The highest man, the ubermensch, the superman will show humanity wisdom. Penetration into Omnipotence will redirect the threads of fate. Adventures and explorations will be so manic and never end. The pinnacle of creation will shine with every Wish. Lightspeed will be broken to traverse black holes. Every restriction will be broken by the final annihilator. Star Wars will be real. Transcendence will endow perfection. The Dragon Mind of Zen will enlighten us. The dark sided king will be checkmated at the Game’s highest stage for the win. Dinosaurs will walk the earth again, and Meganium will go berserk. The storied saga of science fiction will open every door. There will be a Champion of the Macroverse with His or Her Higher Self or Bunny. The big freeze will be reversed. The Creator will be discovered and accessed. Happiness is not perfect, until it is shared. This will be the legacy of earth.

Life In The Future Year 6000 and Beyond