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Thread: Two different EIEs

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    Mairon's Avatar
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    Default Two different EIEs

    It's like there are two different kind of EIEs in the general perception of types, and they are almost opposite. I don't know if it is due to the different models. So, I would like to be enlightened by someone about this dilemma. It confuses me a lot. when I search everyday on sites like PDB (not a huge fan of it, still is the only one), it's very clear problem. It doesn't make sense at all. So:

    - One kind of EIE is the drama queen who lacks control. Tries to impress and provoke others through rebel behavior, weird clothing and in general, the type lack composure. It knows but also express a lot emotions and his moods changes a lot and quickly. It's considered as one of the most unstable and not liked types (at least, That's what I read online). Him being Si polr expresses the lack of "physical" health, balance (this type is prone to drugs and alcol) and tranquillity (he is always tense).

    - At the opposite, there's the mentor kind of EIE, who knows every shades of emotions who rules people, yet, in virtue of this, he tries to control his emotions and acts as superior in regard to them, trying to be autonomous and not dependant from others. He is not dramatic like the other, but more inspiring, truly aristocratic, almost religious and acts as a severe mentor. Ignoring Fi express as not giving importance to personal experience about events, positioning himself higher than the average person, considering all people like children that need a guide (with some form of pride or vanity). He is able to take personal negative experience so philosophically that he isn't able to hate someone for the most common things (being rejected, etc.), yet his behavior in regard these person will be like a balanced punishment. Him bering highly philosophical and detached make him more similar to an ILI. In fact, I find a lot of characters being typed ILI or EIE as main two types options, and that's look quite absurd considering that ILI is Fe polr and the other is Fe lead. In this one, Si polr express as a sort of hyper sensitivity to the physical world and everything that is ugly, and so he tries to make himself better, but not in a twisted and weird way like the other EIE type, but searching a style and cure which express composure and perfection.

    There's a huge mismatching between "understanding" emotions and expressing them or control them. Years of studying and yet I'm here asking myself how to differentiate them. It is the second one more a Gulenko's EIE? What am I missing?

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    You may give >=2 examples for every of variants to show what you talk about.

    possible reasons:
    1) With common accuracies a half may have correct types ("drama" is closer), where others to have differing types.
    2) "lacks control" , "tries to control" This reminds the difference between people with worse conscious control (worse working psyche) and better one. 1st should to have more accentuated (expressed) Jung type which better fits to the description.
    3) Some other personal traits, which may reduce or enforce some of the behavior related to Jung types traits.
    Last edited by Sol; 12-30-2023 at 03:08 PM.

  3. #3
    Mairon's Avatar
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    As exemple, I can give directly some characters or people.

    - Homelander, who quite fit the stereotypical EIE description;
    - Meghan Markle, dramatic crazy woman.

    - Kaworu Nagisa from Evangelion: zero drama, perfectly balanced and calm, yet typed EIE. He is a mentor figure.
    - Chrollo from HxH: typed both ILI and EIE. Not dramatic and feels depersonalized, with no sense of identity. Mentor-like figure.
    - Gill from Street Fighter (he is an evil version of Jesus, so a mentor figure but with harsh methods)
    - Emperor Palpatine: not dramatic, evil mentor figure.

    I mean, I see the "drama" more like an unbalanced and twisted way of behaving and discussing that brings some effect to others and lacks so much composure that it is easy to make the mask fall. How can it also be a calm and accepting mentor figure (as descriptions call him) if he is always dramatic?

    To me it is like EIE is both a character with ESFP/ENFJ traits with the first (mbti), while the other description looks way more INXJ. And that's confuses me.

    So, trying to explain it better:
    - the first type of EIE have a good comprehension of emotions, yet he acts impulsively because he can't control them, thus being dramatic and unstable. EIE lacking stability is almost the core trait of the type. they manipulate through strong emotions. Si is explained with lacking calmness and composure and create instability within groups of people (se mob acts to fill the empty side of Si Polr). This is a more ESFP/ENFJ person.
    - the other kind of EIE act at the opposite way. He has a so good comprehension of what drives people, that he acts in a way that is not attached to emotions, and this help him behaving more like a mentor. He doesn't manipulate showing emotions, but more with Logic and Intuition. What's Fe in them is the "human" component of their goals, but there's not that exchange of emotions (which is in the first type I depicted). He is more philosophical and his PolR Si manifest being just uninterested in stimuli, and so quite unresponsive to it. He is a more controlled character because he resist impulses like a religious figure and doesn't like drama. He is way more INXJ.

    I know that I shouldn't give importance to sites like PDB, yet even if I consider "drama" to be the good way to define EIEs (and so with the first description and not the second one), I would not be able to type those characters, because a lot actually shows beta traits, yet are not SLEs or IEIs, so the only choice would be LSI, which ... could fit a little, but has too low Ni.

    I need to make it clear
    Last edited by Mairon; 01-01-2024 at 08:15 AM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mairon View Post
    - Meghan Markle, dramatic crazy woman.
    It should be noted this view of her being dramatic and crazy is biased by racist British media. The right wing press in the UK deliberately goes with the worst possible interpretation of her behaviours, they've had it out for her since the start. This only increased when she did the Oprah interview and spoke up against the monarchy. British media loves to bootlick for the monarchy at all costs and will ruthlessly slander any perceived threats to it, especially if said threat is a woman. Nationalism is evil in that way.

    EIE seems reasonable for Meghan for what it's worth.

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    I have no sympathies for Meghan and Oprah (and nor the monarchy either, condidering the dirty things they did and do)
    I can't stand their behavior in general. It's way more dramatic and provocative respect to the average person.

    Btw, for now I will accept the first as EIE definition and I will ignore other descriptions. I cannot find other ways

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    if you understand others and you give urself and u let them walk over u u will go insane. u will not be forever in la la land where u think u can take all kinds of damage and u will be nice to them still. thats why EIEs can be overdramatic. on the other hand ofc a person can actually be manipulative with harmful intentions bc they themselves dont respect others or see people as characters. in fact there is a narc sex cult abuser EIE who fits more the latter description u gave, and someone who fits the former but doesnt run a manipulative sex cult. tho he may be inviting sex scandals bc he doesnt understand is immature or has issues whatever
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