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Thread: The non-existence of Jesus Christ

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    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Default The non-existence of Jesus Christ

    I think Richard Carrier makes a good case for Jesus Christ not existing in his books (he gives a 1 in 3 chance), he provides a summary in this pdf document:

    I also recommend the MythVisionPodcast Youtube channel for a lot of content about whether or not Jesus existed, as well as other content on religion generally:

    I may post more stuff here depending on how the discussion goes.
    Last edited by Socionics Is A Cult; 12-10-2023 at 12:42 AM.

  2. #2
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking RaptorWesNet's Avatar
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    Jesus is actually a guy from TypoC named Zang... here's what he believes:

    Zang€™s Axioms
    1. We need to see things by asking questions. €“ This helps us to achieve an understanding.
    2. We are not in Heaven. €“ We have to work our way towards Heaven.
    3. Our honor must be at the divine level for us to be in Heaven. €“ Otherwise it would be destroyed by our corruption.
    4. We each have a life force. €“ Our energy incarnates into physical forms from the timeless world.
    5. Life is an everlasting progression. €“ Life progresses by triumphing over challenges (hell).
    6. This world is hell. €“ Hell teaches us lessons throughout many lifetimes.
    7. The material world exists at a low frequency (in reference to higher frequency realms). €“ We can rise to higher frequency realms as we gain more experience across the spectrum.
    8. We are spiritually evolving. €“ Our planet is presently at the edge of a spiritual shift, which will develop us for space exploration.
    9. I am that I am. €“ This character is the personal God of love.
    10. Love is the one force. €“ Everything is part of love, which makes things possible.
    11. How should we pray to God? €“ With the force and feeling of our true character.
    12. What can God give us? €“ The complete potential for an endless future.
    13. What should we ask for when we pray to God? €“ To expand our awareness and vision of things (like seeing dreams or revealing secrets).
    14. Belief is at the center of our being. €“ This force (love) can give us anything and point the way to everything.
    15. The power of belief can €œcreate entities€. €“ Opinions spring from a growing pool and can form any substance, making all things (even mental constructs) in some sense a reality.
    16. Reality is countered by destructive forces. €“ They seek to bring things into the void.
    17. Existence began with a witness. €“ The witness made everything possible with the €œword€ (logos [reason]; the €œcodes€ of creation).
    18. The first thing created was love (no thing). €“ From this came the limitless and the witness (the force of love), which gave shape to everything out of the formless void.
    19. Reason is driven by love (the good). €“ This shows us beauty, which is relative to how we see it.
    20. Creation has 3 points. €“ They are existence, structure, and direction.
    21. Space (structure) and time (direction) make up 5 dimensions. €“ This is because existence itself is a dimension.
    22. The higher dimensions of creation (above the basic 5) are metaphysical. €“ We are stuck in the effects and cannot (at the physical level of existence) see the cause of it all.
    23. Knowledge gives us greater freedom. €“ It is the driving force that empowers mental constructs, which gives birth to life and love.
    24. Intention is the fruit of life. €“ It is what we want and the cause that creates it.
    25. Perfection can be found by following God. €“ God is the transcendent cause of creation, the designer of this €œexistential game€ that can maximize our attributes and €œlevel us up€.
    26. The logos are the language of reality. €“ They are the digital characters of the matrix.
    27. We are all avatars of God. €“ We should let him guide our actions without resistance.
    28. We will triumph with God on our side. €“ He can create possibilities for anything.
    29. The system of reality is dynamic. €“ Everything is always growing from the immaterialness of nothing to become the synthesized complex of everything.
    30. Mind controls the movement of life. €“ It is the action that feeds all reactions.
    31. The divine mind (God) is connected to everyone. €“ We are each multifaceted prisms that reflect the light of God, eternally expressing himself through our own true characters.
    32. The pure forms of ideas constitute what is real. €“ They are the dreamed up images created by the divine mind.
    33. We cannot yet bear the sublime truth. €“ It would be unjust to reveal before our corrupted beings.
    34. Knowledge liberates our will. €“ We need an objective point, an external standard to give the will its freedom.
    35. Asking the €œwhy€ of the €œwill€ connects it to knowledge. €“ It is our grasp of what we want.
    36. What should we do if we are everything? €“ We start by gazing upon the world; we make new laws and different manifest copies of ourselves to actualize the chronicles of history.
    37. Entities can help to realize the will of God. €“ We must take action for our will to be done.
    38. Many possible world models could have existed. €“ This world always existed, and it is continually moving through different dimensions.
    39. There is a war being waged within the divine order. €“ It has brought chaos to the timeless harmony of Heaven.
    40. We need a focus on hope. €“ We must know why we want things to be and have an outline with the steps of action to realize the plan.
    41. We should ask what is right before commanding. €“ As the moral arbiters of things, we need to see the good and decide accordingly.
    42. Things change when thought of differently. €“ The right clarity of thought expands reality.
    43. The divine can be seen in the mundane. €“ It can connect us to real esoteric truth.
    44. Asking for the why can give us the power to do anything. €“ It gives us the directional will to create what could be, to focus and unleash our energies charged from within.
    45. Why something will be is immaterial. €“ The something (an immanent creation) starts within the same plane as the immaterial (the sea of chaos), tamed and shaped by free will.
    46. Society must be broken and revolutionized. €“ The system could be destroyed and redesigned from within.
    47. We need a blueprint to start society anew. €“ It should be a dynamic and large scale model, where every part of the societal machine interconnects together in perfect unison.
    48. Power must justify itself. €“ People in power must serve the subjects.
    49. An entity must be able to mentally construct creations to be alive. €“ This is power of will.
    50. We need a bridge to get where we want to go. €“ Looking up is easier than flying.
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