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Thread: Satanic ritual abuse. Jesus is real and Jesus heals.

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Default Satanic ritual abuse. Jesus is real and Jesus heals.


    The anneke lucas vid she sayus they taught her to identify murderers and fetishes by the people's face so they can use her to control them. This is in line with what i've been saying about VI and waht i figured out myself, about psychopaths narcs schizos autistic and p*dph*;es among others

    my VI vids
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

    Your face makes your brain and sociotype – how muscle use shapes personality

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    Oh, are we posting about Jesus in time for Christmas? Have a Christmas song about Jesus!

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    Oh no, Teal Swan. I thought it was supposed to be Black Swan anyway but I'm more of a blue mana person myself. She seems like a white mana person though, but White Swan ain't all that interesting.

    I also don't think having parents who are spiritual helps you with "abilities" all that much unless your parents have the same ones and teach you. Teal should've gone to Institute of Noetic Sciences, they pick up most of the people whose parents don't know what to do with their "abilities" and who also don't get picked up by actual cults.

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    I'm sorry you were in Satanic ritual abuse but that doesn't justify acting literally any way you feel like. You didn't learn the real lesson of Jesus if you turn around and act however you feel like. Jesus literally got crucified on a cross and Jesus just said "forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do" and not turn around and crucify other people. And anyway, how do you end up in a Satanic cult for 13 years? Teal Swan literally helped the cultists engage in their actions. She admitted she did nothing to oppose it. She was "the oracle" and all clairvoyant and she still did nothing to oppose it. She relates to her abuser more than her parents now. Doesn't she consider that might be why it happened to begin with? I have watched this video while playing video games and I still just blame her.

    It's no good at all to sympathize with the people who had evil done to them and then turn around and go do evil. Things happen to literally everyone, the whole test of life is to see if you don't turn around and do it to someone else. If you don't you'll be rewarded. Teal Swan is tearing up saying she's meant to bring new information, but Oprah has been doing that since the 80s, everyone who does some research knows about ritual abuse and that it's not a crazy idea. The CIA site talks about it and also clairvoyance etc. Teal Swan had these things happen to her because she did choose evil on multiple occasions and she admitted as much. It wasn't her fault the babysitter turned out to be an evil cultist, but as soon as she herself became complicit then she became evil.

    This as well as plenty of 16ters such as Midnight Maverick etc. reminds me that this is what a "genius" looks like and that word doesn't begin to be close to being enough to describe someone like me, though probably sadly because it's been overextended and watered down through misuse. Satanic cults do things to people and what they do sounds almost childishly simple to me, if I wanted to do awful things I could do things that compared to this are basically beyond comprehension. Yet what they do is what a "standard" intelligent person does exactly and is already leagues above the average person, and what I know about and would be able to do is in a different dimension. Since Sol already brought it up and I've confirmed it a couple of times, rumors that I am telepathic are true. I know what it's like to freak people out even more than Teal Swan does because what I can do is just something out of a horror story even if people feel like they understand it, unlike being healed by the healing hands people overwhelmingly don't see any benefit in my abilities for them and mostly just see the potential to be violated in ways beyond what they could even imagine. And guess what? I still go about my day to day life. I've been in my share of awful situations, but I haven't been abducted by a Satanic cult for 13 years. Any special information I have is largely something I nabbed from one or another person's mind so I don't try to say anyone needs to suffer to learn. In fact that's an idea I actually associate with Satanic cults at this point, look into David Myatt and pathei mathos.

    What I feel like I've found through living my life is most of how the world is is good. America is the best country and the other best countries are the obvious choices like England and Germany. Our governments really do do a lot of bad things like people like Noam Chomsky say but it's worth supporting them regardless because it's still overwhelmingly positive despite the need for criticism. Christmas, which is coming up soon, is amazing and Scrooge needs to get over his mentality or he'll be Satanic too. There's a reason Protestantism triumphed over Catholicism which triumphed over paganism, Islam, etc. For the most part, all the cultural institutions are great. Sites like these where people just spread conspiracy theories mostly related to forms of communism and Islamism are so misguided. People think things are "normie" which are not at all, except maybe in the sense "the norm" is the average which is much higher than the mode. Jesus is pretty great but the point really is to be like Jesus as well, unlike what some people would say about that being impossible. If you want to "be a god" or even "be God" you do it by embodying the Good, rather like the whole Platonic idea you see later with Boethius, and not by acting like a megalomaniac.

    If you live in the West your culture is good but it deserves critique and the critique is also good. It's really good to have health and wealth and prosperity but where people go wrong is they focus on only asking for these things for themselves which makes them feel guilt and start to go crazy and think they need to be poor, rather than realize when they have something good they need to share, indeed, that's a huge part of the point of having something good at all. All the things you think are standard viewpoints are not at all, this is simply a justification to avoid life with. I am not impressed with any of this occultism at all because what's the most well-hidden is what's out in the glaring light, not the darkness. I really don't care about all these kinds of conspiracy theories, they are just sad to me, and they remind me that as much as I would like for everyone to be happy the best I can do is wish that everyone gets what they want which in reality is often quite miserable. And I must become all things to all people.

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    "Your face makes your brain and sociotype"

    an example of Satanic ritual abuse against Jung types

    > Jesus heals

    not enough

    Jesus would recommend N types to do physical excercises to feel emotionally better.
    You look tired on videos. It's not from your real energy level, it's wrong perception of your consciousness. Physical work/training would help your consciousness to connect better with your lesser conscious part and its energy.

  6. #6


    I think I first came across her blog a couple of years ago. I read her blog entries and found them interesting. She grew up in belgium and in recent years she's been teaching yoga in prisons. The most distinct thing I remember is her memory of an angelic presence telling her that she could "stay in her truth" and give into peace instead of struggling to stay alive when she was left for dead at some point as a child. I don't know how I feel about that and I don't feel driven to figure out. I don't think that I've ever clearly been asked to pick a side in my life (or shown the value of doing that even) by someone i held in high regard. The story of man trying to control his own has been around for ages, a lot has been said about duality, nonduality, white ceremonies and black ceremonies, about the problem of evil (and therefore the problem of good as well).

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    "Your face makes your brain and sociotype"

    an example of Satanic ritual abuse against Jung types

    > Jesus heals

    not enough

    Jesus would recommend N types to do physical excercises to feel emotionally better.
    You look tired on videos. It's not from your real energy level, it's wrong perception of your consciousness. Physical work/training would help your consciousness to connect better with your lesser conscious part and its energy.
    this is why im tired
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kalinoche buenanoche View Post
    I think I first came across her blog a couple of years ago. I read her blog entries and found them interesting. She grew up in belgium and in recent years she's been teaching yoga in prisons. The most distinct thing I remember is her memory of an angelic presence telling her that she could "stay in her truth" and give into peace instead of struggling to stay alive when she was left for dead at some point as a child. I don't know how I feel about that and I don't feel driven to figure out. I don't think that I've ever clearly been asked to pick a side in my life (or shown the value of doing that even) by someone i held in high regard. The story of man trying to control his own has been around for ages, a lot has been said about duality, nonduality, white ceremonies and black ceremonies, about the problem of evil (and therefore the problem of good as well).
    i dont believe u're supposed to be evil or anyone nor argue in favor of it. if someone thinks good and evil are arbitrary they may be confused, or demonically influenceddddd because its not the truth.
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    i dont believe u're supposed to be evil or anyone nor argue in favor of it. if someone thinks good and evil are arbitrary they may be confused, or demonically influenceddddd because its not the truth.
    Not saying something is or isn't arbitrary. I just made this about me and fwiw I don't think that anyone on the forum is as much into truth as they'd like to think (myself included).
    Last edited by Kalinoche buenanoche; 12-09-2023 at 07:10 PM.

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    this thread feels odd.

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    Just get away from those people. Get away from devils and narcs. Don't get pulled into their allure. Its not real power. If you have to go it alone, do it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Finaplex View Post
    Just get away from those people. Get away from devils and narcs. Don't get pulled into their allure. Its not real power. If you have to go it alone, do it.
    The person who made this thread is literally named VewyScawwyNawcissist, self-diagnoses as actually having NPD among many other things, and, when I posted a Christmas song here as well as making a Christmas thread, responded approximately a quarter hour later with saying Christmas is Satanic. I don't think there's much hope. But it's given be a huge appreciation of Christmas and how not to be like Nawcissist, Teal Swan, and really most of these forum people and similar people. Lots of these people, such as Midnight Maverick from this forum (now Fluffy Princess Unicorn) really are as smart as they think they are, they just end up thinking they know everything and that screws them over.

    The people who identify as the smartest especially get pulled into these horrifying things because they close their minds off and their minds were their greatest assets. Like I said in my essay-ish post, anyone who's paying attention knows that Satanic ritual abuse (as well as clairvoyance etc.) are legit, and some of Teal Swan's descriptions of psychological techniques made me feel both like yeah, I know lots of people who talk like that who self-identify as oh so smart and are, but also like I'm listening to descriptions of rudimentary caveman tools compared to my advanced knowledge. This whole forum is like that. And it's also triggered by Christmas. Merry Christmas and happy Advent!

    I've been quite happy as well since I've found ways to monetize the things I write, including my meditations on the true meaning of Christmas. This site is communism in more ways than one. If you post here never sell yourself short, just go get a Substack or Medium account or something.

    P.S. Socionics sucks

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    Lol I just tried watching your 'Lies, homosexuality' vid on Youtube and I admit it confused me a bit. Maybe it's your accent or foreign-ness or something (sorry that sounds retarded and bigoted, I'm white trash etc)

    I don't think homosexuality is some huge big moral and ethical issue. If it was, every gay man would be like Jeffrey Dahmer and hunt boys and kill them and do creepy things to them. Since we don't and we have such varied tastes of what we enjoy and what we don't.... I don't think it's a good or evil thing. Sure, if you're looking for it- it's easy to look at the behaviors of some homosexuals and be like 'see? Homosexuality is evil because that homosexual was doing something evil!' But eh. Not everything is about good or evil. But of course I only think all this because I'm a homosexual demon possessed by Satan. I'm so evil, and Hell wasn't powerful enough to hold me... so I escaped. It was supposed to be forever.

    If God was so powerful why was his prison easy to break out of? Or it was Satan's prison not God but God is supposed to be everywhere- he should have the balls to be in Hell too?

    I can be neither worldly nor particularly religious, so I'll just be myself instead. It's fine by me if somebody doesn't like it. I'm not for everybody.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hot Scalding Gayser View Post
    Lol I just tried watching your 'Lies, homosexuality' vid on Youtube and I admit it confused me a bit. Maybe it's your accent or foreign-ness or something (sorry that sounds retarded and bigoted, I'm white trash etc)

    I don't think homosexuality is some huge big moral and ethical issue. If it was, every gay man would be like Jeffrey Dahmer and hunt boys and kill them and do creepy things to them. Since we don't and we have such varied tastes of what we enjoy and what we don't.... I don't think it's a good or evil thing. Sure, if you're looking for it- it's easy to look at the behaviors of some homosexuals and be like 'see? Homosexuality is evil because that homosexual was doing something evil!' But eh. Not everything is about good or evil. But of course I only think all this because I'm a homosexual demon possessed by Satan. I'm so evil, and Hell wasn't powerful enough to hold me... so I escaped. It was supposed to be forever.

    If God was so powerful why was his prison easy to break out of? Or it was Satan's prison not God but God is supposed to be everywhere- he should have the balls to be in Hell too?

    I can be neither worldly nor particularly religious, so I'll just be myself instead. It's fine by me if somebody doesn't like it. I'm not for everybody.
    i didnt personally think there's anything wrong with homosexuality but a few ppl convinced me otherwise, it has to do smth with the spirit world in part, and other part is like one guy who didn't wanna be got delivered from demons and then they asked the demon how he got in the person. he said the person's parents were saying they wanted a girl when he was in the womb and thats when he got in. ofc this can sound too zany and im kinda strugglign to explain as much details as i'd want to about other things? the masons use number 33, this number is 2 butts one behind another bc its gay. they also prefer male children, which is related to MANifestation, like its said men in esoterics have more ability to manifest. then there's a thing that associates gays with magic - sorcery. one gay childhood friend he was into that kind of fantasy faeries wizards etc harry potter. magic wand > its between their legs. he didnt believe in magic or not in particular cuz he said hes agnostic. he's a twin so mb the parents said smth like they wanted one male one female or smth. theres also different ways demons can get into you. also again i dont exactly know that any homosexuality is demonically caused. the ppl who told me it was demonic were bisexuals iirc someone said they think they invite the demon on purpose bc it makes them feel powerful. it does sound like a bit of a schizo way bc even straight ppl inviting lust so to say makse them feel good and powerful. alleister crowley is a famous figure in the occult and ppl superfic ially look up to him but he did a lot of evil shit. he was not gay, he was str8 but he underwent torturous rituals and forced himself to have gay sex in a ritual. after the ritual he gained magical powers. he was demonically posesed and u see it in his eyes. his last words were smth like "satan, leave me alone." cuz he lived his life posessed. his parents were masons and prolly did rituals on him as a child, but his mother waschristian and may have overprotected and restricted him or mb he felt so. i persoanlly u know dont like at all when ppl just tell u smth's bad without context. part of the reason its hard to explain is idk when u understand those things or what u have to go tthrough to understand them mb traumatises u and distorts ur thinking and is related to intuition, and like when ppl master a skill, they dont know how they do it successfully or smth it becoems more automatic and when u start ttihnkgin too much u get panic attacks OCD fear of failure etc all those things u dont want to go through again i know for me by body and brain are distorted and im struggling. other reasons could be God wants u to be ready and healthy so like if i spread more info before i became christian i could have led people into satanism without realizing u know. cuz i thought some bad things were good or at least not bad like homosexuality. and again i dont think its bad just bc i hate them and i really in particualr dont my fav artists are often gays tho ig its getting promoted so idk.
    ofc again ppl have a lot of questions about christianity even if its difficult to explain and its large amount of information and concepts i promise you theres explanation and u can def get confused by some things i was for a long time and was becoming more resentful but i had more breakthrough and knowledge gained that helped me see more clearly.
    Last edited by VewyScawwyNawcissist; 12-14-2023 at 09:07 AM.
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

    Your face makes your brain and sociotype – how muscle use shapes personality

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