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Thread: How the "Dual-Seeking" (Suggestive) Functions Present Themselves

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    hellohellohello's Avatar
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    Default How the "Dual-Seeking" (Suggestive) Functions Present Themselves

    Suggestive Si:

    The need to worry about their own condition and convenience is often neglected. They tend to reduce their needs to a minimum. Somewhat conservative in their tastes, preferring to eat or drink what is familiar to them. Distrusting of new gustatory sensations and experiences, trusting only those they have good relations with. Sometimes they try to imitate such people in their habits, manners of behavior, and tastes. They seek harmony and pleasure in sensations. Attentively listens to advice about healthy lifestyles and once adopted the recommendation/instruction, will follow it without fail. They do not readily speak or complain about their health. In questions of aesthetics and beauty, they are highly suggestible and easily influenced by another’s opinion.

    Suggestive Ne:

    They have little confidence in searching for possibilities. Inclined to understate their own potential. Cannot access the general nature of a situation, which sometimes leads to cordiality and friendliness getting taken advantage of and trust being let down. They always listen with interest to recommendations about what benefits they can extract for themselves in situations, and the potential consequences/results of their actions. They prefer to look at life realistically. Only a dualized SxI will confidently determine new directions in art and movies, to become a creator of new styles and genres. They are greatly interested in the development of their own talents, so they frequently look for a mentor, teacher, or coach in this area of their life. Although they may engage in introspection, the understanding of their own nature remains very difficult. They are very much persuaded and convinced by authoritative people.

    Suggestive Fe:

    Characterized by subordination of their emotions to reason. They very much dislike states of emotional stress and tension, poorly enduring quarrels, hysterics, and scandals. At the initial stage of relations, they characteristically keep at a large personal distance which is only shortened when they are certain another’s ethical principles correspond to their own. Occasionally makes the misleading impression of a person who is insensitive, unfeeling, or incapable of compassion. However, this shield is only up to protect their inner sensitive soul. They appreciate others who can create bright emotional atmospheres, with the LII preferring this to be grouped with pleasant sensations and the LSI preferring this to be from individuals with a slight rebellious attitude. They often experience the need for a change of moods. Constantly searching for sincerity in the expression of feelings from another.

    Suggestive Ti:

    Respects people who are capable of thinking logically and speaking to the point, who can clearly and lucidly explain their thoughts. Convinced only by systematized logical arguments and conclusions. Any person who has a logical “system of views” evokes genuine respect in them. The more systematic an instruction in some subject, the easier it is to learn and master it. Their duals, the LII/LSI, help with the development of their intellectual potential. They often act in ways that don’t abide by reason or common sense and find it difficult to be calm and objective because of this. They frequently get caught on their own illogicalities and contradictions. Finds it difficult to be logically sequential and consistent. Respect people who don’t miss minor contradictions and omissions, who account for every detail in their assessment of the situation and are able to figure out everything openly and thoroughly.

    Suggestive Se:

    Not only respects confident and goal-oriented people, but admires them. They want to be near them, to be needed and useful to them; to be “taken under their wing.” Has a talent for finding such people who could provide them with their support. They do not like to befriend the “wimps” or the “losers.” Does not like people who cannot stand up for themselves. Never boasts about their own strengths, not being provoked to participate in power contests. In certain situations, can produce the impression of someone who is impractical, but at the same time has a mind of their own. Can use someone else’s force, only desiring to develop one’s own as a source of enjoyment. Rarely finds use for their own physical strength, but can play the role of defender or get involved in a fight for their friends. Performing hard and strenuous labor is not for them. They occasionally even find it difficult to make a willful effort. Aware of the established order and never goes against people in power unless there is a secure benefit; which makes them somewhat conforming. Capable of relinquishing their personal persuasions and values or changing them entirely, if necessary. Their typical state is one of constant semi-relaxation.

    Suggestive Ni:

    Can’t stand hesitancy and doubt. With difficulty they endure forced inaction in periods of uncertainty. Easily suggestible by various forecasts and prognoses. Inclined to listen to conjectures that are based on divination, omens, and guess-work; astrological prognosis. Dislikes unforeseen expenditures of time. Often runs into problems with time allocation for completing the necessary work. Does what they want at the moment, without concentrating on what they should be doing or how long it will take. It is easier for them to live by the day, without thinking or worrying about the future. Can be too active or too impatient. They can only be reasonable, farsighted, and prudent with the timely forecasts and warnings of the ILI or IEI.

    Suggestive Fi:

    To them it is necessary to know the origins, the motives of actions of various people, to know who relates to them well and around whom it would be advisable to be more guarded. They are subconsciously oriented at ethical values and emotional guidelines, defending the ones they deem important at all costs. Any crises in relations they perceive very painfully. Cannot stand, but doesn’t recognize, ethical games; hypocrisy, indirectness, double-speak, insincerity, etc. They are quite conservative in the ethical sense. They befriend people very uneasily, holding themselves and others to high ethical standards. Can be very reserved and hold large psychological distances. With people who have disappointed them, they break relations with no regrets and any future references to those individuals will be felt as extremely unpleasant.

    Suggestive Te:

    Greatly respects people with overtly expressed logical qualities; honest workers, capable professionals, those who can improve and rationalize efforts and effectiveness of work. Often notices and condemns methods of operation that are not beneficial and ineffective, however, finds it difficult to change these independently. Feels it would be inconvenient and improper to distract others from their work, so they try to manage it themselves and can come off as “proud.” Matters of business are not their strong suit. Pragmatism can be seen as something unethical, especially for the ESI. Prefers that their partner expresses their opinions in direct, explicit, accurate formulations and concrete advice. Strictly follows established procedures, as they were taught and shown. Values well-organized working conditions. Work of which they consider to be too low for them to take on can spark great internal protest. The organization and maintenance of their living arrangements require a lot of effort. Methods of work that are tried and true, stated with maximum directness and clarity, are the types of information they love to receive.

  2. #2
    jimi$dope one's Avatar
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    People never call me impractical, though sometimes they say they would just understand why I did a certain thing later on. Others are very accurate though.

    get involved in a fight for their friends
    Accurate, though in my experience, this is a super bad aspect of this Se if so. If I could turn back time I will tell myself never to fight for anyone even people very close to me. Even family. They are not worthy fighting for, most of them don't even have strong convictions. In my case once I really feel strongly that something is wrong I am ready to assert and never back down, but you cannot really be assured that the people you protect will never back down too once a shiny carrot appears. Most people also don't care about bonds so you are risking being used as a scapegoat or being cheated on. You're basically doing suicide for nothing. You should have just dipped or fought everyone. No one is worth fighting for. But don't worry past One, we have learned our lesson!

    I do not understand this:
    Capable of relinquishing their personal persuasions and values or changing them entirely, if necessary.

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    > Pragmatism can be seen as something unethical, especially for the ESI.

    "Pragmatism" in common term usage is linked with T and S. All S, including FS, have good expressed and cared material interests to say them as bad related to "pragmatism". S types value practically seen results and material, evidently seen examples.
    As a part of this. ESI, having Se, are often met in trading and places predisposing to higher income, preferably quick one.

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