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Thread: Global Weak Si/Ni?

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    jughead's Avatar
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    Default Global Weak Si/Ni?

    Si and Ni polr and suggestive without sufficient Si/Ni support leads to spread of disease and bad habits and normalizes them. The stereotype culture of the most exported America as LIE and or EIE for instance...look at how unhealthy fat they they are and how the rampant gamma crony capitalism has lead to disgusting health outcomes with bad health insurance for the richest country on earth. More recently look at how many died from Covid due to some many morbid issues and the poor health infrastucture. USA has some of the highest STI rates in the developed world as well thanks to poor health education from the stratified rich/poor. This is concentrated on blacks and browns due to current gamma($$$)/ and more historical Beta(ethnics/racism) hierarchies; we could do much more research to cure and prevent disease, we could have given everyone masks and vitamin D during covid and saved hundreds of thousands and more from other cancers and autoimmune issues etc. Tons of charity money and research is exploited by corporations even when 90% of the research was funded by taxpayers from Universities, the rich swoop in and profit as our so called saviors.

    All in the name of speculative profit and endless growth for the elite 1% that has become a cancer. Everyone is connected and disease and unhappiness spreads. The corpo TV speaks of all the crime waves happening (yet it's relatively small crime bubbles caused by elites gouging price increases in goods and services because they can and people reacting or taking advantage of this).

    EIE is similar in religious or spiritual nonsense or stupid outrage trends without logistical objective results such as abstinence only sex practices, Steve Jobs fruit and fasting bs himself to death and advancing the latest iphone. Or Reagan denying HIV/AID's as a legit issue and blaming gays leading to it's massive global spread. Looking at Trump , weak Ni and Si ignoring Covid but did help with vaccines once he realized the problem wasn't dissapearing completely and his Gamma oligarch influencers did just enough to enrich themselves while keeping their economic outlook strong.

    Every type has their weakness but the Si polr seems to be a current civilizational pillar with USA as the most influential country in the world; exporting fast food, fast fashion, fast tech etc everywhere. Thus it's very important to see in the context of a prevailing weakness in society.
    Every country that adopts it's models had massive increases in disease especially in areas where the people had opposite customs or diets that they are not adapted for. The extreme example of a gamma for instance in alien civs that arrive as invaders to suck the resources dry like locusts on our planet and then on to the next...And Mcdonalds models copy pasted onto unique cultures, forcing them to eat and behave just like us despite the unique ecosystems.
    Our current age has been likened to a cancer on the earth with our unsustainable growth causing catastrophic ecosystem damage.

    That's exactly what we have going on currently. Weak Si types like IEE/ILE are particularly affected as their need for Si is further supressed. They become fatter and unhealthier on average in these societies and more likely to have diseases and ailments if they don't have strong Si types near them to help them look after their health needs. Most every ILE/IEE (both obese alcoholic, won't exercise, in denial on health issues) and EIE (obese binge eating)/LIE (alcoholism and drug use) I've know has GLARING health issues they don't want to take care of or manage properly and drags others down.

    About half have been obese or have communicable or social diseases and are in denial about them. The EIE professes to be about farm to table ethical practices with food but can't resist stuffing themselves on fast food and junk foods and exercises only intermittently to insane unsustainable levels. Half the IEE/ILE are sex crazed alcoholics who won't exercise. Half had STI's. They don't know how to sustainably bring themselves pleasure due to lack of detail discipline.
    Anyhow I tend to the hell away from these weak Si types in close contact because they have such negative consequences tied in with them. Every type is affected but the weaker the Si/Ni the more likely I am to avoid them due to societial burdens affecting them more.

    So in retrospect: A countries ethnoscionic types (LIE for USA) conflictors and supervisees are likely to suffer more in each society. Because sensory pleasures are not thought of/valued they lead to more problems for types that value them. The amount of ugly chronic disease in the world is making it a hellhole for all life. Our country and world is becoming more and more disgusting.
    Last edited by jughead; 11-28-2023 at 06:41 PM.

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    > Si and Ni polr and suggestive without sufficient Si/Ni support leads to spread of disease

    diseases is too general problem to relate on some of functions

    for example, weak thinking about safety or body possibilities
    F as moral motivation and emotional wish to care about own and other people needs related to good body state

    Si would be about attention on own senses related to health as a pain.
    Ni would feel lesser risky and exhausting ways to act

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    > Si and Ni polr and suggestive without sufficient Si/Ni support leads to spread of disease

    diseases is too general problem to relate on some of functions

    for example, weak thinking about safety or body possibilities
    F as moral motivation and emotional wish to care about own and other people needs related to good body state

    Si would be about attention on own senses related to health as a pain.
    Ni would feel lesser risky and exhausting ways to act

    Ah ok so both weak Si and Fi could be another example of why lack of health and disease in USA spreads so badly. Sick people come to work coughing all the time and due to the profit motive and weak Si and Fi of corporate environments they make that the norm of the LIE society; and say it's nothing and spread it and don't consider the ethics and consequences of doing so.

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