My life started to make sense after I met her.
I started being aware of my natural inclinations, and how I can most efficiently help others.
Started being aware of my true desires in life.
And everything in my life started to fall into place.

I don't want to give the credit to duality though. She's an awesome human being. I've met other duals in the past, and even though they helped me grow, things never quite fell into place like now.

We just feel like we can achieve almost anything with very little effort. Plus, we have very similar tastes in a lot of things, which is surprising since we're so different from the outside perspective.

Her tastes are also different but in a way that she lets me see another side of the world.

I just feel so grateful for her existence.

She has now started telling me all the good things she felt about me in the beginning, when we didn't know much about each other.

I still haven't told her that I knew from day one since we met that we would be together, I'll let her tell me more about her early experiences.

We also trust each other so much, that I know she would never cheat or leave me for anyone else. I wouldn't either.

I don't want to think that I like her functions. I like her. All of her, the good and the bad. The functions are just a confirmation of something greater. That is, the person and the experience I've always looked for since young age.