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Thread: Israeli–Palestinian war (2023)

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  1. #11
    DogOfDanger's Avatar
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    The prediction of 1.5-2.0 is for a relative increase from today over the next 75 years, it says nothing about the cumulative effect until today - never have I denied that there is some cumulative effect felt today, or even mentioned this... Observe how easily this dotard becomes confused. And no, the cumulative effect today from Co2 specifically has not been precisely isolated either, and no credible scientist would ever claim to have this precise value, they would give you a range and tell you the precise value was somewhere in that range, with varying levels of confidence. I acknowledge the cumulative effect is significant but when this dunce says it's been 1.5 degrees he is just choosing a number within a range and presenting the chosen value as fact. We do not need these dunces destroying society in the vain attempt to save humanity, I stand by that.
    I am literally acknowledging climate change and this donkeys ass keeps insisting I'm denying climate change.
    There are scientists who have made radical predictions and scientists who have underpredicted things, then scientists falling somewhere in between - it is absolutely the case that certain scientists in the past have painted doom scenarios that did not pan out, and these predictions have been used politically, and induced panic and political activism - Al Gore made a whole documentary 20 years ago saying basically if we didn't move off all fossil fuels within 10 years we were completely doomed, point of no return, and that was based on the "top scientific consensus", at least according to his claims. So yes, there is bullshit science surrounding politicized issues. The bottom line is we're dealing with a range, you are picking a number within the range, what you have is a degree of confidence, not a fact - you go low or high - 6 degrees is a very high prediction, 1.5-2.0 over the next 75 years is reasonable and falls within the expected range. And actually that's quite a rapid change, even 1 degree is hugely significant.
    Keep trying
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 05-15-2024 at 05:36 AM.

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