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Thread: Israeli–Palestinian war (2023)

  1. #881
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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    There are huge Arab towns throughout Israel, but there are no Jews allowed in any part of any Palestinian controlled territory. The lack of outrage over this reverse apartheid is a quintessential example of the bigotry of low expectations. Middle Eastern people are considered too savage to conform to decent social standards, so we get a pass for all forms of vile racism, bigotry, othering, and harm because “it’s just our culture” to be backwards and unsophisticated. Whereas anything considered “white” or “western” (which is what they believe about Israel) attaches to it scrupulous standards of justice, equality, and fairness.
    There are already Jewish towns in Palestinian territory. They're called "settlements," and they're populated by violent religious fanatics who believe that the West Bank is their promised land.

    As for why I criticize Israel, it's because I believe that no government and no country should be above the law—not the United States nor my own country, not Russia, not China, not Saudi Arabia, not Iran, and not Israel. And above all, I criticize Israel because, in doing so, I'm hoping to expose the soft antisemitism of low expectations.
    Last edited by xerx; 05-06-2024 at 06:47 AM.

  2. #882
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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    There are huge Arab towns throughout Israel, but there are no Jews allowed in any part of any Palestinian controlled territory. The lack of outrage over this reverse apartheid is a quintessential example of the bigotry of low expectations. Middle Eastern people are considered too savage to conform to decent social standards, so we get a pass for all forms of vile racism, bigotry, othering, and harm because “it’s just our culture” to be backwards and unsophisticated. Whereas anything considered “white” or “western” (which is what they believe about Israel) attaches to it scrupulous standards of justice, equality, and fairness.
    If you're trying to invoke the clash of civilizations schema in order to explain this conflict, you ought to know that the sides aren't cleanly delineated into "Western" versus "Muslim".

    Just recently, Israel helped arm Azerbaijan (a very Muslim country) against Armenia (a very white, very Christian country) in a war that led to the ethnic cleansing of an entire Armenian enclave. Azerbaijan is a close Israeli ally that supplies oil to Israel and receives sophisticated Israeli weaponry in exchange, weaponry that decimated the Armenian army.

  3. #883
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    This will almost certainly fire back against Israel big time, eventually.

    And with all these dominos having fallen, from the way the Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Palestine conflicts began to the way they have escalated recently, I wonder if predicting the possibility of a global conflict (i.e., WW3) is really a stretch. We just need to wait for China/Taiwan to play out.
    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

  4. #884
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    Liberals in america will certainly lose the leftists as voters if all they can vote is basically genocide or genocide and the argument of "voting the lesser evil" is not working this time. So many young people being confronted with direct footage from gaza, it will change something.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

  5. #885
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ikite iru View Post
    Liberals in america will certainly lose the leftists as voters if all they can vote is basically genocide or genocide and the argument of "voting the lesser evil" is not working this time. So many young people being confronted with direct footage from gaza, it will change something.
    I agree with your reasoning regarding the election but the outrage of leftists regarding what's going on in Gaza is selective. I'm not saying I approve of killing civilians, but Hamas has as much to do with the massacre at Gaza than the Israeli government does, these leftist students just need an excuse to give in to anti-semitism, and the ones that aeren't anti-semitic are silently approving of the ones that are.
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  6. #886
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    So..... Israel is in the process of committing a massacre that has killed, through indiscriminate bombing, tens of thousands of innocent civilians, journalists and medical staff. Yet you want me to believe that Hamas is somehow the more murderous party. If you're wondering why Hamas has garnered sympathy, the reason is as predictable as it is tragic: Because as bad as Hamas is, it is becoming increasingly difficult to argue that Israel is the lesser evil.

    And as for Hamas' martial attitudes and violent worldview, how would you recommend that they fight for their independence? Hugs, handshakes and peace offers haven't swayed the current Israeli government.
    Oh please. "Hamas is the lesser evil" is such bullshit because they are using the Palestinian population as "martyrs" and human shields. Yes, the current Israeli government is shit I'm not denying that, but you're acting like Hamas has been the one proposing "peace offers" to begin with. I suppose murdering 1200 Israelis in the style of ISIS is a peace offering to you. If the footage of this genocidal act was realeased, there may actually be more sympathy for Israel here. Your argument that Hamas is somehow "fighting fo their independance" is pure bullshit, they are fighting for power, not for the independance of the Palestian people.

    And no, the reason Hamas is gaining sympathy is because anti-semitism is becoming in vogue again.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    I can't even tell what this person is really spamming about.. it seems like half parody but also half not, but which half is which I don't know.

    Let alone what their side is, sounds like they are on meth or something, posting dumb shit online.

  8. #888
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ave View Post
    Oh please. "Hamas is the lesser evil" is such bullshit because they are using the Palestinian population as "martyrs" and human shields. Yes, the current Israeli government is shit I'm not denying that, but you're acting like Hamas has been the one proposing "peace offers" to begin with. I suppose murdering 1200 Israelis in the style of ISIS is a peace offering to you. If the footage of this genocidal act was realeased, there may actually be more sympathy for Israel here. Your argument that Hamas is somehow "fighting fo their independance" is pure bullshit, they are fighting for power, not for the independance of the Palestian people.

    And no, the reason Hamas is gaining sympathy is because anti-semitism is becoming in vogue again.
    If the Israelis commit genocide and kill by magnitudes more civilians than Hamas, they become the greater evil.

    I think this was the Hamas plan all along, Hamas has no issues sacrificing Palestinian people for their own gain.

  9. #889
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    Quote Originally Posted by leckysupport View Post
    If the Israelis commit genocide and kill by magnitudes more civilians than Hamas, they become the greater evil.
    A person, group, or government can have evil intentions but lack the capacity to carry them out, that doesn't make them good... Likewise there are scenarios where war is the least bad outcome. Your claim here is too abstract, you have to contend with the particular logic of the situation to make a serious moral claim about what should be done. If your claim here were true on principle we could never assess a governments evil intentions and act preemptively, we would basically have to wait until they succeed in whatever their violent plans may be before we can do anything about it. But that is just complete nonsense, there is no moral obligation to do that.
    If Iran were not funding Hamas, and there was no potential scenario where Hamas could acquire nuclear weapons, we could reasonably expect that Israel could contain the threat... in that case you could debate whether a policy of proportional retaliation would work... I wouldn't agree with that policy either, but regardless it just doesn't address the nuclear threat, so it doesn't work. And this has been discussed many times.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 05-06-2024 at 10:05 PM.

  10. #890
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    Quote Originally Posted by leckysupport View Post
    If the Israelis commit genocide and kill by magnitudes more civilians than Hamas, they become the greater evil.

    I think this was the Hamas plan all along, Hamas has no issues sacrificing Palestinian people for their own gain.
    Your second argument invalidates your first one, if Hamas's intent is to "provoke" the Israeli government into commiting crimes against Palestinian civilians, aren't they just as guilty as the Israeli government?

    Also, I am not a utlilitarian, so this argument about evil being a question simply of who kills more people is bunk to me, you have to take into account motive and context, not just sheer numbers of people killed. As DogofDanger said, you have to take into account the intent of a person, group, or government, and not just the actions they undertake. If Hamas could wipe out the Jews and commit a genocide on the scale of a second holocaust, they would, and that's the point. I don't even think the Israeli government's intent is to commit genocide against Arabs/Palestinians, the Isreali president is afraid of going to trial and his staying in power (he can't be tried while in office according to Israeli law) depends to a large extent on the continuation of this conflict. Not exactly a noble motive, but not genocidal either. Commiting genocide depends on intent, not on numbers of people killed. If genocide wasn't a question of intent, then the Allies, when bombing Berlin in self-defense during WW2, would have been guilty of a genocide, because they killed more civilians than Israel has in Palestine.
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  11. #891
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    So..... Israel is in the process of committing a massacre that has killed, through indiscriminate bombing, tens of thousands of innocent civilians, journalists and medical staff. Yet you want me to believe that Hamas is somehow the more murderous party. If you're wondering why Hamas has garnered sympathy, the reason is as predictable as it is tragic: Because as bad as Hamas is, it is becoming increasingly difficult to argue that Israel is the lesser evil.

    And as for Hamas' martial attitudes and violent worldview, how would you recommend that they fight for their independence? Hugs, handshakes and peace offers haven't swayed the current Israeli government.
    Umm I'm sorry you listen to an ideology? I'm in the thick of this with Arabs and Jewish people. I listen to both sides and you my friend don't understand war or genocide. I'm tired of repeating myself and Sub plain left.

    I just listened to a professor that said ideology has a problem with facts. As you do.
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  12. #892
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    There are already Jewish towns in Palestinian territory. They're called "settlements," and they're populated by violent religious fanatics who believe that the West Bank is their promised land.

    As for why I criticize Israel, it's because I believe that no government and no country should be above the law—not the United States nor my own country, not Russia, not China, not Saudi Arabia, not Iran, and not Israel. And above all, I criticize Israel because, in doing so, I'm hoping to expose the soft antisemitism of low expectations.
    Again. No facts... All an ideology.
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  13. #893
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    If you're trying to invoke the clash of civilizations schema in order to explain this conflict, you ought to know that the sides aren't cleanly delineated into "Western" versus "Muslim".

    Just recently, Israel helped arm Azerbaijan (a very Muslim country) against Armenia (a very white, very Christian country) in a war that led to the ethnic cleansing of an entire Armenian enclave. Azerbaijan is a close Israeli ally that supplies oil to Israel and receives sophisticated Israeli weaponry in exchange, weaponry that decimated the Armenian army.
    It's vs the west.... And it's China, Russia, and Middle east. Vs the west. Has been for a century as far as I've read.

    Did you see the video of Palestinians cheering in the street after 9/11?

    There's a barricade, sure, suicide bombings and violent attacks. 20 % of Israel is Arab/Palestinian/Muslim/gay and they need protection too.

    Why won't any surrounding countries; Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc take the Palestinians in? Can you answer me that? Or you could just read the history.
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  14. #894
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    If you're trying to invoke the clash of civilizations schema in order to explain this conflict, you ought to know that the sides aren't cleanly delineated into "Western" versus "Muslim".

    Just recently, Israel helped arm Azerbaijan (a very Muslim country) against Armenia (a very white, very Christian country) in a war that led to the ethnic cleansing of an entire Armenian enclave. Azerbaijan is a close Israeli ally that supplies oil to Israel and receives sophisticated Israeli weaponry in exchange, weaponry that decimated the Armenian army.
    Also, that wasn't me. It's an Iranian woman. I just quoted her. You don't know her peoples' suffering. You listen to hearsay. Many Muslims and Arabs are speaking out. There's a video of Iranians yelling "Palestine shove it up your ass" look it up. Their radical government abuses them, but you wouldn't care about that would you?

    I don't see how one instance says it's not vs the west. 20% of Israel's population is Arab/Muslim, so I'm not surprised; they're in government etc....But is it true?

    Oh, oil? I've been hearing that liberal narrative since I was a child. I used to believe it.

    You have a journalist. No factual information.
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  15. #895
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    This liberal ideology is dangerous.

    Excuse me, left lady, Black people are not cavemen.
    Last edited by chriscorey; 05-08-2024 at 06:31 AM.
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  16. #896
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    If there is WWIII it will be MY SON and MY DAUGHTER to protect you disloyal freaks. You socialist elite fucks will send patriots to die for scum that burn the American flag. NONE of them will be drafted due to mental illness.

    I guess the moderate and right are cattle.

    Just like the left swore to debilitate the blacks back in the 50's. They did for a lot of them. But they're waking up. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.
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  17. #897
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    40 acres and a mule. Democrats: Nope.
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  18. #898
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    @xerx NOT me.

    I hear everything.
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  19. #899
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    Sound familiar?

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  20. #900
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ikite iru View Post
    Liberals in america will certainly lose the leftists as voters if all they can vote is basically genocide or genocide and the argument of "voting the lesser evil" is not working this time. So many young people being confronted with direct footage from gaza, it will change something.
    So many of us seeing Hamas shoot Palestinians going for aid.

    some people I want to strangle with the American flag. Blood of the dead soldiers.
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  22. #902
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    And as for Hamas' martial attitudes and violent worldview, how would you recommend that they fight for their independence? Hugs, handshakes and peace offers haven't swayed the current Israeli government.
    Hamas isn't fighting for their independence, they're fighting to claim all Israeli land and end the state of Israel. The people living in Israel do not want this.
    If the cause were independence this would have been satisfied a long time ago with any two state solution. A fight for independence is a grass roots movement where the people living in a place seek to govern themselves. A fight for independence doesn't seek to destroy its neighboring nation, remove its population and move into their homes... An independent state prefers to be left alone by its neighbors, and leave them alone.

    Let me also point out that you're not merely defending the Palestinian people, you are actually siding with Hamas and seeking to defend their politics and decision making. Shameful behavior defending a murderous, anti-semitic terror group. Anyway...

    When making policy decisions on behalf of millions the goal is always to minimize suffering and maximize wellbeing. Practical considerations to this end matter, petty disputes and grievances tracing back 75 years, or 275 years, or 1000 years, really do not. Now, you and other pro-Palestine apologists greatly distort the history, you people typically try to argue it was implicit in the Jews migration to Paletine that they intended to oust the Palestinians from their homes, but the fact is the Palestinians / other Arab states attacked the Jews, lost the war and then the Palestinians were driven from their homes... not the reverse. And Britain owned that territory, and the Jews had legally purchased the land they lived in, they did not take it by force pre-1947... nor was there a Palestinian state at the time. But even if you dispute this - and I'm sure you do, you pro-Palestinian people are all the same - it actually does not matter anymore. Because the purpose of government is to serve the people alive today, not to serve the interests of itself, to put its particular flag down over some piece of land and claim it. The very notion that Hamas has any claim to Israels land is a non-starter for this reason. This is the same reason we do not oust people from their homes and give their homes to the American indians in the US today. Today the Palestinians simply do not own the Israeli peoples land, they do not live there, were not born there... they were born in Gaza. They have no practical need for the Israeli peoples land because they have land. And removing Israelis from their homes would be itself a genocide - the very thing you people are constantly crying out over... likewise, placing over the Israeli citizenry a government that is unelected and openly hostile toward them would be essentially to intentionally impose onto a nation an authoritarian terror state.

    What do you have to say to that? Lets imagine we didn't drive Isrealis from their homes. Hamas ruling over Israel would be unsupported and unelected by the 10 million Israelis there. Do you seek to impose an unelected terror dictatorship on the people living in Israel...? Or do you seek to genocide the Israelis...? Why don't you actually give some practical policy suggestions for once, none of your ideas contend with the real world, it's always just pie in the sky hippie shit and moaning about what a victim this group or that group is.

    The fact you still construe what Hamas proposed in their 2nd charter as a peace offer, despite previous conversations about this, is outright dishonest. Again, Hamas states outright in the proposal itself that it does not recognize the state of Israel, thus it is not making a peace offer. Hamas even goes so far as to mock the very concept of peace offerings. What are we to believe about your motives when you ignore this and continue to repeat that this is a peace offer...? Are you delusional, or just a lair? I think mainly a liar - but not a good one...

    My recommendation for Hamas pre Oct-7th would be that they quit seeking to destroy the state of Israel and begin looking after their people.
    Because driving the Israelis from their homes and moving the Palestinians into them, in the name of any black-and-white generational guilt and correcting of history, is both utterly impractical and absurd (you'd have to be an utter moron to think that makes sense), but even more important it will never happen in a million years.

    Gaza is a hellhole because it has been blockaded by Israel and the US in order to prevent Hamas from building up its military, and the Hamas government uses what resources it has to start a war instead of organize tend to its people. Gaza has abundant natural resources around it, Gaza could be very wealthy if it was well run...

    There are 590,000 people living in Gaza. There is enough room in Gaza to house these people. There is no functional reason they need to move... (though if they had friendly relations with their neighbors people could move), nor is there any physical reason that Gaza cannot be developed into a good place to live. What this would require is a change in policy and attitude... My advice to Hamas would be for them to look after their people and make those changes. They're not going to do that because they're brainwashed Islamic extremists, but that is what they should do.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 05-08-2024 at 12:13 PM.

  23. #903
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ave View Post
    Your second argument invalidates your first one, if Hamas's intent is to "provoke" the Israeli government into commiting crimes against Palestinian civilians, aren't they just as guilty as the Israeli government?

    Also, I am not a utlilitarian, so this argument about evil being a question simply of who kills more people is bunk to me, you have to take into account motive and context, not just sheer numbers of people killed. As DogofDanger said, you have to take into account the intent of a person, group, or government, and not just the actions they undertake. If Hamas could wipe out the Jews and commit a genocide on the scale of a second holocaust, they would, and that's the point. I don't even think the Israeli government's intent is to commit genocide against Arabs/Palestinians, the Isreali president is afraid of going to trial and his staying in power (he can't be tried while in office according to Israeli law) depends to a large extent on the continuation of this conflict. Not exactly a noble motive, but not genocidal either. Commiting genocide depends on intent, not on numbers of people killed. If genocide wasn't a question of intent, then the Allies, when bombing Berlin in self-defense during WW2, would have been guilty of a genocide, because they killed more civilians than Israel has in Palestine.
    I think this has to do with how genocide is perceived as a crime, the protesters see genocide as a crime that has no excuse and the act and existence of it is a serious unforgivable evil.

    Intentions are unrealized, but carrying out the act is a moral reality.

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    When we use this term genocide we should point out what we mean, there are multiple definitions.
    One definition is an attempt to erase a people via extermination... we can agree that's always wrong, but that has never happened to the Palestinians. That did happen to the Jews in Germany. The Palestinians did try to do that to the Jews in 1947, too.. and many Palestinians continue to call for this today. But no, it's never been done to the Palestinians. For example, in the war today about 0.7% of the Palestinian population (35k / ~5 million) has been killed... this is alot, it's sad, it's like on par with COVID... some have been killed due to starvation / lack of medical supplies, by the way - some number of civilian deaths in war are unrelated to the direct conflict. Anyway, the point is this does not even approach being an extermination that threatens to wipe them out. And if Israel wanted to wipe out the entire population they already would have, it doesn't take 6 months to do that.

    Another definition of genocide is the removal of a people from an area in an attempt to purge and erase their culture from the area. This happened to the Palestinians after the war in 1947. This war began when the radical Islamic Palestinians attacked the Jewish citizenry in attempt to kill them off. The Jews won the war, and then genocided the Palestinians from the land. An act of genocide like this is not always wrong. Infact, sometimes it makes perfect sense and needs to be done - like when a neighboring culture has just attempted to kill off your culture due to religious disagreements.

    Today the war in Gaza is an attempt to destroy Hamas. The Palestinians have been driven out of Gaza, but this is not due to some attempt to destroy Palestinian culture per se, it is specifically in an attempt to destroy Hamas. Once the war ends the Palestinians will presumably return to Gaza. So no, this is not a genocide today by either definition. This term has an emotional impact so you people use it at every possible opportunity, but no, it's not happening.

    Now... Hamas, most Palestinians and most of the protesters call for the genocide of Israelis from their homes. Their opposition to genocide must be either ignorance or hypocrisy.
    There are really 2 kinds of protesters... the serious protesters who have some Palestinian lineage or belief in Islam, then the western liberal protesters who are much more like Alive - literally just adopted their viewpoint when the war in Gaza began, very superficial in their viewpoint, ignorant of the history and on many levels, really just flailing their arms and pulling heartstrings, will not even reason with you if you try to engage them... which makes sense because their viewpoint isn't based on reason. There are tons of people like this in society... but the mere fact they are upset is not proof they have a point, nor is it evidence of their virtue.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 05-08-2024 at 09:29 PM.

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    When even someone like Piers Morgan is a voice of reason...grim

    "When the dust settles" yeah people will know about the bullshit you are doing when the dust has settled. Unfortunately "rationalists" have no clue what kind of hate this will cause. People will just have to forget the past and be reasonable and rational and not be swayed by emotions like a little robot. That's their worldview and it will backfire in the long run. The guy literally comes across like DogofDanger
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    It's actually just by nature alot more difficult to count civilian deaths in war, because civilian deaths are often unintentional or inadvertent / indirect, and can occur for many different reasons... such as supply line collapse, being hidden in the proximity of a target area, etc.. Whereas with an enemy death the targeting of that enemy was generally deliberate and based on some intel gathered beforehand... and there are also efforts made to verify the target was taken out. So while that guy is just fumbling his words, you would not anticipate just as accurate civilian death casualty figures as enemy casualty figures. The people in the best position to gather civilian death counts are Hamas, but even they aren't in a very good position to gather those numbers, because their society is in collapse... we will not really know the numbers until the war is over, that is simply a true statement.

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    Gotta make sure we get the dumb people on our side, no better way than a rap video.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    Gotta make sure we get the dumb people on our side, no better way than a rap video.
    Mind your business.

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    There is no reasonable expectation of privacy in a public forum.

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    Old theory rebranded as new, WWIII is going to be started by the Israel v Islamic world

    Birth rates will drop even more

    Athiesm and Islam will be on the rise, but be against each other

    A lot of if not most nihilists and atheists will go apeshit because of a lack of meaning in life

    Based on what? Politics and Albert Pike's Letter to Big Daddy Illuminati Giuseppe Mazzini

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ave View Post
    Oh please. "Hamas is the lesser evil" is such bullshit because they are using the Palestinian population as "martyrs" and human shields. Yes, the current Israeli government is shit I'm not denying that, but you're acting like Hamas has been the one proposing "peace offers" to begin with. I suppose murdering 1200 Israelis in the style of ISIS is a peace offering to you. If the footage of this genocidal act was realeased, there may actually be more sympathy for Israel here. Your argument that Hamas is somehow "fighting fo their independance" is pure bullshit, they are fighting for power, not for the independance of the Palestian people.

    And no, the reason Hamas is gaining sympathy is because anti-semitism is becoming in vogue again.
    Hamas is fighting to establish a Palestinian state, which, by definition, means that they're fighting for independence. And if Hamas were to disappear tomorrow (my sincere wish is that it does), the Palestinian cause would still fundamentally be one of nationhood.

    And as for the attack on October 7th, I consider it to be a tragedy in the absolutest of terms, I don't like it, and I will never bring myself to justify it. But it wasn't unexpected given the military occupation that was imposed on the Gazans, and it certainly wasn't unique to this independence movement or to any other. Hamas has advertised its receptiveness to a cold peace with Israel - that's a fact, and this government (and successive Israeli governments before it) chose to ignore it.

    And no, antisemitism isn't the root cause of criticism against Israel - no more than the cause of a free Tibet is caused by Sinophobia (incidentally, it's worth noting that the Dalai Lama is a religious fundamentalist in the absolute sense); nor is criticism of Russia's invasion of Ukraine necessarily directed by Russophobia; nor, by the way, is criticism of Hamas automatically caused by Islamophobia.

    It's both obtuse and manipulative to suggest that criticism necessarily stems out of some visceral hatred.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    Why won't any surrounding countries; Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc take the Palestinians in? Can you answer me that? Or you could just read the history.
    Actually, neighboring Arab countries have taken in Palestinians. There are three million Palestinians in Jordan alone; half a million in Lebanon.

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    A fight for independence is a grass roots resistance to the prevailing government... it is driven by the people. Hamas seeks to impose itself as an unelected government on a foreign people, this is a government fighting for territory. 10 million Jews do not want to be ruled by Hamas. The citizens of Israel physically exist, as does the nation of Israel, this is reality 75 years later. You are living in some fantasy of the past when you call this a fight for independence.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 05-10-2024 at 10:20 AM.

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    Palestine actually never existed. It was a label given by the UN/international law to describe this colonial entity. They are simply arabs of judea and samaria.

    Palestine has never established themselves as a nation, established an official religion, never established a capital, etc

    You can't really fight for independence for something that never existed. Further, terrorists don't differentiate between civilians vs non-civilians, delegitimizing any fight for independence.,
    Last edited by spatula boy; 05-10-2024 at 10:38 PM.

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    The fight has always been about religion and geopolitical power struggles anyway, not statehood. If the Arabs were fighting for an independent state they obviously would have accepted by now one the numerous offers extended for the creation of that state. The original UN plan for reconciling conflicts between the two peoples, drafted all the way back in the 1940s, was to divide the territory into two states - one ruled by the Zionists, the other ruled by the Arabs. And there was never any plan to genocide the Arabs from the Zionist state, Jews and Arabs were to live in both states. The war in 1947 occurred because the surrounding Arab states considered the establishment of a Jewish state to be a threat, and the Muslim population was very prejudice against Jews and willing to kill them.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 05-10-2024 at 11:25 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    The fight has always been about religion and geopolitical power struggles anyway, not statehood. If the Arabs were fighting for an independent state they obviously would have accepted by now one the numerous offers extended for the creation of that state. The original UN plan for reconciling conflicts between the two peoples, drafted all the way back in the 1940s, was to divide the territory into two states - one ruled by the Zionists, the other ruled by the Arabs. And there was never any plan to genocide the Arabs from the Zionist state, Jews and Arabs were to live in both states. The war in 1947 occurred because the surrounding Arab states considered the establishment of a Jewish state to be a threat, and the Muslim population was very prejudice against Jews and willing to kill them.
    Of course, the very definition of a Zionist would be appalled at a "two state solution," imposed by the hippie peace loving UN. After all, this is the land promised by God to Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.

    The jealous descendants of Ishmael, the Muslims, are not accepting any of that either

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    Actually, neighboring Arab countries have taken in Palestinians. There are three million Palestinians in Jordan alone; half a million in Lebanon.
    That's great! Where did you get this information? Their leaders say otherwise...
    I'm talking about right now.
    Last edited by chriscorey; 05-11-2024 at 01:38 PM.
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    those college campuses are cultural appropriation. Racist motherfuckers.
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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    It's sad...
    I have seven videos that prove you're wrong from SubT. Should I post them?
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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