Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
There are huge Arab towns throughout Israel, but there are no Jews allowed in any part of any Palestinian controlled territory. The lack of outrage over this reverse apartheid is a quintessential example of the bigotry of low expectations. Middle Eastern people are considered too savage to conform to decent social standards, so we get a pass for all forms of vile racism, bigotry, othering, and harm because “it’s just our culture” to be backwards and unsophisticated. Whereas anything considered “white” or “western” (which is what they believe about Israel) attaches to it scrupulous standards of justice, equality, and fairness.
If you're trying to invoke the clash of civilizations schema in order to explain this conflict, you ought to know that the sides aren't cleanly delineated into "Western" versus "Muslim".

Just recently, Israel helped arm Azerbaijan (a very Muslim country) against Armenia (a very white, very Christian country) in a war that led to the ethnic cleansing of an entire Armenian enclave. Azerbaijan is a close Israeli ally that supplies oil to Israel and receives sophisticated Israeli weaponry in exchange, weaponry that decimated the Armenian army.
