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Thread: Israeli–Palestinian war (2023)

  1. #841
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    Quote Originally Posted by on a peaceful hiatus View Post
    I create one post and already 20 minutes later I'm confronted with 4 more posts by 2 zionists that have hijacked this thread with videos of X Men (fucking lol). Somehow opposing the bombing of civillians makes you a nazi now.

    Carry onward!
    Just in case you think you're getting somewhere... I want you to know. At a young age, all American students were taught about the holocaust.

    That silence from us should be defining.

    We will not LET you kill the Jews.

    As The US told the UN: there better not be any arrests.

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  2. #842
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    Most Americans are silent. What do they think? This was a popular movie

    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


  3. #843
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    Thousands of years of persecution. Kicked out of their land, only to return.

    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


  4. #844
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    Alive in a nutshell: "All military action in history is bad regardless of the side you're on, look at what a good person I am for saying that, I am so empathetic and special, wooohooo I can't think how dare you even expect me to you're a Nazi I would have saved the Jews!"
    Hltlers attitudes were rooted in idealism, not reason. Saving the Jews during the holocaust would have required effort and conviction, and a tendency to avoid getting swept up by the zeitgeist... to remain rational in spite of it. You're intellectually lazy and going along with the zeitgeist. The dumb masses are what always drive these off-the-rails political movements. Unless you think killing the Jews was a rational decision... It wasn't.

    You may not have been thrilled about the Nazi party just because it was more of a right wing movement, and by temperament you're probably much more left leaning, but you almost certainly would have joined in with Stalin or Mao. Tyranny occurs in both political wings, affiliating yourself with a particular political wing is not proof positive of your resistance to government tyranny, truth and reason is the basis of resistance to tyranny.

    - a nation under a cruel or oppressive government
    - cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.

    In the absence of reason people must resort to force. If a person claims to resist tyranny but will not engage in reason, all this really indicates is the person is a wannabe tyrant on the opposite side of the political spectrum as the tyrant they're opposed to, real or imagined. Antifa is a good example of this. These types of people aren't the ones with true moral convictions... they're motivated by self-interest and self-empowerment... or possibly a delusional sense of empathy that feeds into a victim-oppressor narrative, providing them with unearned moral virtue / social privileges. Once the reward incentives for this delusional empathy are removed, without some basis in reason to maintain it the moral resolve evaporates. Not the kind I would expect to risk their own skins to save the Jews, a climate where there was no support for resisters at all. People who saved the Jews in Germany probably would have been the classical liberals or traditional religious conservatives of today, these are the people who have avoided being swept up by the zeitgeist and have remained grounded.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 05-04-2024 at 09:31 PM.

  5. #845
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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    Alive in a nutshell: "All military action in history is bad regardless of the side you're on, look at what a good person I am for saying that, I am so empathetic and special, wooohooo I can't think how dare you even expect me to you're a Nazi I would have saved the Jews!"
    Hltlers attitudes were rooted in idealism, not reason. Saving the Jews during the holocaust would have required effort and conviction, and a tendency to avoid getting swept up by the zeitgeist... to remain rational in spite of it. You're intellectually lazy and going along with the zeitgeist. The dumb masses are what always drive these off-the-rails political movements. Unless you think killing the Jews was a rational decision... It wasn't.

    You may not have been thrilled about the Nazi party just because it was more of a right wing movement, and by temperament you're probably much more left leaning, but you almost certainly would have joined in with Stalin or Mao. Tyranny occurs in both political wings, affiliating yourself with a particular political wing is not proof positive of your resistance to government tyranny, truth and reason is the basis of resistance to tyranny.

    - a nation under a cruel or oppressive government
    - cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control.

    In the absence of reason people must resort to force. If a person claims to resist tyranny but will not engage in reason, all this really indicates is the person is a wannabe tyrant on the opposite side of the political spectrum as the tyrant they're opposed to, real or imagined. Antifa is a good example of this. These types of people aren't the ones with true moral convictions... they're actually motivated by self-interest and self-empowerment. Not the kind I would expect to risk their own skins to save the Jews. People who saved the Jews in Germany probably would have been the classical liberals or traditional religious conservatives of today, these are the people who have avoided being swept up by in zeitgeist and who have remained grounded in their own reason.
    You know so little about me it's quite amusing. That's the mode you operate on, making garbage assumptions about people which are incorrect because you have no clue when it cones to humans. You just lump them together in different categories in your tight little conservative worldview that you pesent as "factual".

    Sorry that I don't like narcissists that think they can decide who deserves to live and who doesn't while you pull out your little data points saying well 45k deaths are not so bad compared to other atrocities. I guess my tax money just has to fund a right wing lunatic in israel that cheated on his wife while she was pregnant and in other aspect just seems like a descpicable person. You make the bullshit assumption that "we" (whoever that is) don't say the same things about ukraine but I literally support ukraine and I think Putin is another idiot who strongly resembles Sol who I would have punched in the face if I saw him irl.

    I never said I would have saved the jews and it shows how little knowledge you have about humans and how you are emotionally exaggerating things (you and chris are not logical types and it me laugh out loud that that karen thinks she is an ILI beause she watches specific garbage on X). Due to my sociotype, I would find it quite difficult to oppose power because I cannot sacrifice my life for a cause, while I know xerx can. Xerx is an idealist that reads other people's emotions like a book, while you likely have zero friends. Chriscorey accuses him of being a potential Nazi shows how dumb that person really is and if you think I would be happy to follow a bunch of delusional fascists I can only roll my eyes at your stupidity as well. I am probably one of the most controversial figures on this site and people shit on me constantly here yet I remain at my position that all public figures are IEI. You saying I do things out of virtue and approval is so far away from reality I can only laugh about how much of a loser you are but sadly dipshits like you advocate for a genocide at the moment
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

  6. #846
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    You're telling me you arrived at your views on your own, but when I ask you to provide reason to justify them... you never respond with justification, and your view falls apart upon basic analysis. How did you arrive at your views...? It obviously wasn't through some process of reason, introspection and refinement. You've identified yourself as a leftist multiple times, you've gone on long winded rants railing against conservatives. I'm not intent on putting you in a box, I have been trying to get you to justify your positions - to show some sign of unique thought - for pages now. If you could do it... you already would have. Sorry, you are a tool... maybe you even forgot where you got your worldviews from, but you certainly did not form them yourself.
    I suppose it could be that your mind is just this unstructured soup of ideas that never were "formed" into something coherent, they're just disconnected erratic impulses basically. Again, where do those impulses come from? Society and its functioning is the topic at hand, if you never introspected and refined your viewpoint, if the impulses are incoherent, you must be taking them for granted... you inherited them from somewhere. This isn't to say that you are a social conformist in terms of your social personality, at least not consciously. Maybe this process happened unconsciously, maybe it happened during early childhood development... whatever the case may be, I don't need to know you personally to deduce all this, I can base it on your own statements regarding these matters.

    No one really has complete control over the zeitgeist, not even political parties... they tap into it and channel it, but a large part of the zeitgeist is driven by unconscious processes that masses still share with one another. For example, economic problems may lead to large numbers of people living with their parents, unable to marry and form relationships, this may be a problem that a specific generation had to endure at a specific time in their development... this may all fester under the surface for decades but emerge spontaneously as a sexual revolution or some mass movement of resentment against boomers. It's not necessarily a fully conscious process. But it does tend to defy reason, and express as erratic emotions.
    You could say the unconscious part of the zeitgeist isn't consciously instilled, or instilled by a party, it's experienced by some of the individuals that make up the mass movement... but the unconscious part is still a raw assumption, it wasn't refined into a coherent rational thought, so really you inherited it from the environment in different aspects over a lifetime, in the same way other unconscious assumptions are inherited. Once the zeitgeist emerges it does become trendy, and people do jump on board with one another collectively, and it becomes self reinforcing. I suppose your ultimate failure is just not using reason to refine these unconscious impulses into something that is coherent.
    There is some model in your mind of how society ought to work, some idea of the role of empathy and compassion in society, which is the basis for your position... and where did it come from? It had to be based on a real life model of how you believe society works at some point. It's not like the idea of how society should work is archetypal... it's not like your irrational ideas are archetypal.

    Carry onward!
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 05-05-2024 at 02:42 PM.

  7. #847
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    Alive you should just change your name to ad hominem.

    Worthless in a debate.

    The fact you think you're NT is laughable.
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


  8. #848
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    Quote Originally Posted by on a peaceful hiatus View Post
    Sorry that I don't like narcissists that think they can decide who deserves to live and who doesn't while you pull out your little data points saying well 45k deaths are not so bad compared to other atrocities.
    Again, there is no outcome where people do not die. Your argument ultimately suggests that we cannot ever engage in utilitarian reasoning to minimize death and maximize survival. This is a moronic viewpoint.

    Quote Originally Posted by on a peaceful hiatus View Post
    You make the bullshit assumption that "we" (whoever that is) don't say the same things about ukraine but I literally support ukraine and I think Putin is another idiot who strongly resembles Sol who I would have punched in the face if I saw him irl.
    I said that you aren't outraged by the Wests puppeteering of Ukraine to further Western interests, or the Ukrainian governments insistence on reclaiming all the land and continuing the conflict... or the Allies bombing of German civilians during WW2... all of which result in large numbers of deaths of civilians. There have been 8x the deaths in Ukraine as in Gaza. If your opposition to Israel is based on the resulting deaths to civilians, and not some pro-Hamas or anti-Israel dogma, logical consistency demands that you hold an absolutist anti-war position. That is not a position where you side with the good guys or the bad guys (whoever you believe they are), it is against all war on the principle that it results in deaths of civilians. And such a position is incoherent, because it fails to contend with the practical reality or with basic utilitarian arguments, and no one takes that position seriously anywhere, not in law, or philosophy, not people with common sense... That is my point, which I have made countless times... and have just made again, and it is going to be ignored again this time too, I already know that.

    Quote Originally Posted by on a peaceful hiatus View Post
    and if you think I would be happy to follow a bunch of delusional fascists I can only roll my eyes at your stupidity as well.
    You are arguing on behalf of a bunch of delusional fascists today, Hamas and the pro-Hamas protesters. You seem to have this idea that fascism and power are exclusively right wing phenomenon... in my argument I referred to the Stalinist and Maoist movements to point out fascism can occur on both sides of the political spectrum, but you're a feeble minded individual and remain oblivious while you support Hamas and pro-Hamas protesters.
    It's actually pretty interesting, because Hamas is more of a right wing organization within their cultural context, in that they cling tightly to traditional fundamentalist views... however on an international stage they're taking on the role of a left wing authoritarian movement, coopted by the Wests left wing... what the two share in common is, for now, a desire for power. Of course if you were to ever put the two in a room and with sharp objects and let them be - queers for Palestine and Hamas - you'd probably return to find blood all over the walls and dismembered body parts. But what this strange alliance does say is something about the core motives of both sides.

    Quote Originally Posted by on a peaceful hiatus View Post
    I never said I would have saved the jews and it shows how little knowledge you have about humans and how you are emotionally exaggerating things (you and chris are not logical types and it me laugh out loud that that karen thinks she is an ILI beause she watches specific garbage on X). Due to my sociotype, I would find it quite difficult to oppose power because I cannot sacrifice my life for a cause, while I know xerx can. Xerx is an idealist that reads other people's emotions like a book, while you likely have zero friends. Chriscorey accuses him of being a potential Nazi shows how dumb that person really is
    I'm glad you at least admit that you would not have had the conviction to save Jews during Nazism. So here you basically agree with what I had written.
    I could not care less whether you categorize me as an ethical or logical type... I have a STEM degree where I graduated summa cum laude from a major university, and have worked as a software engineering tech lead for a fortune 10 company, I don't need some random persons validation of my thinking ability. Especially a person who can't string a rational argument together when begged repeatedly to do so. Nor do I need some poorly designed personality systems validation.
    I think the mind-virus of socionics has so deeply infested your brain at this point that you just prescribe behavior based on these categories and convince yourself that's reality. Ironically you just tried to criticize me for putting people into categories while I'm just making deductions based on your own statements, meanwhile your entire life has been in the pursuit of literally categorizing people... and you aren't even good at it. It's funny, almost every time I look deeply into the insults that leftists level at me I end up finding they are doing what they accuse me of.

    Quote Originally Posted by on a peaceful hiatus View Post
    I am probably one of the most controversial figures on this site and people shit on me constantly here yet I remain at my position that all public figures are IEI.
    People shit on you for your bad ideas on socionics, and your bad ideas in general, not for your political views. They shit on your idea that practically everyone is an IEI. The also shit on the idea that you are a logical type. I usually avoid those conversations, because I don't care about socionics. But there are very few conservatives on this site, your political views are as popular and common as it gets - certainly in the United States, but in most of the West these days.

    Quote Originally Posted by on a peaceful hiatus View Post
    You saying I do things out of virtue and approval is so far away from reality I can only laugh about how much of a loser you are but sadly dipshits like you advocate for a genocide at the moment
    Your argument is essentially "I am a good person who cares for innocent civilians, you are not" - this is a claim of virtue. In this very post I'm quoting you're also arguing that Xerx is a virtuous citizen who would have protected Jews during the holocaust.
    A claim like that, made in the context of a debate on politics, is an appeal to establish a political consensus based on virtue. Because a political debate pertains to public attitudes and public policy. And political consensus is the approval of some public policy idea, just by definition.
    And yet here you are, at the same time, saying you do not hold your positions out of virtue or need for approval... because you can't put 2 and 2 together. You can laugh at the fact you are a moron who cannot make basic connections.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 05-05-2024 at 07:00 PM.

  9. #849
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    There are huge Arab towns throughout Israel, but there are no Jews allowed in any part of any Palestinian controlled territory. The lack of outrage over this reverse apartheid is a quintessential example of the bigotry of low expectations. Middle Eastern people are considered too savage to conform to decent social standards, so we get a pass for all forms of vile racism, bigotry, othering, and harm because “it’s just our culture” to be backwards and unsophisticated. Whereas anything considered “white” or “western” (which is what they believe about Israel) attaches to it scrupulous standards of justice, equality, and fairness.
    If people held the Middle East to the same standards, if they were rioting in the street against the Islamic Republic & its proxies the same way, I’d feel a lot better about our chances.
    It’s their racism of expecting nothing better from us that hurts us and ensures our continued mass slaughter.
    This is why white saviorism is just inverse white supremacy. At bottom, it’s just an obsession with (perceived) whiteness, at the expense of everyone and everything else.

    -Elica Le Bon


    Isn't film great? I love movies.

    <font color="#000000"><strong><span style="font-family: Roboto"><em>
    Last edited by chriscorey; 05-05-2024 at 01:32 PM.
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  10. #850
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    Quote Originally Posted by on a peaceful hiatus View Post
    Sol who I would have punched in the face if I saw him irl.
    Sol better watch out, we got a badass Se polr here who’s going to settle this battle typing issue with violence.

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    "THE TIME IS COMING for ALL Americans to unite against the regime. Before now, student activists were brainwashed by the hegemony and weaponized against the people on its behalf. Now, they see how easily they have been discarded, brutalized, and maligned when they dissent against the regime's foreign policy agenda. This flagrant suspension of civil liberties is nothing new. Federal agencies have been arresting Trump voters as 'Russian agents' for sharing the wrong Facebook memes. The DHS has targeted critics of American Big Pharma as threats to national security. In Canada, unprecedented methods were used by the government to punish the truckers for their protests by targeting their bank accounts." -- InfraHaz (Infrared)

  12. #852
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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    Again, there is no outcome where people do not die. Your argument ultimately suggests that we cannot ever engage in utilitarian reasoning to minimize harm and maximize pleasure. This is a moronic viewpoint.

    I said that you aren't outraged by the Wests puppeteering of Ukraine to further Western interests, or the Ukrainian governments insistence on reclaiming all the land and continuing the conflict... or the Allies bombing of German civilians during WW2... all of which result in large numbers of deaths of civilians. There have been 8x the deaths in Ukraine as in Gaza. If your opposition to Israel is based on the resulting deaths to civilians, and not some pro-Hamas or anti-Israel dogma, logical consistency demands that you hold an absolutist anti-war position. That is not a position where you side with the good guys or the bad guys (whoever you believe they are), it is against all war on the principle that it results in deaths of civilians. And such a position is incoherent, because it fails to contend with the practical reality or with basic utilitarian arguments, and no one takes that position seriously anywhere, not in law, or philosophy, not people with common sense... That is my point, which I have made countless times... and have just made again, and it is going to be ignored again this time too, I already know that.

    You are arguing on behalf of a bunch of delusional fascists today, Hamas and the pro-Hamas protesters. You seem to have this idea that fascism and power are exclusively right wing phenomenon... in my argument I referred to the Stalinist and Maoist movements to point out fascism can occur on both sides of the political spectrum, but you're a feeble minded individual and remain oblivious while you support Hamas and pro-Hamas protesters.
    It's actually pretty interesting, because Hamas is more of a right wing organization within their cultural context, in that they cling tightly to traditional fundamentalist views... however on an international stage they're taking on the role of a left wing authoritarian movement, coopted by the Wests left wing... what the two share in common is, for now, a desire for power. Of course if you were to ever put the two in a room and with sharp objects and let them be - queers for Palestine and Hamas - you'd probably return to find blood all over the walls and dismembered body parts. But what this strange alliance does say is something about the core motives of both sides.

    I'm glad you at least admit that you would not have had the conviction to save Jews during Nazism. So here you basically agree with what I had written.
    I could not care less whether you categorize me as an ethical or logical type... I have a STEM degree where I graduated sudo cum laude from a major university, and have worked as a software engineering tech lead for a fortune 10 company, I don't need some random persons validation of my thinking ability. Especially a person who can't string a rational argument together when begged repeatedly to do so. Nor do I need some poorly designed personality systems validation.
    I think the mind-virus of socionics has so deeply infested your brain at this point that you just prescribe behavior based on these categories and convince yourself that's reality. Ironically you just tried to criticize me for putting people into categories while I'm just making deductions based on your own statements, meanwhile your entire life has been in the pursuit of literally categorizing people. It's funny, almost every time I look deeply into the insults that leftists level at me I end up finding they are doing what they accuse me of.

    People shit on you for your bad ideas on socionics, and your bad ideas in general, not for your political views. They shit on your idea that practically everyone is an IEI. The also shit on the idea that you are a logical type. I usually avoid those conversations, because I don't care about socionics. But there are very few conservatives on this site, your political views are as popular and common as it gets - certainly in the United States, but most of the West these days.

    Your argument is essentially "I am a good person who cares for innocent civilians, you are not" - this is a claim of virtue. In this very post I'm quoting you're also arguing that Xerx is a virtuous citizen who would have protected Jews during the holocaust.
    A claim like that, made in the context of a debate on politics, is an appeal to establish a political consensus based on virtue. Because a political debate pertains to public attitudes and public policy. And political consensus is the approval of some public policy idea, just by definition.
    And yet here you are, at the same time, saying you do not hold your positions out of virtue or need for approval... because you can't put 2 and 2 together. You can laugh at the fact you are a moron who cannot make basic connections.

    "THE TIME IS COMING for ALL Americans to unite against the regime. Before now, student activists were brainwashed by the hegemony and weaponized against the people on its behalf. Now, they see how easily they have been discarded, brutalized, and maligned when they dissent against the regime's foreign policy agenda. This flagrant suspension of civil liberties is nothing new. Federal agencies have been arresting Trump voters as 'Russian agents' for sharing the wrong Facebook memes. The DHS has targeted critics of American Big Pharma as threats to national security. In Canada, unprecedented methods were used by the government to punish the truckers for their protests by targeting their bank accounts." -- InfraHaz (Infrared)

  13. #853
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    Quote Originally Posted by on a peaceful hiatus View Post
    You know so little about me it's quite amusing. That's the mode you operate on, making garbage assumptions about people which are incorrect because you have no clue when it cones to humans. You just lump them together in different categories in your tight little conservative worldview that you pesent as "factual".

    Sorry that I don't like narcissists that think they can decide who deserves to live and who doesn't while you pull out your little data points saying well 45k deaths are not so bad compared to other atrocities. I guess my tax money just has to fund a right wing lunatic in israel that cheated on his wife while she was pregnant and in other aspect just seems like a descpicable person. You make the bullshit assumption that "we" (whoever that is) don't say the same things about ukraine but I literally support ukraine and I think Putin is another idiot who strongly resembles Sol who I would have punched in the face if I saw him irl.

    I never said I would have saved the jews and it shows how little knowledge you have about humans and how you are emotionally exaggerating things (you and chris are not logical types and it me laugh out loud that that karen thinks she is an ILI beause she watches specific garbage on X). Due to my sociotype, I would find it quite difficult to oppose power because I cannot sacrifice my life for a cause, while I know xerx can. Xerx is an idealist that reads other people's emotions like a book, while you likely have zero friends. Chriscorey accuses him of being a potential Nazi shows how dumb that person really is and if you think I would be happy to follow a bunch of delusional fascists I can only roll my eyes at your stupidity as well. I am probably one of the most controversial figures on this site and people shit on me constantly here yet I remain at my position that all public figures are IEI. You saying I do things out of virtue and approval is so far away from reality I can only laugh about how much of a loser you are but sadly dipshits like you advocate for a genocide at the moment

    "THE TIME IS COMING for ALL Americans to unite against the regime. Before now, student activists were brainwashed by the hegemony and weaponized against the people on its behalf. Now, they see how easily they have been discarded, brutalized, and maligned when they dissent against the regime's foreign policy agenda. This flagrant suspension of civil liberties is nothing new. Federal agencies have been arresting Trump voters as 'Russian agents' for sharing the wrong Facebook memes. The DHS has targeted critics of American Big Pharma as threats to national security. In Canada, unprecedented methods were used by the government to punish the truckers for their protests by targeting their bank accounts." -- InfraHaz (Infrared)

  14. #854
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    I might agree with you on some parts with palestine, but definitely not with russia. Trump will probably get elected due to liberal stupidity, though.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by on a peaceful hiatus View Post
    I might agree with you on some parts with palestine, but definitely not with russia. Trump will probably get elected due to liberal stupidity, though.
    Trump is not going to get elected. You want to think everyone is liberal but you, but you also want to live in the 1800s. You're halfway to being a conservative yourself, not so much because of the wanting to live in the 1800s thing so much as the fact that complaining about everyone and everything is how people become conservatives. Old people are conservatives because old people don't like anything, "get off my lawn!" and all that. Then that leads to dementia. Young conservatives on the other hand are psychotic. Schizophrenia is dementia praecox after all.

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    If we didn't post Quentin Tarantino and X-Men everywhere life would be a mistake. However, why should you waste your time arguing here when you can just go watch the actual movies? That's a lot more enjoyable, and no one changes their minds because of arguments on the Internet, they change their minds because of Quentin Tarantino and X-Men.

  17. #857
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    Every time I see you psychologist libs on this site characterize conservatives its in such a shallow way. It really shows you have very little understanding of views that oppose yours, or of politics.

  18. #858
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ekenet View Post
    Trump is not going to get elected. You want to think everyone is liberal but you, but you also want to live in the 1800s. You're halfway to being a conservative yourself, not so much because of the wanting to live in the 1800s thing so much as the fact that complaining about everyone and everything is how people become conservatives. Old people are conservatives because old people don't like anything, "get off my lawn!" and all that. Then that leads to dementia. Young conservatives on the other hand are psychotic. Schizophrenia is dementia praecox after all.
    I would like deglobalization and for people to care about the environment and overshoot and live a simple life with nature because climate change is coming and it will disrupt our civilization so much that the way we live right now won't be sustainable anymore and we are pretty much screwing over thousands of future generations so a few rich people can live their best life. We got too rich too fast. The human species exists for 300k years now. 300 years ago fossil fuels were discovered and now a bunch of IEI's play god on a large scale. It's bound to end in a tragedy one way or another.
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ekenet View Post
    Trump is not going to get elected. You want to think everyone is liberal but you, but you also want to live in the 1800s. You're halfway to being a conservative yourself, not so much because of the wanting to live in the 1800s thing so much as the fact that complaining about everyone and everything is how people become conservatives. Old people are conservatives because old people don't like anything, "get off my lawn!" and all that. Then that leads to dementia. Young conservatives on the other hand are psychotic. Schizophrenia is dementia praecox after all.

    "THE TIME IS COMING for ALL Americans to unite against the regime. Before now, student activists were brainwashed by the hegemony and weaponized against the people on its behalf. Now, they see how easily they have been discarded, brutalized, and maligned when they dissent against the regime's foreign policy agenda. This flagrant suspension of civil liberties is nothing new. Federal agencies have been arresting Trump voters as 'Russian agents' for sharing the wrong Facebook memes. The DHS has targeted critics of American Big Pharma as threats to national security. In Canada, unprecedented methods were used by the government to punish the truckers for their protests by targeting their bank accounts." -- InfraHaz (Infrared)

  20. #860
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    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    Every time I see you psychologist libs on this site characterize conservatives its in such a shallow way. It really shows you have very little understanding of views that oppose yours, or of politics.

    On Twitter you get to see the libs and the conservatives argue. The libs always say the same boring shit over and over. They also blatantly lie. The conservatives are really funny and just make the libs look stupid and crazy.

    He calls conservatives psychotic but it's the libs who are prone to mental illness. They did a study and conservatives are generally happier and healthier.
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post

    On Twitter you get to see the libs and the conservatives argue. The libs always say the same boring shit over and over. They also blatantly lie. The conservatives are really funny and just make the libs look stupid and crazy.

    He calls conservatives psychotic but it's the libs who are prone to mental illness. They did a study and conservatives are generally happier and healthier.
    the democratic bourgeoisie vs. the fascist bourgeoisie? Are you ready? IT'S BLM/ANTIFA TIME!

    "THE TIME IS COMING for ALL Americans to unite against the regime. Before now, student activists were brainwashed by the hegemony and weaponized against the people on its behalf. Now, they see how easily they have been discarded, brutalized, and maligned when they dissent against the regime's foreign policy agenda. This flagrant suspension of civil liberties is nothing new. Federal agencies have been arresting Trump voters as 'Russian agents' for sharing the wrong Facebook memes. The DHS has targeted critics of American Big Pharma as threats to national security. In Canada, unprecedented methods were used by the government to punish the truckers for their protests by targeting their bank accounts." -- InfraHaz (Infrared)

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    Quote Originally Posted by HERO View Post
    the democratic bourgeoisie vs. the fascist bourgeoisie? Are you ready? IT'S BLM/ANTIFA TIME!

    "THE TIME IS COMING for ALL Americans to unite against the regime. Before now, student activists were brainwashed by the hegemony and weaponized against the people on its behalf. Now, they see how easily they have been discarded, brutalized, and maligned when they dissent against the regime's foreign policy agenda. This flagrant suspension of civil liberties is nothing new. Federal agencies have been arresting Trump voters as 'Russian agents' for sharing the wrong Facebook memes. The DHS has targeted critics of American Big Pharma as threats to national security. In Canada, unprecedented methods were used by the government to punish the truckers for their protests by targeting their bank accounts." -- InfraHaz (Infrared)

    A lot was two words. They changed it to alot for the liberals. I'm just sayin'
    Last edited by chriscorey; 05-05-2024 at 01:02 PM.
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    Quote Originally Posted by Ekenet View Post
    If we didn't post Quentin Tarantino and X-Men everywhere life would be a mistake. However, why should you waste your time arguing here when you can just go watch the actual movies? That's a lot more enjoyable, and no one changes their minds because of arguments on the Internet, they change their minds because of Quentin Tarantino and X-Men.
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


  24. #864


    @HERO sup man

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    what the hell?

    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    I stand with Palestine ����, Russia ����, Cuba ����, Venezuela ����, China ����, Iran ����, and North Korea

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    Quote Originally Posted by Northstar View Post
    It’s funny how russians readily accuse others of propaganda when the whole culture is based on lying. Basically projection. ARE YOU READY TO FIGHT AND KILL russians TO DEFEND Aryan YEVROPA FROM HOMOPHOBIC NAZI MONGOLOID russia? HAIL UKRAINE!! LONG LIVE THE ARYAN WHITE MAN JOB BIDEN! LONG LIVE AYN RAND'S AMERIKKKA! LONG LIVE ĎSRAEL!! LONG LIVE UKRAĎNA!! **** ALL russians NOW!

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    I can't even tell what this person is really spamming about.. it seems like half parody but also half not, but which half is which I don't know.

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    Biden actually made a public statement that was uncharacteristically against these pro-Hamas protesters recently, which was interesting. If he's doing that... it's a very bad sign for the pro-Hamas protesters. Because they are at the complete mercy of the media, really. The media could quash them in a heartbeat... just give no publicity to their cause except to emphasize certain untoward aspects of their behavior... problem solved, squashed like a small bug. Now with the 200 arrests of protesters... seems like that's the direction this is going.

    Even though I'm thrilled that's the direction this is taking, and it's what needed to happen... it also harkens back to what I said earlier - you leftist loons support the current political persecutions, rigging of the media and judicial system and so fourth... because you believe it supports your cause, but this should teach you that your "leadership" can turn on you on a dime. I'm glad they did in this case because the pro-Hamas cause is stupid... but parties change dramatically over time, 10 years from now the parties we have will be very different than what they are today. In my relatively short lifetime I have already seen both the republican and democrat parties change dramatically multiple times.

    I guess it's important to preserve the illusion of social stability pre-election.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 05-06-2024 at 05:16 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by on a peaceful hiatus View Post
    I would like deglobalization and for people to care about the environment and overshoot and live a simple life with nature because climate change is coming and it will disrupt our civilization so much that the way we live right now won't be sustainable anymore and we are pretty much screwing over thousands of future generations so a few rich people can live their best life. We got too rich too fast. The human species exists for 300k years now. 300 years ago fossil fuels were discovered and now a bunch of IEI's play god on a large scale. It's bound to end in a tragedy one way or another.
    You sound psychotic.

    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post

    On Twitter you get to see the libs and the conservatives argue. The libs always say the same boring shit over and over. They also blatantly lie. The conservatives are really funny and just make the libs look stupid and crazy.

    He calls conservatives psychotic but it's the libs who are prone to mental illness. They did a study and conservatives are generally happier and healthier.
    This has been debunked.

    New study questions trope that conservatives are happier than liberals | Science | AAAS

  31. #871
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ekenet View Post
    You sound psychotic.
    nah, just idealistic. in reality this will probably happen and everything will become more of a chaotic mess until then
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

  32. #872
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ekenet View Post
    My dog was pretty happy, but he ran around the house naked, had to wear a collar inside and a leash outside, and couldn't leave the house unless we let him. (Doorknobs were a science far beyond his ken.)
    Plus, he got to poop and pee where ever he wanted.

    "Happiness" is complicated.

  33. #873
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    The article was hardly a "debunking" honestly, not that I care too much who's happier, alot goes into happiness, hard to know what happiness is really... signs of personality disorder I would find more interesting. But the researchers basically just show this tiny effect exists related to "self-deceptive enhancement", which is not happiness, then speculate that it could possibly explain away the happiness gap, but there is nothing in the study causally linking the two... this is why journalists should not be treated as scientists.

    Like what the hell does this mean-

    "... the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding. That instrument measures "the tendency to engage in self-deceptive enhancement." For example, people who highly agree with statements such as "I am fully in control of my own fate," or, "I never regret my decisions," are deemed to be self-enhancing.
    Sure enough, the new study finds that people's political conservatism was slightly correlated with their tendency to self-enhance. That effect is tiny, but still big enough to explain away the happiness gap, according to the researchers."

    So a tiny correlation between political affiliation and self-deceptive enhancement exists. Therefor... what? Nothing. You cannot conclude anything about the happiness gap from that, you can only speculate. Meanwhile
    the articles phrasing reads in a way that makes this not obvious.
    Last edited by DogOfDanger; 05-05-2024 at 09:18 PM.

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    It's probably related to low Neuroticism, at least on average, and doesn't really matter when it comes to political belief

    "They did a study and conservatives are generally happier and healthier."

    a weird statement coming from someone who posts here while drunk and seems generally mentally unstable but I guess you gotta feel superior somehow
    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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    The dark triad is a less slippery construct ... and this finding actually does not surprise me -

    Political Hearts of Darkness: The Dark Triad as Predictors of Political Orientations and Interest in Politics - PMC (

    5.1. Bivariate Correlations

    Table 1 reports the correlations between the four political measures and the Dark Triad, age, and sex. Table 2 shows the associations between the political variables and the Big Five personality factors, while Table 3 contains the correlations for the Big Five, the Dark Triad, age, and sex. Although generally not especially strong in magnitude, a pattern of correlations emerged in Table 1, such that in several instances, high scores on a Dark Triad trait predicted left/liberal political orientations. Specifically, all three dark traits (especially Machiavellianism) were associated with a rejection of socio-religious conservatism, and Narcissism was correlated with an overall left/liberal political outlook. With regard to interest in politics, higher Machiavellianism scores were associated with lower levels of interest in politics.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    My dog was pretty happy, but he ran around the house naked, had to wear a collar inside and a leash outside, and couldn't leave the house unless we let him. (Doorknobs were a science far beyond his ken.)
    Plus, he got to poop and pee where ever he wanted.

    "Happiness" is complicated.
    Diogenese has been credited for thinking we should live as dogs. Maybe he was on to something?

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    Quote Originally Posted by squishycans2 View Post
    Diogenese has been credited for thinking we should live as dogs. Maybe he was on to something?
    Diogenes was on to being Fe-PoLR and having low Si.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 05-06-2024 at 12:00 AM.

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    I'd settle for some people showing signs of thinking on a level higher than dogs, or even cats - heard it's possible just have not seen it happen, been very underwhelmed so far, but still holding out.

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    “Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chriscorey View Post
    There is no genocide. There is war. Everything will be seen. You're right. A population that increases despite "genocide"

    Go find some real research.

    Muslim Americans live in fear of Islam. Get bent you racist radical.
    Quote Originally Posted by DogOfDanger View Post
    Well she literally posted a video of that event, so you're just making a fool out of yourself here. She also posted video with children of all ages in a school being trained to fight Israel, carrying guns / talking about martyrdom and reciting Jew hatred, and I posted a long form interview with the Son of Hamas who says outright that was the attitude of the adults he was with, and it's what he was taught to do and to believe from his childhood.
    I'm sure there's variance to the degree to which this is promoted in different subcultures within Palestine, but that's another matter - this sort of thing is definitely happening. And how many suicide bombers are required to kill hundreds of innocent people? Not many. If Iran were ever to supply Hamas with a nuclear weapon how many suicidal Jihadis would be required to detonate it? Not many at all. When suicidal martyrdom is being encouraged by a countries government that is a serious problem.
    And infact the problem looks to be quite widespread in the culture, looking at the polling data on general attitudes. This is the population that elected Hamas, after all.
    Propagandist slogans, even the really strong ones like "racist!", are just not enough when there is video and testimony.
    So..... Israel is in the process of committing a massacre that has killed, through indiscriminate bombing, tens of thousands of innocent civilians, journalists and medical staff. Yet you want me to believe that Hamas is somehow the more murderous party. If you're wondering why Hamas has garnered sympathy, the reason is as predictable as it is tragic: Because as bad as Hamas is, it is becoming increasingly difficult to argue that Israel is the lesser evil.

    And as for Hamas' martial attitudes and violent worldview, how would you recommend that they fight for their independence? Hugs, handshakes and peace offers haven't swayed the current Israeli government.

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