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Thread: Autism and misinterpretation, mistype

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    Default Autism and misinterpretation, mistype

    This is something I have intuitively written about without much looking into.. Even I’ve only skimmed this article, but @mr provocateur had shared with me, this:

    This two-way theory of mind block will inevitably have making others a harder time in someone seeing a person who is autism-afflicted, their type.

    I had just last night watched (and it’s funny, because I’d planned to write this before that happened, and I’m glad I didn’t, having more say).. Accuse me of bragging… Trying type me a 4w3 rather than 5… When I wasn’t even bragging by posting an award I won for poetry.. It was to show why Ni+ really isn’t an absurdity for myself…

    Being oblivious to how one can interpret one (which isn’t very Fe base, because it is aware of outside perspectives), an autistic person wouldn’t necessarily view how this could interpret as bragging, unless they learn manually that’s how it will receive…

    Something as this can make a person mistype a person beta rational or higher 3 influence… If they aren’t even seeing the person doesn’t even care about climbing a social ladder…

    And this is one instance.. There are likely vast pitfalls, one can sink into without realizing, in their trying look at a person with autism in their type…

    It is almost even weird for an autistic person to have strong 2 or 3. 4 works well, because 4 only concerns with an image based within and wanting others acknowledge and see that, getting reactive when this doesn’t happen.. But 2 and 3 concern with making an image based upon social roles and nuances.. The 2 knowing how one can be seen as lovable, the 3 about hierarchies, what makes them look good, etc…

    2 and 3 are the most polished enneagram types… EIE is the most polished model G and A type.. It is very peculiar for a person with autism to be one of these types.. An autistic person wouldn’t develop the enneagrammatic defense of a 2 or 3 as likely, because there is an inherent theory of mind block concerning an image focus in an outward way, leaving 4 the only image type that works well with it.. 4w5 is the most solipsistic of any image type, and is the only in theory, working image type for autism with the inability to well perspective take it accompanies.

    I can maybe see 2w1(1w9) subwing also working for autism.. In an introvert, and who maybe has reactive influences that cause them turmoil when their image is unseen… Because it isn’t as polished and is more a super ego type that wants be seen as good and lovable, but may not be as good at getting others see it. But it is more limited in how it would manifest well….
    Last edited by Braingel; 09-26-2023 at 06:45 PM.
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    And to be clear.. I am a model A IEl and a model G IEI or ILI.. There isn’t in any other possibility, for myself..

    I used to see ILI as an absurdity for me.. But understanding how the brake isn’t like a PolR, it isn’t as bad. I still see myself as an Ni+ type, and counter to what anyone may perceive online, undetailed to be a process type. I cannot do anything start to finish, have take intermittent breaks, skip around things, leave out details. I suck at writing fiction outside of an allegorical short story, because I am vastly undetailed. In fiction summer camps, they always said write more details.

    I can see myself getting vastly detailed when I am autistically interested in something, or fixated.. And that’s about it. And it is hard for me to focus on the details even then, at times.

    I can only be an IP Ni base…

    The social mission of Ni+Fi or Ni+Ti befits… But I am not as much a researcher as humanitarian in interests.

    I can get detailed in an Ni, Fi and Ti way… In short bursts or in a time when I am immensely fixated. But this will always strain me.

    In one of my newer videos, I had shown my drawings, how I can’t even get them detailed and have to skip around:

    My notebooks are much the same.. Me skipping vastly ahead and not taking copiously, them.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    And to be clear.. I am a model A IEl and a model G IEI or ILI.. There isn’t in any other possibility, for myself..

    I used to see ILI as an absurdity for me.. But understanding how the brake isn’t like a PolR, it isn’t as bad. I still see myself as an Ni+ type, and counter to what anyone may perceive online, undetailed to be a process type. I cannot do anything start to finish, have take intermittent breaks, skip around things, leave out details. I suck at writing fiction outside of an allegorical short story, because I am vastly undetailed. In fiction summer camps, they always said write more details.

    I can see myself getting vastly detailed when I am autistically interested in something, or fixated.. And that’s about it. And it is hard for me to focus on the details even then, at times.

    I can only be an IP Ni base…

    The social mission of Ni+Fi or Ni+Ti befits… But I am not as much a researcher as humanitarian in interests.

    I can get detailed in an Ni, Fi and Ti way… In short bursts or in a time when I am immensely fixated. But this will always strain me.

    In one of my newer videos, I had shown my drawings, how I can’t even get them detailed and have to skip around:

    My notebooks are much the same.. Me skipping vastly ahead and not taking copiously, them.
    The reason why I am even bothering learning how draw, is because I got placed in a program I don’t really have a choice of not being in (I chose the art, but didn’t have a choice to not be in a program), and they have drawing, theater arts, music and life skills which also goes over poetry (which I love poetry and it is my best artistic expression, but don’t want be influenced). I want learn how to draw only so I can make poetic allegories and make my own book cover for a poetry book I an publish, among other things..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    Overall, Ni+ And Si+ fit more than Ni- or Si-, but I understand why I can be an Fe- type… I feel that this means I’m likely type shifted… Or that there are more types than currently present.

    What is funny, is that from Gulenko reports, he appears type mostly by Big 5 and his own vultology-made method…
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    Psyche disorders, hard especially, may change the behavior and hence make harder correct understanding of Jung types.
    For autism I suspect reduced emotional expression and more introverted behavior. This would mean that for some types is easier to mistake and harder to interpret more contradicting behavior to assured opinion.

    Additional problem is that people with diagnosed disorder may use meds. Those may also change their the behavior and rather differently. The general approach for type identification is that no psyche active substances were used in recent time (2 weeks may pass to remove influence of meds). As minimum, this changes nonverbal behavior related to types, and possibly more.

    > EIE is the most polished model G and A type

    there are Jung types only
    model A has much of baseless, incorrect. describes all Jung types with similar quality
    model G is nonsense

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    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Psyche disorders, hard especially, may change the behavior and hence make harder correct understanding of Jung types.
    For autism I suspect reduced emotional expression and more introverted behavior. This would mean that for some types is easier to mistake and harder to interpret more contradicting behavior to assured opinion.

    Additional problem is that people with diagnosed disorder may use meds. Those may also change their the behavior and rather differently. The general approach for type identification is that no psyche active substances were used in recent time (2 weeks may pass to remove influence of meds). As minimum, this changes nonverbal behavior related to types, and possibly more.

    > EIE is the most polished model G and A type

    there are Jung types only
    model A has much of baseless, incorrect. describes all Jung types with similar quality
    model G is nonsense
    I believe that model G is the worst system, but I am still even not an EIE in that system. Because of my autism, people misread me and even mistype me there. My point is that autism, because of a two-way perspective taking blindness, causes a lot of mistyping from onlookers.
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    I agree with you and have said before, that this is why I don’t even feel vultology is a good way to type.. They typed Kurt Cobain (an obvious Ni-Fe) as an Se-Ti. It’s almost as if the substance abuse they saw had made him appear in his shadow functions.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Psyche disorders, hard especially, may change the behavior and hence make harder correct understanding of Jung types.
    For autism I suspect reduced emotional expression and more introverted behavior. This would mean that for some types is easier to mistake and harder to interpret more contradicting behavior to assured opinion.

    Additional problem is that people with diagnosed disorder may use meds. Those may also change their the behavior and rather differently. The general approach for type identification is that no psyche active substances were used in recent time (2 weeks may pass to remove influence of meds). As minimum, this changes nonverbal behavior related to types, and possibly more.

    > EIE is the most polished model G and A type

    there are Jung types only
    model A has much of baseless, incorrect. describes all Jung types with similar quality
    model G is nonsense
    I get the impression that you are a Jungian fan who only is here for ITR.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Psyche disorders, hard especially, may change the behavior and hence make harder correct understanding of Jung types.
    For autism I suspect reduced emotional expression and more introverted behavior. This would mean that for some types is easier to mistake and harder to interpret more contradicting behavior to assured opinion.

    Additional problem is that people with diagnosed disorder may use meds. Those may also change their the behavior and rather differently. The general approach for type identification is that no psyche active substances were used in recent time (2 weeks may pass to remove influence of meds). As minimum, this changes nonverbal behavior related to types, and possibly more.

    > EIE is the most polished model G and A type

    there are Jung types only
    model A has much of baseless, incorrect. describes all Jung types with similar quality
    model G is nonsense
    Also, your undestanding of autism if of the kind with alexithymia (inability to read or process and feel emotions). Not all people with autism have this symptom, and I feel this symptom shows more amidst NT and ST types.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    This is something I have intuitively written about without much looking into.. Even I’ve only skimmed this article, but @mr provocateur had shared with me, this:

    This two-way theory of mind block will inevitably have making others a harder time in someone seeing a person who is autism-afflicted, their type.

    I had just last night watched (and it’s funny, because I’d planned to write this before that happened, and I’m glad I didn’t, having more say).. Accuse me of bragging… Trying type me a 4w3 rather than 5… When I wasn’t even bragging by posting an award I won for poetry.. It was to show why Ni+ really isn’t an absurdity for myself…

    Being oblivious to how one can interpret one (which isn’t very Fe base, because it is aware of outside perspectives), an autistic person wouldn’t necessarily view how this could interpret as bragging, unless they learn manually that’s how it will receive…

    Something as this can make a person mistype a person beta rational or higher 3 influence… If they aren’t even seeing the person doesn’t even care about climbing a social ladder…

    And this is one instance.. There are likely vast pitfalls, one can sink into without realizing, in their trying look at a person with autism in their type…

    It is almost even weird for an autistic person to have strong 2 or 3. 4 works well, because 4 only concerns with an image based within and wanting others acknowledge and see that, getting reactive when this doesn’t happen.. But 2 and 3 concern with making an image based upon social roles and nuances.. The 2 knowing how one can be seen as lovable, the 3 about hierarchies, what makes them look good, etc…

    2 and 3 are the most polished enneagram types… EIE is the most polished model G and A type.. It is very peculiar for a person with autism to be one of these types.. An autistic person wouldn’t develop the enneagrammatic defense of a 2 or 3 as likely, because there is an inherent theory of mind block concerning an image focus in an outward way, leaving 4 the only image type that works well with it.. 4w5 is the most solipsistic of any image type, and is the only in theory, working image type for autism with the inability to well perspective take it accompanies.

    I can maybe see 2w1(1w9) subwing also working for autism.. In an introvert, and who maybe has reactive influences that cause them turmoil when their image is unseen… Because it isn’t as polished and is more a super ego type that wants be seen as good and lovable, but may not be as good at getting others see it. But it is more limited in how it would manifest well….
    what do you think might happen if you were to concede to yourself that you were a 4w3? What does that make you think? Or any other type(s) that people have called you that you do not connect to.

    I am not saying whether or not you are, just a question

    I know you have laid out why you disagree with it, but if you were to stop defending your stance at all, mentally or outwardly - how does that make you feel/think?

    you are ofc free to respond or not, whatever you feel comfortable with, but just some thoughts I have been having.

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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    what do you think might happen if you were to concede to yourself that you were a 4w3? What does that make you think? Or any other type(s) that people have called you that you do not connect to.

    I am not saying whether or not you are, just a question

    I know you have laid out why you disagree with it, but if you were to stop defending your stance at all, mentally or outwardly - how does that make you feel/think?

    you are ofc free to respond or not, whatever you feel comfortable with, but just some thoughts I have been having.
    When I think about myself as being a 4w3, it just is wrong, because I am not active enough, or achievement-seeking in an external way. I care more about achieving my inner zenith and my intellectual growth, and spiritual ascension, helping the Earth to evolve and attain a Utopia.

    When I think of being typed other things, I feel unseen, devalued of my inherent traits, which leaves me to feel poorly and reactive.

    I’ve considered 4w3 for myself before, and it doesn’t work… And after further reflection, doesn’t make much sense for a person on the spectrum generally, to have strong 3 or 2 in the core (line is fine), because of the lack of being socially polished or outwardly focused on an external way.

    I just care how I am received so much, because I am a social lead in addition to being image… And possess a 6 fix.. But I am not actually focused on externally achieving in tangible ways that a 3 is, or being a professional in some arcane area who has high prestige.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    When I think about myself as being a 4w3, it just is wrong, because I am not active enough, or achievement-seeking in an external way. I care more about achieving my inner zenith and my intellectual growth, and spiritual ascension, helping the Earth to evolve and attain a Utopia.

    When I think of being typed other things, I feel unseen, devalued of my inherent traits, which leaves me to feel poorly and reactive.

    I’ve considered 4w3 for myself before, and it doesn’t work… And after further reflection, doesn’t make much sense for a person on the spectrum generally, to have strong 3 or 2 in the core (line is fine), because of the lack of being socially polished or outwardly focused on an external way.
    Yeah, I suspected so

    from my research into it actually things like identity diffusion (what you’re describing), mentalization and social cognition overall in general can get undermined under “attachment stress” the idea is parts of the brain that are responsible for (aspects of) mentalizing and the ones for attachment mutually inhibit each other - securely attached people are better mentalizers; I think I’ve only read literature on mentalizing specifically (which is relevant here - your sense of self can get undermined *by others* but what also contributes is poor self-mentalizing) but wondered if it kind of holds true in general

    there’s another sort of emotion-cognition ‘system’ if I can it that that might also be relevant - you might know about it already, it’s the ones that functions as an emotion regulation system

    The idea there being that… perhaps… accessing emotional equanimity will give you what you might be seeking from outside of you (say if it’s validation)… once you “know,” others’ thoughts are not necessarily dangerous, your own and others thoughts can be ‘played with,’ it’s not something to feel stressed out over per se (or perhaps even panicked)

    and sort of my own musings here but I don’t know if these abilities are necessarily absent in a fundamental way or it’s just a vicious cycle of the way behavior/emotion/thought has been conditioned or set up - in the latter case you might be able to access what you are already capable of, if that is true

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    When I think about myself as being a 4w3, it just is wrong, because I am not active enough, or achievement-seeking in an external way. I care more about achieving my inner zenith and my intellectual growth, and spiritual ascension, helping the Earth to evolve and attain a Utopia.

    When I think of being typed other things, I feel unseen, devalued of my inherent traits, which leaves me to feel poorly and reactive.

    I’ve considered 4w3 for myself before, and it doesn’t work… And after further reflection, doesn’t make much sense for a person on the spectrum generally, to have strong 3 or 2 in the core (line is fine), because of the lack of being socially polished or outwardly focused on an external way.

    I just care how I am received so much, because I am a social lead in addition to being image… And possess a 6 fix.. But I am not actually focused on externally achieving in tangible ways that a 3 is, or being a professional in some arcane area who has high prestige.
    (With autism, the way theory of mind/perspective taking works, is that it’s fundamentally a block from taking out of the outside world.. This is why I see it abstruse, for someone with autism to be an Eie to begin with, or a strong 2/3). I would say that autism would just make it manifest differently, but if such an autistic person exists, they’d just be really outwardly focused with no actual way to even… Climb social hierarchies, craft their own self in a way to be perceived by a mass a certain way.. There wouldn’t therein, be any of the “socially polished behaviors”…

    Autism is almost a very introvert-exclusive disorder, the way that perspective taking/theory of mind deficit with it works…

    I’d almost even go as far say that a person with autistic traits who is highly extroverted and able to take outside perspective well into account has ADHD, instead of autism..

    Because.. Being blind from external point of one’s own implies an introverted funcfiin governing the psyche…
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    I don’t feel that people actually know or see autism for what it is, and often attribute ADHD to autism instead.. Executive issues, sensory issues, social challenges from not being able pay attention where you fall behind and miss them..

    Autism implies a fundamental inability to perceive past one’s own perspective, and any outside understanding is a manual acquiring of trial and error.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    “Autism” literally comes from the Latin word “autos”, meaning self. And it’s because all perspectives base from the self and it that of others… It’s a disorder of extreme egocentricity (not to be confused with narcissism. Egocentricism implies a default focus of self, narcissism adds the grandiosity and the social manipulation, which is not going happen in asd). An autistic person can look narcissistic if they breach social rules or behave in a way that can be read as grandiose.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    EIE would be more likely have ADHD than of autism.. Because EIE is actually the type that is supposed be BEST with perspective taking; Fe base (outside emotions and values within the world) coupled with Ni imagination and pattern, and Ne 4D able seeing possibilities of these Fe perspectives…..

    i don’t believe Eie common, but it probably is more so than other Ni types, because the world needs people who can perspective-take.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    autism is related to ocd and systematization. i believe being self absorbed has to do with not having learned to take other's perspective into account in a systematic and reliable way. if u look at non autistic individuals they do mistreat each other and fail to take perspective too. you've been isolated socially more or less since a kid and then brainwashed. theres disabilities being listed as parts of autism, but they are not qualities ineherent to autism rather things tyhat develop or fail to develop that end up looking a certain way in autistic individual compared to someone whod be non autistic. some people with ADHD and not autism can often lack the patience to consdier others perspective or only take it after severe events that forces them to focus on someone besides themselves. types who lack Te may misperceive the reasons nad effects of what someone who uses Te does, tho ofc someone good with Te will miss Fe important things. LIE will in general have more power than EIE so if both are selfish, the EIE will be forced to consider what the LIE is doing and adapt like a lil bitch (ofc ag ain the LIE is a lil bichc of their own fears as an individual who has often had enough resources to confront all kinds of issues without getting destroyed and further impaired and harmed and whoever they need to get their way).
    i talked to a spoiled ENTP ILE 7 who said i have a weak mental. he is one of the most spoiled people i know, and i know ive tried more than him in most directions possible. the majority of is efforts have been towards shirking responsibility and self gratifying. he said he gets motivated when someone talks to him aggressively but not if just someone tells him wahtever is bad for his health and he should do smth. this is someone who doesnt have self control in that sense, but he also doesnt recognize when someone actually does. ofc he doesnt realize when something is emotional abuse or hes taking it too far. i do think hes both autistic and adhd. both extraverteda nd introverted types can dodge issues and fail to see and validate someone. then also in the end taking someone's perspective is often a difficult process bc u need to be in good health and alignment urself for u to function properly to take care and take in someone else. bc of how much a cognition can vary, and how much access u have to the various variations to take in various perspectives it makes it difficult to genuinely fully take in someone or particular perspective that ur able to mentalize around. then ppl have cognitive abilities or knowledge or wahtever wiring beyond ur own in the moment so u have to strain to become more and more in a sense too.

    a lot of the symptoms of autism, if not written by a neurotypical or whatever, may be written by narcissists and psychopaths since they like to invade psychology, and there may be other reasons. doesnt understand autistics psercpetive and issues and sees them as inferior, while themselvs lacks self awarenss and of consequences of their actions on autistics > blames autistics for not conforming to them, as if they are an authority on right and wrong despite not being competent > writes "bad at taking others perspective".

    i have frustration with some autistic individuals who genuinely seem to attached to what only themeslves care about to even try to understand someone else and theri difficulties and try to brush it off or dodge as much as possible, despite having a lot of ability to deal with. i dont see how this is any different from what most people do. most ppl also pretend to understand someone and create false social dynamics where they create ands olve problems out of impulsivity, shortsightedness, not wanting to do the actual effort to understand how things work.
    Last edited by VewyScawwyNawcissist; 09-28-2023 at 05:59 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by VewyScawwyNawcissist View Post
    autism is related to ocd and systematization. i believe being self absorbed has to do with not having learned to take other's perspective into account in a systematic and reliable way. if u look at non autistic individuals they do mistreat each other and fail to take perspective too. you've been isolated socially more or less since a kid and then brainwashed. theres disabilities being listed as parts of autism, but they are not qualities ineherent to autism rather things tyhat develop or fail to develop that end up looking a certain way in autistic individual compared to someone whod be non autistic. some people with ADHD and not autism can often lack the patience to consdier others perspective or only take it after severe events that forces them to focus on someone besides themselves. types who lack Te may misperceive the reasons nad effects of what someone who uses Te does, tho ofc someone good with Te will miss Fe important things. LIE will in general have more power than EIE so if both are selfish, the EIE will be forced to consider what the LIE is doing and adapt like a lil bitch (ofc ag ain the LIE is a lil bichc of their own fears as an individual who has often had enough resources to confront all kinds of issues without getting destroyed and further impaired and harmed and whoever they need to get their way).
    i talked to a spoiled ENTP ILE 7 who said i have a weak mental. he is one of the most spoiled people i know, and i know ive tried more than him in most directions possible. the majority of is efforts have been towards shirking responsibility and self gratifying. he said he gets motivated when someone talks to him aggressively but not if just someone tells him wahtever is bad for his health and he should do smth. this is someone who doesnt have self control in that sense, but he also doesnt recognize when someone actually does. ofc he doesnt realize when something is emotional abuse or hes taking it too far. i do think hes both autistic and adhd. both extraverteda nd introverted types can dodge issues and fail to see and validate someone. then also in the end taking someone's perspective is often a difficult process bc u need to be in good health and alignment urself for u to function properly to take care and take in someone else. bc of how much a cognition can vary, and how much access u have to the various variations to take in various perspectives it makes it difficult to genuinely fully take in someone or particular perspective that ur able to mentalize around. then ppl have cognitive abilities or knowledge or wahtever wiring beyond ur own in the moment so u have to strain to become more and more in a sense too.

    a lot of the symptoms of autism, if not written by a neurotypical or whatever, may be written by narcissists and psychopaths since they like to invade psychology, and there may be other reasons. doesnt understand autistics psercpetive and issues and sees them as inferior, while themselvs lacks self awarenss and of consequences of their actions on autistics > blames autistics for not conforming to them, as if they are an authority on right and wrong despite not being competent > writes "bad at taking others perspective".

    i have frustration with some autistic individuals who genuinely seem to attached to what only themeslves care about to even try to understand someone else and theri difficulties and try to brush it off or dodge as much as possible, despite having a lot of ability to deal with. i dont see how this is any different from what most people do. most ppl also pretend to understand someone and create false social dynamics where they create ands olve problems out of impulsivity, shortsightedness, not wanting to do the actual effort to understand how things work.
    I would agree with you on some points, when some studies even estimate autism is misinterpreted by 79% of professionals.. And I am more than aware neurotpyicals can suck with it in a way of complex compassion (where childhood raisings and atavistic defenses cannot undo of to see out of compassion..

    But I do agree with this research article. And it is a good thing that it finally doesn’t put all the responsibility on the autistic subject… Instead, also the neurotypical one. It is a double-way.

    It is a bit more impaired in autism, because of the way the motor neurons work. But the thing is, autistic people tend have way more complex pattern nuance, and so repeat sm J’s takes lesser than of the typical.

    There is no question that your average neurotypical has behaviors that are highly toxic… And have need to evolve..
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    Curious example.
    Not sure she fits to clinical state of autism. I notice traits which associate with people who claimed to have autism and how slight autism form (Asperger) is described. It can be subclinical degree, for example.

    I suppose she's extraverted and F. Meanwhile, she looks some suppressed in emotional expression and some awkward in this. She's common to be such, not just there.
    Also, useful to say that description of E9 much reminds description of Asperger.

    Slight autism form is close to what is named as schizophrenia in its "negative symptoms" part (other part is "productive" - illusions, delusions). In medical practice those seems are not distinguished always. Is it a similar or other disorder is questionable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Curious example.
    Not sure she fits to clinical state of autism. I notice traits which associate with people who claimed to have autism and how slight autism form (Asperger) is described. It can be subclinical degree, for example.

    I suppose she's extraverted and F. Meanwhile, she looks some suppressed in emotional expression and some awkward in this. She's common to be such, not just there.
    Also, useful to say that description of E9 much reminds description of Asperger.

    Slight autism form is close to what is named as schizophrenia in its "negative symptoms" part (other part is "productive" - illusions, delusions). In medical practice those seems are not distinguished always. Is it a similar or other disorder is questionable.
    Autistic people tend be 4w5, 5w4, 5w6, 1w9, and 6w5…. Not as much 9 at a default at all, but it isn’t impossible.
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    More than neurotyicals, 4 and 5, which are rare types, will be seen in autism. This is because there is a greater chance the nervous system is differently wired and isn’t meant to a typical attachment core bond and relate.. Have inclusion..
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    If you want which enneagram type fits autism the best, it’s 5. Naranjo had talked about the 5 being autistic and schizoid.. But there are certainly more types that can be autistic.. And autism wasn’t as understood in his time.
    Last edited by Braingel; 09-28-2023 at 04:00 PM.
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    Social blind 9 fits autism the best (for 9), because it implies lesser capacity for being good at adapting to social means..
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    Like the name implies, Autism Spectrum Disorder. Some are more emotionally and socially adept than others but still struggle with autistic quirks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by EIE H View Post
    Like the name implies, Autism Spectrum Disorder. Some are more emotionally and socially adept than others but still struggle with autistic quirks.
    I just view the “autistic quirks” as not really autism, but more just neuro diversity.

    One cannot clinically be diagnosed with autism without developmental delays or social issues, and the theory of mind deficit and delays are what cause the social issues (failure form peer age relationships due to delay where friendships tend be with way older or younger people, difficulty with the other social stuff because of the theory of mind/perspective taking issue).

    If someone merely has sensory issues, that’s just called “sensory integrative disorder”..

    Autism quite literally has its name in “self”, from the Latin word autos. It’s an extreme disconnection from others and egocentric outlook. The theory of mind issues imply that a person isn’t able see things outside their own self and experience..
    I am in my head; not society.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    I just view the “autistic quirks” as not really autism, but more just neuro diversity.

    One cannot clinically be diagnosed with autism without developmental delays or social issues, and the theory of mind deficit and delays are what cause the social issues (failure form peer age relationships due to delay where friendships tend be with way older or younger people, difficulty with the other social stuff because of the theory of mind/perspective taking issue).

    If someone merely has sensory issues, that’s just called “sensory integrative disorder”..

    Autism quite literally has its name in “self”, from the Latin word autos. It’s an extreme disconnection from others and egocentric outlook. The theory of mind issues imply that a person isn’t able see things outside their own self and experience..
    Something like “awkward body language” or avoidance of eye contact often are seen in autism, but aren’t exclusive causes….
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