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Thread: How to find/recognize ISTps: characteristics, style, traits, and real life observations of SLIs

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    Default How to find/recognize ISTps: characteristics, style, traits, and real life observations of SLIs

    well... any tips? i love meeting new people and im interested in duality, not to say im ruling out other types cuz i think it can still work, but i want to meet my dual sometime just to c what the hell they r like in real life?

    so for example, im at a party, where is the istp most likely going to be standing? or would they not even go to the party? any tips on how to quickly recognize them, especially by phycical traits. i heard somewhere that they like to wear really laid back clothes, sports jerseys, sweatpants, t-shirts (btw, sexy as hell right there so if ur an istp and u want to attract an enfp keep that crap up, i hate it when girls dress up really slutty).

    i have the feeling from what ive seen and heard on this forum that if i meet an istp things will just kinda click from there cuz it seems like exactly the person i would be interested in if i ran into them somewhere, im just curious if anyone has some tips on the whole running into them part, where would i look?

    also, how willing are they to open up? i love a challenge but lately ive been getting blown off a fair amount so im starting to give up a little easier if a girl doesnt call back when i call her. are they the type of people who will not answer a phone to see if you try again? or do they just kinda go w/ the flow and leave it up to you to decide the social stuff... remember ive never met an istp that i know of so im just trying for information here, lol

    ne ways i kinda rambled on and stuff, help me out and give me some tips, who knows, if your an istp and u give me good enuf advice i could run into you and we could become best buddies
    Last edited by silke; 03-16-2014 at 06:59 AM. Reason: edited out spam link

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