
I tend to “think like a funnel” always asking people their opinions and trying to categorize their answers my your mind or argue against why they should think differently. Taking these bigger concepts or stories and wielding them down.

I am a huge nerd for the fantasy, sci fi and horror genre(movies,books,tv,games). I play dnd, mtg, and love video games.

I'm a metal fan specifically goth,death and doom and a punk fan

I'm dependable, if I give you my word I mean it. I always follow through and don't like leaving things unfinished

I'm rebellious not for the sake of it although when I was younger I was. I have no problem standing up for myself or others.

I'm flexible. I prefer planning but can be flexible if things come up. Overall all I want is that I'M the one who chooses and dictates what I do.

I believe im both Practical or abstract

I prefer structured environments

I want the freedom to choose to have a schedule or not. If I plan something its essentially set in stone. I have a morning routine that If interrupted I make sure I go right back to it asap. I hate having things sprung on me

I think rules and regulations are necessary

I point out discrepancies when i see them or if something doesnt make sense. I'm told I can be pretty black and white even though I consider myself open minded.

I like reviews(it doesn't deter me if the review is bad as I can make my own judgement) but there's a youtuber called beyondthetrailer I like the way the reviews are laid out by category. I lay out things very similarly.


I'm a bulldozer when need to be or if I set a plan for myself I'll accomplish it

Been described as a jock/nerd(pretty good description of me)the jock part relates to up into my 20s I did a lot of sports but now it's more about weight lifting, hiking, and occasional football) my nerdy side has always been there and it's overall my preferred side. In my 30s now and prefer being home and just nerding out.

I weightlift 5 days a week and exercise.

I stay objective when making decisions

I think about the present and how it'll affect the future

I like to understand the framework being used to make a decision

Athiest. Religion does not compute with my brain.

I quote movies or TV shows throughout the day and use movies to relate or compare things to a situation I may be in

People say im a walking encyclopedia. People call me as a "phone a friend" for their trivia nights if I don't go.

Politics interest me and I enjoy debating

I hate being micro managed

Work first play later. I will get all the non fun stuff out of the way asap to be able to relax.

Short tempered, always have been

Like to make my wife and kids laugh and I'm goofy around them. But I'm only that way around those I'm close to. Most people say I come off intimidating until I let them in.

Facts are important to me

I dont sugar coat anything

Dependable and loyal


I'm told I don't have much tact. Blunt

Heavily Tattooed and heavily in the tattoo piercing scene itself

My work area is used as a reference for new hires on how it should look

I have my work day scheduled down to the minute. Don't like when it gets messed up
