Here is a short test for finding out your Socionics type. It works like all those four question tests in the internet. You just have to choose one from each pair and in the end you will have four choices. Put them together for type acronym, like ESTp or INFj. This test is not ment to give you any certain results and it's just ment to entertain you. How ever it might give you some accuracy.


E When you are in work, for reaching best fitness for it, you need to run several tasks in present.


I When you work, you concentrate on one task and you like to perform it qualitfully.


S You work here and now and you like to pay attention to info you gather with your sences for being realistic. You don't like to decide relieng on your past experience,what you trust the most.


N You work best when you have to solve tasks, which require brainstorming and new solutions. You don't think everithing through step by step, which tires you and often your productions need improvisation ,when they are put into work.


T You work best when your work brings profit to your organisation overall and you see your working collective as wholness ,not different people. You also concider important the chanche of being elevated in the future and how well payd your job is.


F You like to work for makeing people to feel good. You see different people, not collective and this makes you good councellor at workplace, but bad at makeing deciocions for the whole group as you see every person being different individual and this makes it hard for you do decide, whats best for all.


p You rely on your mood, when you need to work. Sometimes you have great mood for work and sometimes you don't. This makes it hard for you do to routine and monotonous work as you don't like to work when others demand, but when you feel you are in the right mood for your job to finish it. You also might not work stable, but with blast of energy, which helps you to end your task.


j You plan your work ahead and you don't like if someone destracts you from finishing it. You can work well in stable chart, working from exact time to exact time in certain days. There's no problem for you to tune into mood of working. You also like to visualize how your day will be and when and how you will do what.

Now, that you have finished the test, you can look at the resulst in the quadrable section. If you like the resulst, tell others about the test! All the comments are welcomed.