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Thread: Interrupts (advanced socionics) (Model B)

  1. #1
    lavos's Avatar
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    Default Interrupts (advanced socionics) (Model B)

    A blog post by tcaudllig made me come up with this theory.

    So it just so happens that each IM belonging to a particular quadra, either complements (doesn't interfere with the normal development of the other adjacent-quadra IM) or interrupts its normal development. In other words, some quadras "beat" others, and the way it works is like this (in sort of rock-paper-scissors fashion):

    Beta ---(beats)---- Alpha ---(beats)---- Delta ---(beats)----Gamma ---(beats)--- Beta [closed circle]

    The way it works is the following (Model B intricacies incoming):

    Beta -Se is shared in full IM with Alpha +Si (since the full element is -Se/+Si). Then, it appears they complement each other(Although I think maybe the one from the progressed quadra is a more "advanced version").

    Same thing with +Ne and -Ni.

    This is the case for shared combined IMs.

    But then, +Fe seems to "interrupt" (beat) -Ti. And +Ti seems to "interrupt" -Fe. The result is that Beta is the quadra that "beats" alpha.

    The IMs that "beat" the ones from the adjacent quadra, do so by causing (best way to explain it) the beaten IM to not being able to influence the development of the winning IM. By contrast, the winning IM can interrupt/interfere with the losing IM with ease.

    In the case of opposite IMs (from opposite quadras,) none have an advantage over the other (for example +Fe and +Te). Although there probably is some sort of "Rosetta Stone" that mandates which IMs are objetively more important than others (I guess maybe if some quadras ---their valued IMs -- are objetively more advanced than others, which is debatable, but I do believe it. Even if the circle repeats, I do not think beta is objetively superior to alpha, and maybe delta to gamma neither).

    So this is how "quadra progression" actually works. I think it probably cannot go on reverse normally, unless some factor was at play that unbalanced the normal progression.

    If somebody understands this, I welcome any questions.
    Last edited by lavos; 08-15-2023 at 02:28 AM.
    Then, the angel asked her what her name was. She said: "I have none"

  2. #2
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    > some quadras "beat" others

    The main advantage between types is when one has a function as strong and other one as weak, when an info and an activity has strong relation to that function.
    All quadras are equal from this side.

    Secondary advantage is when info can be more linked with one of E/I variants of a function and when one type has it as valued. The main application for this difference is interactions of people by IR theory. With other practical applications the difference in possibilities is lesser clear, - it may appear from better developed advanced skills and knowledge where a human has more of interests (alike Si types to know some more about good meal in shops and good recipes).

    > (advanced socionics) (Model B)

    it's not Socionics. just one of many hypotheses about Jung types. rather strange hypothesis

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