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Thread: Atypical function strength

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    You mustn't think thought control Distance's Avatar
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    Default Atypical function strength

    In yourself or others, what weaker strength function, by definition, whether distantly valued, or unvalued, is used and you would consider stronger?

    Example: ESE relative is strong with Te in organizing work in the office space as a manager, and everyone notices the ability. Usually in my experience here, i don't see it like this. Funny, i suppose the other side of this coin, would be Fe in an LIE/LSE looking bright. I've been around high agreeable LSE before.

    Also, i read a Socionics article showing in theory that in some cases the seeking function has more access from the base, etc. (I cant find the link to it, now.)

    Jung stated that an Fe dominant thinks good, just as good as anybody else, but only in service of Fe, and anything outside of Fe, is difficult to parse for them. I think there are exceptions. My mother was EIE, and i always thought she thought well outside of this narrow tunnel, and so did everyone else.

    This is a what shouldn't be, but is a query. Atypical examples.

    Any thoughts welcome
    Last edited by Distance; 08-01-2023 at 10:14 AM.

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  2. #2

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    Jung worked with people who had issues by being a psychanalyst, he also mentioned a general extroverted or introverted attitude in some people, a less defined type.
    Socionics has 16 types and you're all one of them, tho some people, imo, have certain characteristic(s) that stands out. Some people strike me as Fe valuing but no type in particular for exemple.
    There's also the transcendent function Jung talked about that isn't a thing in socionics, it's supposed to bridge the base to its repressed opposite by passing by a second function that gives perceptions to a J and lets a P judge what's up and down.

    People are individuals and will develop the skills they need, mostly if it's something to do with work/dream realization, they might not use the skill(s) in their personal life tho. Some will organize at work yet live in clutter.

  3. #3
    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    What is perceived as weak or strong is rather subjective. What we might perceive as stronger is obviously our Mobilizing function, in fact a lot of mistypes come directly from this misperception since a lot of people do identify with their mobilizing function.

    I would say that people have the tendency to underestimate the manifestations of the role function in others esp when it is weak in them. The strong functions shines in totally new situations for a given type. What we can learn or have learned through experience doesn't count when it comes to measuring the strength or weakness of an IE. In the case of Fe lead, "the teacher" is one of the roles that those types can incarnate very well. In fact they have the tendency to be excellent promoters and advocates for Ti stuff (ideologies, theoretical sciences etc..). Now, as we know Fe lead are masters in communication that's why they can be excellent teachers.

    As for the suggestive (seeking) function having more access from the base, maybe you are referring to this (?) :

    The «model start button» (suggestive function) is situated in the vital track. It is beyond your reach. You cannot consciously exert influence on it, which means that you cannot control your suggestion, your suggestibility. You cannot interfere with the process of starting and, consequently, you execute your role of a system element, the purpose whereof being set by some super-system. This small one-dimensional button «starts» the whole mountain of psychic and we shall present the result with all power of high-dimensional blocks Ego and Id. [e.n. this is what I was talking about above] Nothing would be too much for a child! Yes, the super-id block is sometimes called «children’s block».

    - School of System Socionics
    compared to this :

    Function No 5

    Bears the name suggestive . This is the reservoir of potential vital energy for each type of personality - its form.
    This function assumes or takes in information without any selection, it is not deliberate. Moreover, the semantic content of this information does not have great significance, the main thing is its form. Man unconsciously always attempts to accumulate a little more of this information, “to be satiated” by it. Its perception is always pleasant.
    This function is the information entrance of the vital ring. Its name (suggestive) was not given to it by chance. Through it is achieved suggestion at the unconscious level, which also composes much of the content of the concept of “suggestion”.
    How does this appear outwardly? Information of suggestive function is easy to guess (pre-edit: does fall), it is always possible to determine the external reactions of people. The fact is that this function’s process of braking and weakening has a constant lasting effect. This is the best, and perhaps only method of reaching a state of relaxation. [ e.n.. this is vague probably a translation issue]
    By interacting with his dual, a person is always ensured a supply of potential vital energy that increases his fitness for work as well as his creative potential. Therefore an individual always strives to go wherever he is supported by this energy, this thrust existing unconsciously. By knowing the fifth function concretely, it is possible to ensure psychological comfort. When this comfort is absent, an individual is sometimes capable of issuing this type of information for himself. This phenomenon bears the name of self-dualization.

    Source : The Structure and Elements of Socionics Model A by Victor Gulenko

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    > ESE relative is strong with Te in organizing work in the office space as a manager, and everyone notices the ability.

    It's about concrete situation - about a skill. This can be trained to acceptable level. Function strenght is more general case.
    For example, you may study a human with F type to make some calculations correctly and quickly and to do it even better than average T (which were not so much studed to do this). This does not mean T function became good, - only about concrete skill.
    From types view the difference will be how much efforts are needed to achieve some level of the skill and how good level will be achieved, in common. For T type it's easier and among best results more will have T types (if those got the similar studing process).

    In reported experience examples types of people can be other. But it's not impossibly to have good skill in activity strongly linked with own weak function.
    Mass examples are in sport (where physical perception and control prevails), where N types happen to be too and some of them should get excellet results, better than average human in a society. In some sport sections higher presence of S should be more noticable as in weight lifting. Among top results of most sport kinds S types should present significantly more too, as in boxing.
    In movie acting you may find T types. Some of those actors may even play emotionally complex roles. Years of a training helps.

    > Jung stated that an Fe dominant thinks good, just as good as anybody else, but only in service of Fe, and anything outside of Fe, is difficult to parse for them.

    Jung said about presence in consciousness. The function which is more there - the more is used, hence it has better development from consciousness view and has better skills - it's stronger. It's all about the level of conrete human.
    As on practice most people are similar, so we may individual strenght assign to comparable strenght among people.
    About 3 other functions compared to base one, it's correctly to say as _more_ difficult to use them, where those 3 differ between each other by the strenght and can be placed in a row. The difference between strenghtes in concrete human was not described, except which is more or less. By Jung the least function is which opposite to base one (Augustinavichiute assigned 3 as weakest, what should be wrong).
    In Socionics 1-2 are said as strong and 3-4 as weak. Direct claims about such devision by Jung I don't remember, but could be something close (Jung was muddy in talking). On practice the strenght difference inside of these 2 groups is doubtful to be noticed, but possibly between these groups. The reason why was inputed J/P, which also is used in Socionics. Jung probably guessed the base function from which 2 are strong and then by E/I variants of functions - it's harder but his practice gave much of time to know a human.

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    You mustn't think thought control Distance's Avatar
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    I appreciate the responses ^

    Our choices and interests are at least partially determined by our ability, and a lack of interest could indicate inability and lack of volition.

    Like a sports star choosing to become one or not, they don't choose to not become one, they cannot decide to become one.

    So I think it's more than deciding to practice better.

    I've notice types here who seem atypical in certain areas.

    Lavos and mr. provocateur for two.

    Overall I'm just polling for anecdotes and explanations if possible

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    Idk, it's hard to think of someone who was better at weak a function than expected.

    I guess giving exemple about oneself could be seen as arrogant so it's unlikely to attract responses because it sounds like opening yourself up for attacks on a weak region, not very attractive.

    As for why, what I can do is based on will. It's a matter of choice and determination for me and I'm not one to consider basic talent as relevent. First tries are rarely good anyway. I want to be up to my standards and idc much about how others' are doing... unless it messes my results.
    Tho, at my height, I wouldn't play basketball, but I also didn't care much about it growing up. I'm better at goal keeping in sports generally; having a wide view of the action while being at the edge of it is more my thing.
    I'd say my mindset is something along the lines of "I'm here and I'm doing my thing" or something, so it shapes everything I do, I mess up a lot when lose it due to stress or whatever.
    So that would be my reason to develop weaker regions: I decided to.

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